Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 76: (3) Blood Raven (6)


Hearing this, Zuo Ci silently put away the guild jade badge and put it in his backpack. When he turned his head back, he saw the red tattoo on his left arm out of the corner of his eye. The pattern depicted a roaring lion with flaming mane. He couldn't help asking: "If I quit the guild, will this tattoo still exist?"

"Of course not. If you quit the guild, your tattoos and jade tokens will disappear... However, it is not auspicious to ask about quitting just after you join." Diana answered unconsciously. raised eyebrows.

At this time, a crisp boy's voice came from the wine table—"Nick, Diana, come here quickly, everyone is starting to discuss the matter of hunting blood crows, come here for a meeting!"

Hearing the sound, Zuo Ci looked away, and saw a boy who looked about twelve or thirteen years old. He had light gray unkempt short hair, small eyes and nose, and large freckles on his face. His equipment is mainly made of steel. The most eye-catching thing is his right hand. The whole arm is made of steel. The ulna, radius, wrist, hand, and finger bones are all shining coldly. But as flexible as a natural flesh and blood, he waved to Nick and Diana first, and then dexterously manipulated the water glass to bring it to the master's lips.

"Gary, don't bark! This is coming." Diana replied, turned her head to Zuo Ci to look up and down Gary's eyes, and invited: "Newcomer, why don't you come with us and get acquainted A powerful character in our guild, it’s good to gain knowledge.”

Zuo Ci didn't answer, but still followed in the footsteps of the two, and walked to the dining area where the crowd gathered for a meeting. For him, this was an excellent opportunity to collect information, and there was no reason to refuse it.


The three of them walked to the table where Gary was, and there was no place to sit down in the entire dining area, so they had to stand on the side of the table and listen to everyone's discussion. The conversation about Bloodraven started with a burly character with one eye—

"The mission of this hunt is very simple. It is to obtain a blood crow's skull mask. From the information known so far, the blood crow's organization members are mainly divided into two forms, one with a skull mask, and the ability is relatively close Warrior, another kind of animal mask, the skills are mainly spells, more like a mage. Although our hunting target this time is the blood crow wearing a skull mask, but they usually travel in groups of two, keep It’s a combination of a skull mask and an animal mask, so be prepared to face two powerful characters.”

"Thal, has the location of the Blood Raven been found?" Gary asked in his crisp voice.

"I found it." The one-eyed man replied with a deep voice, "In recent days, people in our guild have been attacked by blood crows near the entrance of the village... In fact, when the guild received this epic task, they also mentioned it. I don’t know why, in recent days, the Blood Ravens have begun to target members of the Sarleon Guild, hunting along the coast of the Red Sea, so that the current anti-hunting mission appears in the guild—so logically speaking, as long as As us, wandering around after the sunset will draw the targets out. I think so, everyone agrees to gather at the hotel gate at Xu time, and we set off to the village entrance together, how about waiting for the blood crows to attack?"

In the midst of a flurry of good answers, Gary snorted and said, "Hehe, it looks like this is a game between hunters and hunters!~ I hope the hunters don't become prey in the end."

His pun did not arouse everyone's approval, everyone just smiled nonchalantly, and soon dispersed to eat, drink, and chat with each other.

Since the meeting ended after a short few words, Zuo Ci immediately turned around and walked towards the innkeeper, wanting to continue his idea of selling backpack items, but this time he was stopped by Qi again, and he He called the name of "Zuo Ci" several times, and then quickly stopped his way.

"Is there anything else?" Zuo Ci gave him a flat look and asked.

"Since everyone has become a member of the same big family, I naturally hope to provide you with the necessary help to support your rapid growth, especially since you are a rare thief class - our entire guild has 566 members, but only 5 Thief, you are the sixth one, which shows the rarity of this profession... So, I just want to ask about your next plan and see if there is anything that can help you." With a forced smile on Qi's face, said patiently.

Zuo Ci was silent for three seconds, and replied: "I plan to stay in Crow Blood Village tonight, observe the scene where the guild collectively hunts and kills Blood Crows, and then leave for Furnace Castle tomorrow morning."

"Watch and hunt Blood Crows..." Hearing this flag, he obviously curled his lips, "I advise you not to go, after all, you have already been branded with the Sarleon Guild, which is equivalent to prey in the eyes of Blood Crows, and your level It’s so low, I’m afraid I’m going to die if I can’t see the situation clearly.”

"It's just a matter of crawling back from the cemetery after death, I'm not afraid of that." Zuo Ci replied without changing his face.

Qi couldn't help sighing softly, and changed the subject: "I'm very supportive of you going to Furnace Castle, after all, the headquarters of the guild is there, and the president Marcus is also sitting in the cabinet, so it's always good for you to go to court .In addition, there are many talented people with unique skills in Furnace Castle, including thief trainers. You can go there and hone your lockpicking and stealing skills, which will be used in many tasks later, but... "


"It's just that it's a long way to go to Furnace Castle. I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you alone. I'm thinking whether to take advantage of the opportunity of gathering talented people from the guild to find someone to lead the way and take you there, saving time and effort." As he said that, Qi stroked his chin and began to think.

Seeing that he hadn't come up with an answer after thinking for a few seconds, Zuo Ci said calmly, "If I meet someone who goes by the way, I don't mind going with him. If not, it doesn't matter. I'm used to walking alone." After finishing speaking, he walked around After crossing Flag's body, he was finally able to walk up to the innkeeper, and began selling the spoils he got in the morning.


The rest of the daytime passed quickly.

It's not intentional to avoid the crowds of guild members in the village, but I also have no interest in clinging to them. Zuo Ci ran to a bush with the highest level of monsters in the surrounding area to fight the monsters for a whole day, and cleaned the soft leather backpack twice. darkened,

It seems that everyone has abided by the gathering agreement of Sal in the dining area of the hotel earlier. Not long after Xushi, dozens of characters are already bustling in front of the hotel. There is no sense of tension to challenge a very difficult task.

After selling the "garbage" in the backpack to the innkeeper, Zuo Ci turned around and was about to go to the door to gather with the troops, when he caught sight of the innkeeper with a helpless face and sighed deeply, and murmured—"Hey, you guys The helpers just don’t understand, they don’t even know what a terrible opponent they are facing, and they have to go to die one by two…”

Having long been numb to the innkeeper's stereotyped rhetoric about the Blood Raven, Zuo Ci continued to stride forward without hesitation.


Another quarter of an hour later, the members of the Sarleon Guild who had come to hunt the Blood Raven on purpose finally assembled, including the group of seven who were attacked this morning. They recounted the incident of being attacked in the morning with righteous indignation, but when Nick asked about the process of the massacre, none of them could explain clearly—they all saw the ghost fox wearing the demonized raccoon mask, and then...then... Inexplicably died.

After listening to the description, the rest of the guild just laughed at them for being too careless, but none of them were shocked by the danger hidden in this conversation.

However, Zuo Ci broke out in a cold sweat after listening to it. He has personally experienced two confrontations with the ghost fox, and he has truly seen his inexplicably powerful immobilization spell. Originally thought that the spell was so effective on him because of his low level... Unexpectedly, even in the face of characters above level 60, his magical spell can be used freely, and the effect is not small.

[If you can't restrain the ghost fox's immobilization spell, it's really hard to fight, just like the hotel owner said, it's just death. ] - Zuo Ci finally couldn't hold back and reminded: "I've seen the blood crow twice, the mage with the animal mask has the ability to hold people still, I suggest..."

"Have you seen it? - Have you been killed by the blood crow twice? Newcomer." Before Zuo Ci could finish speaking, Gary raised his voice and interrupted.

"They pinned me down, but they didn't kill me." Zuo Ci answered truthfully.

This remark immediately drew a few laughs.

"I didn't expect the blood crow to be so merciful. It seems that the lower level has an advantage - even monsters don't bother to kill you. Don't make a fuss, you are a newcomer, and those elite monsters can stop you with just raising their hands, but we But it’s different.” Gary giggled a few times, raised his steel right hand, transformed it into the form of a KSG shotgun in a second, and said, “If you’re afraid of death, stay away. It only belongs to people above level 60, if the level is too low, it will only hinder you, so you should stay in the hotel.”

Zuo Ci glanced at him expressionlessly, and fell silent.

Nick, who was standing behind him, immediately smoothed things over and said to Zuo Ci: "This mission is really dangerous, you should stay in the hotel to avoid going with us, and I will come back to tell you about the process and share my experience after the end—actually, it is not necessary I'm too worried, it's normal to die once or twice when doing epic missions. Our team has already brought in support occupations, which can be resurrected. If it doesn't work, just crawl back from the cemetery, it's no big deal."

[Yeah, anyway, can I crawl back from the cemetery? ] This is what Zuo Ci himself said, [There is no accident of soul death in this game yet, so what is there to be afraid of? ]

Maybe it's because before entering the game, I heard Baron mentioned that this game has the possibility of soul death and complete sleep. This makes Zuo Ci more afraid of death than others, and he can say things to be brave, but subconsciously it still makes him feel uneasy all the time...