Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 75: (3) Blood Raven (5)


The occurrence of such an episode naturally disrupted Zuo Ci's original route, but it is necessary to find the best and fastest way to become stronger and richer in the early stage of the game. Of course, it is not wrong to adjust your thinking in time when encountering good opportunities .

Therefore, Zuo Ci stopped walking west along the coast and turned back to Yaxue Village. He planned to go back to the village for a short rest and inquire about the authenticity of the price of the boat from Yaxue Port—if the information is true, he would consider accepting the mystery. The black-clothed swordsman's proposal, join the Lions Guild, divert to Furnace Castle, and find a way to complete this epic task on him, so as to earn enough money and obtain powerful weapons.

Fortunately, the distance from the village was not far away, and the ostrich carried him back to the village within half an hour.


Before the person arrived, Zuo Ci felt the difference in the atmosphere of Yaxue Village today. From the entrance of the village, I saw a lot of unfamiliar faces in groups of three or four. From the equipment, clothing and various mounts, it can be seen that there are various professions and their levels are not low. It's just that Yaxue Village, which was still deserted a few days ago, has become so lively overnight, which makes Zuo Ci, who doesn't like nosy and indifferent personality, a little more curious.

Back at the hotel, Zuo Ci let the ostrich enter the stables by himself, walked into the rarely bustling dilapidated stone room of the hotel, at a glance, the twenty or so tables in the room were completely filled with people, and there were quite a few Standing at the side of the counter and chatting. The hotel owner was so busy serving the guests who asked for wine and food, that he obviously had no time to take care of his return. Zuo Ci was thinking about whether to ask someone about the reason why Yaxue Village suddenly became so popular, when a familiar voice came from behind him—

"It seems that we will meet again before the appointed time tonight."

Without turning his head, he knew that it was the banner that the Sarge Lions Guild was in charge of recruiting. Zuo Ci gave a soft "hmm", then raised his foot and prepared to go to the hotel owner to sell the spoils he got from fighting monsters in the bushes early in the morning.

But Qi stepped in front of him and said: "You are just in time, let me take this opportunity to let you see the strength of our Sarleon Guild—in order to hunt those blood crows that deserve to be killed, a few people who have reached level 60 Ten powerful members have arrived, look around, none of them are capable members that can be seen at your level!"

Just as Flag was speaking, a girl with short hair and naked clothes appeared from behind him. She was wearing a tube top on her upper body and lederhosen on her lower body, with a machine gun resting casually on her right shoulder. The most distinctive feature is that half of the short red hair is shaved off, which looks very individual.

The girl teased Qi with her slightly hoarse young voice: "Qi, Qi, you are trying your best to recruit new recruits again? Oh... you are a thief, not bad, this time you have to recruit successfully even if you are shamelessly cute."

After finishing speaking, she looked directly at Shang Zuoci, and said with a smile, "Newcomers, you must be right to come to our Lions Guild. You can enjoy the shade with your back against a big tree. If you want to join the organization, you must join the biggest one. You said yes?" No? Besides, sister, I especially need to tell you that guild missions are very interesting—”

"Diana, it's okay to be free, are you flirting with newcomers again?" A steady nasal voice came from Zuo Ci's right side, and he glanced slightly, only to see a lean machine gunner slowing down. Walk towards them. This person had dark skin, braided black hair, and was wearing a bare leather suit. A modified Barrett-style machine gun was pinned behind his back, and the tip of the gun quietly emitted a light blue light.

"Nick, what is molesting? I'm helping Qi recruit new recruits. It's a serious matter. Take a good look, this kid is a thief." Diana rolled her eyes slightly and responded.

Nick had already walked in front of Zuo Ci at this time, looked at him friendly, nodded slightly, and joined the persuasion camp: "Not bad, I haven't seen a newcomer for a long time, we are in urgent need of fresh blood, especially Thief, kid, you have to join us, I guarantee that everyone will take you on a tour in the future, and challenge the most difficult tasks together, everyone will treat you as a treasure."

Hearing this, Diana couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Oh? Nick, since I knew you, I've only seen you in a serious manner, and you are described by Gary as a big fool who has no sense of entertainment every day. You, you actually said such a flattering sentence today, it really makes me look differently." After she finished speaking, she turned her head to Zuo Ci and said, "Actually, our group was going to Keene Continent to hunt down a wanted citizen. Criminal, Leoria. The most cost-effective route to Keen Continent is through the Steel Fortress. After we got the oracle from the Shadow City, the main road to the fortress is not far from the Raven Blood Village, so we stopped here Executing the task of hunting blood crows. Hehe, you are really lucky, you can witness the first guild members of the Manchester Continent gathering for elite missions - of course, if you join us, you will have the opportunity to play together in the future Son, just like our brother Nick said, thieves are treasures here, and everyone will take good care of you."

Zuo Ci is not interested in being well cared for by others, but there are a few topics in Diana's remarks that caught Zuo Ci's attention, so he asked: "Can I go to Keen Continent through the Iron Fortress?" ?”

"Yes, Iron Fortress has a flight to Iwo Jima, one flight a day. After arriving at Iwo Jima, you can take a boat to a snail bay in the southeast corner of Keen Continent to land." Nick replied, and he immediately recognized Knowing the meaning of Zuo Ci's question, he added, "But you can't take this route now."


"Iwo Jima is a neutral zone. It is very dangerous for people from the three continents to come and go. Therefore, the boat boarding place of the Iron Fortress has a level requirement. If you are not level 60, you cannot board the boat."

Zuo Ci was silent for a while, then asked again: "Then can I take the route of Yaxue Port to Rainbow Valley now?"

"You mean that mysterious route?" Diana took the conversation this time, "I haven't heard of any level restrictions on that route, but very few people just take it, because it requires a 100-gold boarding fee. And the journey time is very long, I heard that it will take three full days to get there—oh my God, the boat ride costs only 1 gold to go to the Iron Fortress, and it only takes 6 hours.”

[It seems that the mysterious black-clothed swordsman really didn't lie to me. ] Zuo Ci thought silently, and made up his mind.

So, he raised his head to look at the flag, and said, "It seems that I don't need to wait until night, I can answer your guild recruitment question right now—I decided to join."

Diana whistled lightly to show her cheers, Nick clapped his palms twice to echo, and Qi, as if worried that Zuo Ci would change his mind later, quickly took out a jade token from his bosom and handed it to him : "The ceremony to join the guild is very simple—a drop of blood is an alliance. You slip your finger and drip blood on the jade token of our Sarleon Guild, and then hold the jade token tightly. Our lord president Marcus will immediately meet with you You perform spiritual perception. Once you reach a spiritual contract, you can join the club."

Zuo Ci, who has always acted straightforwardly, didn't say anything. He took out the dagger at his waist with his left hand and quickly slid through the index finger of his right hand, and then dripped blood on the red jade tablet held in the palm of his hand. The right hand grasped the jade tablet from the top—


I just felt numb all over my body, and the world in front of me turned into a long and narrow hall in an instant, with rows of long colored glass windows on all sides, reflecting colorful light in the empty hall. Zuo Ci saw a circular platform above a few stairs at one end of the main hall. In the middle of the platform stood a middle-aged man in a long robe reaching the ground. He had short gray-white hair and matching eyes. With a hooked nose and a square face, he is of medium build but imposing. This must be the chairman, Marcus.

Looking at Marcus with a smile on his face, Zuo Ci stepped up to the high platform and came in front of him.

Immediately heard Marcus's kind and official welcome speech: "The king in the fire is the understanding of the Lions Guild. I intend to gather the most powerful adventurers and fighters in this lava-built continent, and unite as one to overcome all difficulties. , so that every member of the Sarleon Guild can feel the courtesy of the king and the pleasure of joining forces. From your eyes, I can see the spirit of a fighter. I believe you will find countless of you in the big family of the Sargon Guild The same kind... I am Marcus, the leader of the Sarleon Guild, and you are welcome to join, Zuo Ci."

After finishing speaking, Marcus stretched out his right palm to Zuo Ci, and asked, "Where do you want the guild mark to be placed?"

[The mark of the guild? ] As soon as Zuo Ci had doubts in his heart, he remembered the fierce lion tattoo on Qi's forehead. It must be the same thing, so he stretched out his left arm and said, "Just hit it on the arm."

Marcus kept a kind smile all the time, and slowly grasped his left arm...


Another tingling sensation ran through his whole body. When Zuo Ci concentrated his consciousness and looked at the face of Qi standing in front of him, the world returned to reality in an instant...

Zuo Ci's palm was still on the jade tablet, but there seemed to be another jade tablet in the middle of the palm of the flag under the jade tablet. Seeing his doubts, Qi Yi grasped the jade token conjured up by Zuo Ci's men, withdrew his hand, and explained: "After the membership ceremony is over, the contractor's new jade token will be derived from the contracted guild jade token. card. Take your jade card now, and keep it safe. If you encounter any problems, you can enter the ideological dialogue with the president through the bleeding ceremony, and ask for help from the guild. If the president needs to find you, you can also The order will be issued through the jade card, and if you see the jade card flashing brightly, it means that the chairman has initiated a communication request. At this time, there is no need to shed blood, as long as you hold the jade card tightly, you will enter the ideology and communicate with the chairman."