Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 65: (2) Undercurrent (13)


Clear Sky just smiled when he heard it, and said in a half-joking tone: "Death in this world is nothing, as long as there is a beautiful and lovely priest like Bernice by his side, even if he doesn't live long, he can be resurrected immediately, isn't it? Is it?—Thank you again for your help.” Then, in order to calm everyone’s anger about letting Luo Luo go, Qingkong bowed deeply to the crowd.

"Okay, okay, it's just a small matter. The only thing that matters is that everyone is safe. The riot at the crossroad station is still going on and emergency support is needed. Everyone should hurry up." Bernice helped smooth things over, and then He said to the burly warrior in black iron armor, "Quinn, you lead the large army first, and I will accompany these two for a while, send them to Ranger Town, and come back to chase you."

"Huh?" Qing Kong let out a doubtful sigh, but still followed Bernice's footsteps, and leaned close to the mountain wall on one side, making way for the marching crowd behind.

Various characters fish through the line, and finally Leoria, Qingkong, Bernice and Ryan are left behind.

"I'm worried about letting you see you off and go back alone." Ryan looked gently into Bernice's eyes, expressed his feelings directly, and then stroked her cheek with the back of his hand dotingly, "Anyway, I All by your side."

Qing Kong immediately understood that the two were clearly a couple.

"Then trouble the two escorts." Leoria agreed unceremoniously, obviously letting go of her tense expression, and showing a gentle smile.

"You're welcome. As soon as you announced the name 'Leo Lia', we made up our minds not to leave you alone. Now that killers all over Manchester are looking for you, you must be burdened with extraordinary Mission. Unlike when you fled abroad before, now, you have successfully returned to the territory where you were born. As compatriots, we have an obligation to help you and send you back to Tianqi safely." Bernice said softly, and then stepped on the A colt with white hair and a purple crown.

After everyone got on their mounts and led the way by Ryan, the group ran towards the end of the Wushan Canyon Road.


When passing through Wuyu Mountain, it was just past noon. I don’t know if it’s caused by psychological effects. Qingkong feels that although trees are still trees, springs are still springs, and mountains are still mountains in the world on the side of the mountains, there is a different sense of security everywhere, which is similar to the psychological feeling of the previous one. A big difference.

Sitting behind Leoria, Qingkong was in a good mood. Seeing Bernice and Ryan talking and laughing all the way ahead, she couldn't help but ask them, "Are you a couple in the real world?"

"The real world?" Bernice turned to look at her suspiciously, "What is the real world?"

"Aren't you players?" Qingkong was a little uncertain by her serious question—[Could it be that NPCs can walk around at such an advanced level, and can follow a large number of players in PVP fighting? ]

"What player?" Bernice still looked puzzled.

At this time, Leoria turned her face slightly, and said softly: "Don't ask, even if it is true, it is already confused."

Qingkong understood the meaning, so she had to end the topic, but saw the couple walking in front started chatting sweetly again, showing a happy expression from the bottom of her heart... For the first time, in an instant, she had [Stay in The world seems to be doing well].

In this way, they walked along the main road calmly and smoothly for more than two hours. The sharp-eyed clear sky saw brown-green protruding objects on the plain ground in the distance, each with a pair of blue-and-white stripes floating on it. The flags are connected into pieces, and it seems that there are a lot of them.

"What's that?" Clear Sky immediately raised his finger and asked Leoria.

Before Leoria could answer, Ryan said, "That should be the Dolly Legion who are camping and resting. I think that flag looks like the family crest of the Dolly family. White sea roses on a blue background—my dearest cypress Nice, am I right?"

"That's right." Bernice replied with a smile, "Whirlpool Island is where I was born, and I stayed in Storm City for a long time. At that time, I could see these familiar blue flags every day. So, you don't need to get close to me. Make sure, the front must be the legion of the Dolly family."

"The Dolly family?" Qing Kong couldn't help but look at Bernice curiously.

Although when I read Nana's memory earlier, I seemed to have seen various strange races. But since she actually entered the game this time, she has always been indifferent to the concept of race, because the people she met were not particularly different from her character image, until she met Bernice—she had different pointed ears.

Qingkong couldn't help guessing: [Could this be the appearance characteristics of the Dolly family? ]

As if reading Qingkong's mind, Leoria turned her face and explained softly: "The Dolly family is a mixed race of elves and humans in ancient times. It combines the emotional wisdom of humans and the sensitive perception of elves. It is a versatile race." Race. Their appearance is similar to that of ordinary humans, but they are extremely handsome and have inherited the pointed ears of the elves. They mainly live on the islands in the East China Sea. The largest territorial island is called Whirlpool Island, and the main city, Storm Castle, is in the middle of the entire island. .if that's what you want to know..."

By this time the strongest sunlight had passed and the signs of evening began to appear.

Ryan asked about everyone's plans: "Ahead is the outpost by the Shining River. It seems that today's outpost has become a lodging place for the Dolly Legion. Shall we cross the Shining River directly, or go to the outpost for a short rest?"

"Whether it's exchanging items, or finding a place to eat and sleep, we all need to find a safe area to adjust our status. The Dolly Legion belongs to the Keen Alliance, so it shouldn't be a big problem. Let's go and say hello to the soldiers, shall we? "Leolia suggested.

The four immediately reached an agreement, and galloped towards the outpost by the Shining River without hesitation.


Approaching the sentry post, Qingkong and his party finally felt the unusual serious atmosphere brought about by the legion's stationing.

This large army of thousands of people, and the interrogation and questioning of the three floors inside and outside, aroused the curiosity of the four of them. They walked into the simple riverside hotel of the sentry post, sat down at a small wooden table in the corner, and after the food and wine were served, they couldn't help discussing—

"The marching team stationed here seems to be going to Apocalypse City?" Ryan expressed his judgment with a question, "The Dolly family is good at walking by water, and they are forced to walk when the boat is at the port closest to the destination. It appears in Here, it is only possible to go to the apocalypse."

"Maybe it's reinforcements." Bernice answered. Just at the entrance of the sentry post, they asked a little about the marching purpose of this army, and they were immediately reprimanded by the vicious garrison not to meddle in their own business. This aroused her curiosity instead.

"What are you supporting? The only place where riots occurred in the territory of Keen Continent recently is Rainbow Moon Castle in Rainbow Valley. I haven't heard of any troubles in Tianqi." Ryan folded his hands and showed a thoughtful expression.

"If you want to talk about the recent big event of Apocalypse, it is probably the upcoming coming-of-age ceremony of Crown Prince Johnny. This is a national celebration. Is it possible that reinforcements are specially sent to defend the capital for this celebration? ’ guessed Bernice.

"I don't think so." Leo Lia said her own judgment, "The imperial army of Tianqi City is the most rigorous of all the capitals I have ever seen, and you can see fully armed patrols within thirty or fifty steps of the city. There is no need for other reinforcements in groups. I really think they are escorting someone or something to the capital."

"Prince Johnny is the king's son—the future king, right?" Qing Kong, who had almost no understanding of current affairs, couldn't help asking. She really had too much to know about this new world.

"Johnny Keen is indeed the only son of King Terras, the prince of Keen. According to ancient rituals, he needs to be crowned as an adult before he can assist in politics, so his coming-of-age ceremony is a big event for the whole country. .As a hereditary country, in the future when Tyras abdicates, Johnny should be in line. So, yes, if there is no accident, he should be the future king." Bernice patiently explained.

While the four were talking, two of Dolly's guards came forward abruptly with a tall maid in long robes. The maid looked straight at Qingkong and politely said to her—

"Excuse me, the master invites this girl to the camp for a while, I wonder if it's okay?"

Although it was a question, the guards on both sides stood apart, while the maid stood sideways, spread her left hand, and made an inviting gesture, showing a non-negotiable aura.

Qingkong was a little hesitant, pointed to himself, and reconfirmed: "Ask me?"

"Yes." The maid replied in a very positive tone.

"I'll go with you." Leoria saw the worry in her heart about the unknown, and patted her on the back reassuringly.

"The master only invited this girl alone." Without waiting for Qingkong's response, the maid directly denied Leoria's plan, but comforted her, "The master is sending invitations according to the etiquette of guests, please don't worry too much."

The four were silent for a moment, and just as Leoria was about to say "no", Qing Kong stood up, took a step forward, and replied, "Okay, I'll go with you."

"Clear sky..." Bernice couldn't help calling out her name, expressing her inner worry.

"It's okay, didn't you also say that the Dolly family is an allied army? I'll come back as soon as I go, wait for me." Qing Kong turned back and smiled.

[When you come to this world, you are mentally prepared to face all kinds of wonderful adventures. Once you come, you will be safe, don't be afraid! ] Qingkong thought silently, followed the footsteps of the maid and walked towards the camp outside the hotel.