Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 69: (2) Undercurrent (17)


Accepting Princess Vanessa's plan, Qingkong quickly changed into the all-white medical girl outfit worn by the princess, and returned to the Sentinel Hotel where the lights were still on in the dark.


At this moment, when it was too late, the lobby of the hotel was empty and there was no one there. Qingkong stepped on the creaking wooden stairs to the second floor where the guest rooms belonged, but unexpectedly saw Leoria leaning against the wood grain of the corridor. On the wall, it seemed that she was still waiting for her.

" haven't slept yet?" Qingkong said in surprise, taking off the veil covering her face. She was still worrying about the issue [If Leoria had already fallen asleep, wouldn't she miss the opportunity to talk to each other), but it seemed that everything was arranged by fate, and her troubles were naturally resolved by themselves.

"We are very worried about you. A few hours ago, we went to the camp where the Dolly Army was stationed with Ryan and Bernice to find you, but unfortunately we were stopped by those arrogant soldiers. Fortunately, the guards who came forward later We persuaded each other, and a maid ran over to tell us that we would ensure your safety, and we were persuaded to go back to the hotel. But I still couldn't let go, so I asked Ryan and Bernice to go back to the room to rest, and I wanted to stay here again. Waiting for you. Now that you have come back safely, I am relieved." Leoria explained with a smile, then exhaled softly, and stretched, "I haven't slept for two days and one night, and I also I'm tired, so I'll go back to my room and rest."

"Wait a minute." Clear Sky stopped him immediately, pulled him to sit down in front of a wooden table in the corner of the first floor, and told him Princess Vanessa's suggestion out of context—

"You mean, Princess Vanessa of the Dolly tribe is willing to help us deliver the letter to King Terras, so we need to disguise ourselves as entourage and sneak into the Apocalypse King City together?" Leolia repeated what Qingkong said just now. The meaning of these words, after getting her nod of confirmation, he lowered his head and fell into a short thought-"Why did the princess come to you tonight? Why did there suddenly be such a turning point?" After looking up, he asked.

"The princess just chatted a little more because she looks similar to me and felt like a good match. I saw that she was willing to take us into the royal city, and felt that this was an opportunity to deliver your letter, so I agreed..." This mixed Qingkong felt a little guilty when she said the somewhat true and false words, but Her Royal Highness's entrustment was kept in mind, and the effect of persuasion had been achieved, and she quickly got Leioria's approval.


As the night got darker, the two discussed it, and chose to leave a letter for Ryan and Bernice, claiming that the two had already rushed to Tianqi City overnight, so that they could return to the crossroads station earlier and communicate with the people who quelled the riot. The troops converge. Then, the two swallowed a few anti-sleep mushroom cakes, decided not to sleep tonight, and then went straight to the camp of the Dolly Army to report.

One of the maids who served Princess Vanessa at night quickly hid the two of them and the white lion mount in the camp after being reported by the guards, and provided Leoria with a guard disguise.

Everything went smoothly, and the sky gradually brightened between actions.


As he said, Wells Rafal came to greet him at halfway through Chen's hour, and he brought with him a mighty Imperial Forest Army with thousands of people, who did not lose to the Dolly Army in the slightest in terms of momentum. It's no wonder that Wells was able to break in so recklessly last night. Presumably, many of the shadows of swarms of people reflected on the tent cloth that were not seen in the clear sky came from the army of the royal forest, and they were powerless to stop them.

Although Princess Vanessa slept late, she woke up very early. When Wells greeted him early, she had already finished her makeup, with a gorgeous dress on her body, jewels and jade, and fine makeup on her face. She stepped out gracefully to greet her. After a short ceremony, the legions of the two sides organized and merged into a stream, led by Wells on horseback, followed by Princess Vanessa's sedan chair, and marched towards the City of Apocalypse with the army.


Three hours later, the army crossed the Shining River, passed through the beautiful plains all the way, and came to a bustling and lively town. This is the nearest town to Tianqi, Youqi Town.

As soon as he stepped into the colorful slate ground of the township, Qingkong was infected with the best mood in the past few days by the lively festive atmosphere in front of him.

In order to welcome the arrival of Princess Dolly Vanessa, the town government seems to have organized a welcoming ceremony. Both the guards and the people on both sides of the road carried various garlands. The welcome salute and the flying flowers have been the most popular since the escort team entered the town. It kept flying. Waiting for Wells to ride a gold-bearded and silver-haired horse, leading the sedan chair and legion carrying Princess Vanessa to the center of Youqi Town Square, the clear sky mixed in with the entourage saw a circle holding the eagle logo The Royal Forest Army with the military flag formed a circle around the square. Outside the circle were countless onlookers. In the center of the circle was a tall and slender man sitting gracefully on a black horse covered in silver armor. He had a dark head. With short brown hair and a pair of dark eyes, the face is long and slender, the nose is straight and the lips are thin, the outer corners of the eyes are slightly drooping, and it seems that there is always a friendly smile on it.

Wells rode his horse up to this person, immediately dismounted and knelt down, and reported in honorific words: "Your Majesty, your servants have welcomed Princess Vanessa from the City of Storms here. The princess is a little tired from the journey, but everything is safe. , Your Highness, please rest assured."

[Prince? It seems that this person must be the son of King Tyras, Johnny Keane. ] Qingkong was standing on the side of the sedan chair, so she could clearly see everything that happened in front of her. In addition, her memory ability is good, and she quickly absorbed everyone's information and came to a conclusion.

"Very good. I've always been at ease when you handle things. It's been hard work for Wells King to ride this journey as an escort. Come with me for the rest of the journey." Johnny flattened his right hand and made an upward movement, and Wells then slowed down. Standing up slowly, pulling the mount back to one side.

The prince rode forward a few more steps, then got off his horse and stepped in front of the sedan chair, gave a half-length salute to Princess Vanessa who was sitting upright behind the half-gauze curtain, and said politely: "My lord, Johnny, the special representative All the royal family and people in the City of Apocalypse are here to welcome Her Royal Highness Princess Vanessa of the City of Storms. Her Royal Highness has traveled thousands of miles to come here, and she must be tired. She only needs to endure another three hours to reach the Apocalypse. This hall will lead the way. .”

After finishing his welcome speech, Johnny immediately turned around and remounted his mount, ready to march.

At this time, the princess sitting in the sedan chair suddenly called out to him: "Your Majesty!—His Majesty Prince Johnny! I have a small request, I wonder if it will be granted."

The prince turned his head and responded, "Please speak, Your Royal Highness."

"It's enough sincerity for you to come to the outer town to welcome you in person. Vanessa is grateful. It's just that it's hot today and the sun is scorching in the sky. My little girl can't bear the prince riding alone to lead the army and endure the sun alone. I feel sorry for the difficulties, so I hereby apply to get off the sedan chair and be allowed to ride a horse to accompany me, I wonder if the prince agrees?" While speaking, Vanessa already leaned forward, opened the tulle door of the sedan chair illegally, It revealed her exquisite face and tall and slender figure.

Johnny shook his head for a second. This was the first time he had seen Princess Vanessa's true self. Although he had heard about that beautiful appearance, it was not as amazing as what he had seen with his own eyes.

The beauty is present, and the request is reasonable, so naturally she cannot lose her royal demeanor, and Johnny immediately agreed.

The guards on the side immediately brought a light blue BMW for the princess, and Vanessa skillfully flew on it. As if the horse could read her heart, it trotted gracefully for a few steps and was on the right side of Prince Johnny. At this time, Wells also mounted his steed and stepped to the Prince's left side.

So, led by Johnny, the three members of the royal family set off towards the last section of the road leading to the apocalypse.


The weather in the midsummer is really hot, and the time of this march happened to be the scorching sun in the sky. In order to ensure the princess’s condition, I handed over the cooling ice pack in time, and followed the footsteps of an elderly medical woman to walk to a place not far from Princess Vanessa’s side. The direction, the ears are pricked just enough to hear the conversation between the three members of the royal family. After they broke the formality of meeting at first, they began to chat about various topics casually.

"Speaking of which, although it's the first time for me to see Her Royal Highness with my own eyes, it seems that Wells King and Princess Vanessa have known each other since their early years? I've heard my mother mention it before." Johnny first started a topic.

"That's true. I visited Storm Castle with my father more than ten years ago. At that time, Princess Vanessa was only half a person tall, and she was just a child. I probably don't remember it for a long time?" Wells kept insisting all the way. With an official smile on his face, he replied.

"No, I remember all of them." The princess responded to Wells' question almost immediately, "I recognized the Wells gold cavalry when they appeared in the camp where we were stationed last night. I still remember many years ago The first time I saw the Golden Rider, I stood on the balcony of the main hall, watching Lord Ace and Lord Wells riding steeds, facing the setting sun, stepping into the city wall made of thick blue rocks, and the queen mother stood behind me , pointed to Mrs. Wells and told me [Son, this is your future husband.]—I believed it for several years.” After she finished speaking, she chuckled jokingly, not paying attention to Wells’ face at all. A slight change in facial expression.

"Oh? It turns out that Grandpa Ace once wanted to match Golden Knight and Princess Vanessa. This is the first time I've heard of it." Johnny glanced at the princess, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

"That's a long time ago. All the families in our Keen Continent are united, regardless of you and me. It is lucky to be able to marry any family...Of course, being able to marry His Majesty Johnny is the greatest achievement in my life." If this wish is fulfilled, there is nothing left to ask for." Princess Vanessa responded to the prince's gaze with a smile without hesitation, and the smile on her face was warmer than that of the two men.

"Since you have seen Grandpa Ace and Welsh King Knight in the early years, it is very lively to come here this time. It just so happens that they are all in the Apocalypse King City, and the family members have arrived neatly recently. You can catch up on the past." Prince Johnny Looking away, he said kindly.

"Oh? Isn't Lord Ace stationed in Rainbow Moon Castle all year round? How can I have time to stay in Tianqi... I'm so lucky, right? I can't believe that such a good thing can happen, this time I must go to Lord Ace Greetings, do the courtesy of the younger generation." The princess covered her mouth and chuckled a few times as she said.

"I believe Her Royal Highness has heard about the fall of Hongyue Castle, right?" Wells couldn't help interjecting, feeling unbearable for her hypocritical and overly hypocritical rhetoric.