Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 80: (3) Blood Raven (10)


In order to speed up his body's recovery, Zuo Ci took out the bandage he had made earlier using first aid skills, and wrapped his injured arm a little bit twice. Then he pulled himself together and began the questioning of the black-clothed swordsman that he had been trying to find out before summoning him—

"Who are you?" Zuo Ci asked straight to the point.

"Hehehe... Does it matter who I am? The important thing is that I can help you." The black-clothed swordsman answered with a smile, then looked around and said, "This is the gray stone forest area, you Maybe you don’t know that this land is also called the dining area of gray rock worms, so why are you just dawdling here calmly?…Compared to the two insignificant characters just now, this land is more important to a character like you who is level 20 , the more terrifying monster has not yet appeared, it is not wise to choose to rest here, it is better to leave as soon as possible. Since I have come here, let me walk with you for a while, at least send you out of this stone forest, and give you popular science by the way —How to lead to the road to becoming stronger.”

The warning from the black-clothed swordsman effectively interrupted Zuo Ci's next questioning. He hooked his fingers at the half-headed ostrich still hiding behind the stone pillar. This timid thing finally stood up. With a look of shame on his face, he stepped towards the master and walked back.

Zuo Ci stepped on the back of the ostrich, and the black-clothed swordsman jumped on and sat behind him. Just when Zuo Ci was about to speed up, he suddenly heard a loud "crack" sound, as if something fell from a high place, and he was about to turn his face to take a closer look, when another sound came from the other side. the same voice.

The black-clothed swordsman couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hehehe... It seems that the two guys I brought to the top of the Shiyan pillar really couldn't think of a way to get out, so they could only jump down and commit suicide. Crawled back from hell and escaped from the sky."

After hearing this explanation, even Zuo Ci, who was calm by nature, couldn't help but smile a little, and he just felt nervous in his heart that it was funny. But the black-clothed swordsman urged him at this moment: "Hey, let's go quickly, lest I have to trouble me to kill them again when those two guys come back after being revived successfully. How boring."

These words were so humorous that Zuo Ci paused for a moment before holding back the burst of laughter. He touched the bell on the right side of the ostrich, and the cute dark brown bird started to run quickly.


The mount was marching, but Zuo Ci did not give up the idea of exploring the identity of the black-clothed swordsman, so he suddenly asked the question he had asked before: "Hey, Anonymous, who are you?"

"Hehehe..." The swordsman in black put his chin lightly on Zuo Ci's left shoulder, and whispered into his ear in a low and ambiguous tone, "I am the one who can help you... as long as you can It is enough to realize this. As for the others, knowing too much is not only useless, but also adds trouble. I really understand you very well. I can see your desire through your eyes, the desire to become stronger, want to I can see the desire to stand at the top of the food chain... So, I am really here to help you. Rather than bothering to explain who I am, I am more interested in talking about how to help you faster Be a predator, not a poor prey for mermaids like you are now."

These words are actually offensive, but Zuo Ci did not refute, because he is right, he really prefers to play the role of a predator, rather than exist as a prey, as if he existed in most of the game experience So close to invincible state.

So, Zuo Ci replied indifferently: "Tell me, how to become stronger?"

"Hehehe... Actually, thieves are really an excellent profession. They are born to be masters of stealing. They can easily grab money and items, and there is almost no worry about lack of money to eat. Moreover, they also have super attacking talents, and can kill the enemy within a few moves. Winning. It’s just that, no matter how good the talent is for any profession, and how strong the potential to be a master can be achieved, if you want to learn powerful and rare skills, you need to pay a lot of money, especially for thieves—the talent is too good, The road to become the king of thieves is bound to be difficult. Generally speaking, you need to find a professional trainer with powerful skills, and obtain the most powerful and most suitable equipment and weapons in the world, so that you can reach the master step by step The strong look down on others."

"I understand this." Zuo Ci snorted softly, "The first thief trainer I met in Crow Blood Village told me about the importance of finding the strongest professional trainer in the world..."

"Hehehe..." the black-clothed swordsman interrupted with a mocking tone, "but he didn't tell you where to find these talented professional trainers."

"Appreciate further details."

"Hehehe... Among the thieves trainers, there are six most useful masters, and three of them are scattered in the three main cities of the Manchester mainland, Steel Fortress, Shadow Castle and Furnace. You can learn from them. The ultimate form of stealth, shadow escape; the pinnacle of phantom technique, clone technique; and the world's strongest various light skills, such as floating on water, flying swallows, etc. Although speaking, these three trainers are in the main city Among them, but Nuoda in the urban area, their locations are extremely secretive, and they can only be found by unraveling layers of clues and passing trials and difficulties. In addition, there are three hidden masters who need to climb mountains and ridges and experience many dangers They can only be found, and none of them are in Manchester mainland, one is in Brunei, one is in Keen, and the other is in the floating sky islands in the neutral zone. Three extremely practical skills, including making the world's most powerful Poisons, using the world's most sinister hidden weapons and making the world's most difficult traps all need to be learned through these three hidden masters. You are only level 20 now, so it is useless to tell you all the details in one breath Use... You also know that there are level requirements for each vocational training, and they won't respond to them if they don't meet the requirements, so ah, life has to be taken step by step, skills have to be learned one by one, and it's time to embark on the road of finding a teacher How about I tell you the clues later?"

"After listening to these words, we will need to meet frequently in the future?" Zuo Ci slanted the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Hehehe... Maybe. Finding a master is one thing. Raising the level is only useful if you work hard, but even if you have learned all the top skills of thieves and reached the top level of 100, if you want to become a human Zhonglongfeng still needs to work hard. At that time, I can teach you how to break through yourself and achieve a job change." The black-clothed swordsman moved the head leaning on Zuo Ci's left shoulder to his right shoulder, and continued to explain in a deep and hoarse voice .

"Professional change? - What professions can I change to? Will the thief skills I learned be abolished after the job change?" Zuo Ci, who is proficient in various games, is no stranger to the term job change, but the definition of job change in each game. They are all different, and some will even erase all the previous efforts after the job change, and start again... So he couldn't help but ask the details about the job change.

"Since it is an ability breakthrough, of course all the previous strengths will be retained, including all the thief skills. As for what role you can change to become, it still depends on the faction organization you finally choose and who is the master who gave you the new profession. Yes." After saying this, the black-clothed swordsman laughed habitually, "Hehehe... At that time, you can become the imperial guard of Furnace Castle, or the death knight of Shadow Castle. Of course, you can also go to Go to the mainland of Brunei and Keen, if you don't have a high hatred for the region at that time, you can defect to the organization there and choose an identity you like. To use an extreme example, if you want to in the future, You can even become a part of the Blood Ravens... ”

Speaking of this, Zuo Ci finally understood that after reaching level 100, this game will give players a chance to choose their identity, allowing them to truly integrate into the torrent of the world and become a character with a solid background.

While Zuo Cishang was thinking about digesting the information, the swordsman in black continued to add: "However, you have to keep in mind that you must be cautious about breakthroughs and job transfers, because your next ability development will help you achieve job transfers." It is closely related to the master in your life. It may cause your previous efforts to be wasted and become a grassroots person, or it may soar into the sky and become a high-ranking official or a capable person. It all depends on your choice, just in one thought. "

At this point in the conversation between the two, there was still a long way to go, and there were no monsters blocking the way. The ostrich kept a fast pace, until the black-clothed swordsman's words fell, and the big brown bird suddenly screamed a few times anxiously.


Based on his experience, Zuo Ci immediately sensed the danger. Just as he was about to turn the direction of the bird's head and change his way forward, the shapes on the stone pillars around him suddenly changed, and even stone bags of different sizes appeared on the gray rock ground in front , From one by one to the whole piece, it seems that there are a lot of goose bumps on the ground and stone pillars.

"Hehehe... I still met it." The black-clothed swordsman sighed helplessly.

"What is this?" Zuo Ci frowned and asked reflexively.

"Greystone swarm, did I mention it before? Hey, what a coincidence, we caught up with their afternoon tea time." While the black-clothed swordsman was speaking, the ostrich had stopped running, because it was surrounded by people in all directions. Surrounded by "goosebumps", there is a dilemma.

"Since you know, you should know how to deal with it, right?" Zuo Ci asked again.

"Hehehe... I understand in theory, but I spend most of my time jumping in the sky or taking other shortcuts, and I have never fought against these annoying little things." The black-clothed swordsman scratched his head.


Zuo Ci turned to look at him in surprise... But the time left for the two of them to communicate has come, and the gray rock worms waiting to hunt have lost their patience, and the gray "ground bags" raised their faces one by one , revealing their original disgusting appearance...