Fantasy X Hunter

Chapter 9: (3) Initial test! Bloody opening (6)


At the beginning of the competition between the enemy and us in the second tower area of the middle road, it was a fierce battle with lightning and flint. The five opponents played very aggressively. They only wandered around the area outside the tower for a while before losing patience.

Some of it was also because at the beginning of the competition, only Nolan and Zuo Ci were on the field. Looking at it this way...there is a huge difference in strength. Relying on the five-on-two lineup, and regardless of the fact that the line of troops has not arrived, Caesar rushed directly to the blue crystal tower.

But as soon as he entered the tower area, he was hit by the vampire queen's bat vibration sound, and the speed of his actions suddenly became slow-motion replay-like sluggishness. one strike! Although Zuo Ci was hit a few times by the silver gunner's bullets and injured half of his body, he still cooperated with the tower's attack light wave to end the invasion of Caesar. Zuo Ci scored a beautiful kill, and then he jumped back to the back of the tower in a neat move.

Afterwards, Qing Kong and Xu Mo arrived, and the enemy lineup, which had lost the tank position in the front row, was no longer worth fearing, and everyone rushed forward without hesitation to beat them up. At the end of this battle, it was no surprise that Archie who came at the last second took away 2 kills, and Xu Mo, who was injured in the front row, died again unfortunately, entering the countdown to resurrection.

"Have you bought your equipment?" Zuo Ci calls up Xu Mo's character information to check, and the detailed information of friendly characters can be called up to check at any time.

"I set it to automatic purchase, and if I have enough money, I will buy it and install it."

"I saw it. Why is the first piece of equipment [Legion Glory]?" Zuo Ci was a little surprised.

"First of all, let's make sure our team can win. You play so well—at least better than me, so installing equipment that can increase everyone's output and avoid injuries is beneficial to the battle situation." Xu Mo responded in a hearty tone.

"That's right, you will definitely be eliminated anyway, so let's do more to benefit other people." Archie laughed wickedly.

"Xu Mo, you really have to play hard next." Nolan snorted at Archie, encouraged his brother, and called up the team's score information, "Xu Mo, the first goal is to first Let's equalize your own score from negative to positive."

"How about the score?" Xu Mo, who can't do anything during the countdown to resurrection, is going to study this.

"It's enough to say 'our score display' silently." Nolan replied.

Xu Mo immediately followed suit, and rows of information suddenly appeared in front of his eyes:

Total kills by our side: 8

Xumo: 0 kills, 3 kills, 7 assisted kills;

Nolan: 1 kills, 0 kills, 7 assisted kills;

Clear Sky: 2 kills, 1 kill, 5 assisted kills;

Zuo Ci: The number of kills is 2, the number of kills is 0, and the number of auxiliary kills is 5;

Archie: 3 kills, 0 kills, 0 assisted kills;

"I - 3 points, Nolan 1 point, Qingkong 1 point, Zuo Ci 2 points, Archie 3 points, does the current score mean that?" Xu Mo asked.

"Yes, the usual algorithm is the number of kills minus the number of kills. At present, you are 4 heads behind Nolan, who is ranked No. 4, and you are 6 heads behind Archie, who is ranked No. 1." Clear Sky replied, At the same time, I suggested, "Don't be optimistic, Xu Mo, so you should go with me... Nolan is also there, a field control mage with a tank position and a rush fighter, this combination can advance and retreat."

"I can also roam around to support, and ambush as many of you as possible." Zuo Ci echoed.

"Well, let's try this first!" Nolan responded briskly.

While everyone was talking, Zuo Ci, Qingkong and Nolan had already taken advantage of the freezing time when their opponents were completely annihilated, and pushed down one of the enemy's red towers in the middle, and Archie quickly pushed down two towers on the right. , and now all the subsidiary defense towers on the right have been completely destroyed by Archie.

However, maybe he believed too much in his ability to adapt. Archie wanted to end the battle as soon as possible. When he pushed the last attached tower, the tower's life was still one-sixth, and the enemy's five-man team had already died. Qi Qi's resurrection. Seeing that the tower could be blown up in the last two hits, Archie tried his best and insisted on running until the tower was blown up in the last few hits, but was caught by the rushing enemies, and he died with the tower. Qi finally had his first kill of the game.

Xu Mo's resurrection cooldown ended almost at the same time as his opponent's. When the darkness in front of him turned into a bright day, he immediately followed the radar's instructions and came to the upper middle of the road to join everyone again.

The game has entered a stage where the situation is biased towards the blue side. Archie is still in the cooling time of the resurrection. The large army begins to advance in the middle lane, and the enemy enters a defensive tactical state. First, 5 people line up behind the middle tower to defend the radiation range of the vampire queen Spell attack, the sword attack of the abyss lord, a spiral air flow from the ninja running over from time to time, and the rotational attack of the destruction machine on the periphery when the enemy advances a little.

The blue side refrained from advancing or retreating, while the red side stayed conservative behind the tower, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

In the end, the red team was impatient with the current boring confrontation. After discovering that Archie was resurrected, they repeated their old tricks. After trying to sneak from the right to the core area to attack the main tower, the angry faceless assassin and silver gunner left After the battle in the middle, go to the right to catch him.

Understanding the opponent's mind, Zuo Ciyin submerged into the bushes and followed their footsteps.

Poor Archie, the Elf King doesn't have a particularly big advantage in escaping, and his physical strength is too thin. Before his super attack power can be used, he was held by the silver gunner for a second, and then he was immediately hit by the assassin. The move was so thorough that Zuo Ci, who came later, didn't have time to save him, but he also relied on his skillful operation to kill two unprepared enemies.

Archie immediately started cursing: "Little guy with glasses! You didn't save me on purpose, right?"

"How could I save you in time? Who told you not to communicate with us, and not to coordinate and move. I was almost killed in order to avenge you. Fortunately, the gunner just used his immobilization skills, so he had the opportunity to take away two .”

"Who wants to go with you?! I knew you would only follow me to grab the head, little dwarf, you'd better stop following me, or I will never end with you after the game is over!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely not follow you, you can play by yourself."

Zuo Ci didn't bother to argue with him anymore, seeing that the 3v3 fight had started in the middle lane, he lurked back to the middle lane.

The enemy's line of soldiers in the middle was gradually cleared up, and the blue team's line of soldiers began to advance into the tower.

"Xu Mo, go up, I'll support you from behind." Nolan saw the timing and let Xu Mo's destruction machine rush into the tower first, disrupting the formation of the three enemies in one go. Qingkong, Nolan and the lurking Zuo Ci rushed forward immediately. After a chaotic battle, the 3 people on the red side were all killed by Xu Mo's [Rage Machine] spinning big move, and the enemy's attached statue The tower also came crashing down.

Afterwards, Xu Mo, Nolan, Qingkong and Zuo Ci, who cooperated more and more tacitly, naturally separated into groups.

Xu Mo and Zuo Ci are pushing the tower in the middle, Zuo Ci hides in the bushes next to him from time to time, Xu Mo comprehends the appearance of attacking the tower alone, attracting the enemies to come out one by one to die, Zuo Ci finds the right time to rush out when necessary Support, they teamed up to kill 2 people in the middle. Xu Mo completed another kill, and Zuo Ci had collected 5 kills in one miss.

Qingkong and Nolan detoured from the jungle area on the left to the rear of the central axis road to ambush the enemy who came to support them. They hit a surprise attack. The two girls were extremely powerful and had 2 enemies and 3. Qingkong took away 2 kills , Nolan got a shot.

Archie was very dissatisfied with the current situation. After being resurrected, he sneaked into the enemy's main tower area to ambush again to collect a few more heads, but he was caught by the lurking assassin and was killed again.

His cursing began to be unnoticed in the ears of the other 4 people, and the enemy forces who were irritated by the current state began to condense into a rope, pushing them together from the middle, and making big moves all the way, madly clearing the line of soldiers Xu Mo, Nolan and Qingkong hid behind the tower again and entered a defensive state.

The game has now progressed to a certain period of time, and the two sides began to send out more powerful troops. It is a difficult situation to solve the situation when the enemy's army line is overwhelmed. When the enemy's army line is pressed, they rushed into the tower without fear. Seeing the situation clearly, he was killed and rested, and Qingkong immediately entered the resurrection freezing period. Only Nolan was still struggling, but the two attached towers were almost destroyed in a short period of time... At such a critical At the same time, Zuo Ci disappeared without a trace.

The enemy began to enter the area of the main tower. Nolan thought that he could not fight five against one even though he tried his best, so he was extremely anxious and kept calling Zuo Ci back to the city. Just when the enemy team was about to attack the main tower with full firepower, the familiar and thick girl suddenly sounded from the depths of the sky—

[The enemy's main tower has been destroyed, the battle is won! ]


"Ah? What's the situation..." Xu Mo, who was still in the cooling-down period of resurrection, didn't fully understand the current situation.

But after a burst of dizziness, he and the other four had returned to the ancient Roman-style indoor scene where they had originally chosen the role. At the same time, the five players returned to the original formation facing each other and standing on the compass.

"I just dived in and knocked down their main tower." Zuo Ci replied indifferently to Xu Mo's current confusion.

"Wow, Zuo Ci is really amazing!" Nolan couldn't help exclaiming happily.

"Excellent." Clear Sky agreed with a smile.

Only Archie just snorted coldly.

"Hush—the results are about to be announced, everyone look forward to it."

Zuo Ci put his hand near his mouth, as if asking everyone to be quiet, and then, a light wheel rose slowly from the center of the compass.