Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 106: Like what you like and guard what you like


"Okay, thank you, grandpa, the village chief. I will trouble you to go around this matter."

"Thank you, you have to bring the people in the village to grow medicinal materials. In the future, the development of the village will get better and better. My face as the village head is also bright. Thanks to you, maybe the village head grandfather may be promoted to the head of the town. Hahaha."

"Then congratulations to the village chief grandpa first!"

The little baby's mouth is sweet, and Liu Jinfu feels favored. Having been a village official for so many years is not to say that he is greedy for that sesame-sized official position, but if a person lives forever, who doesn't want to go up, go higher and do a better job, the future generations can also be shaded.

"Now the villagers have begun to actively reclaim wasteland. By next spring, it is estimated that every household will be able to open more than ten acres. Naun, you have decided on what medicinal materials you want to grow, and you have to tell everyone in advance so that everyone has a bottom line. By the way Let them prepare in advance. However, it’s the first time everyone has come into contact with medicinal plants. No one has planted these before, so you have to teach them well to avoid being sloppy and ruining medicinal seedlings. ."

"Okay, I know the grandfather of the village chief. Before the beginning of spring next year, I will tell the village clearly the types of medicinal materials to be planted and the planting methods."

Holding the sharp gaze of the young man in the other corner, Liu Jinfu rubbed the top of the little girl's hairy head before leaving, humming a little song with his hands behind his back.

The teenager looked over frequently, and Liu Yusheng naturally noticed it, but did not walk over. Instead, she sat on a chair with her cheeks in both hands, smiling and looking at the teenager's embarrassed face from time to time.

After removing his indifferent coat and revealing his true emotions, this is what a teenager really should be.

Half a month ago, she was already seven years old, and Brother Ash should also be twelve years old. Unfortunately, she didn't know the date of his birthday and couldn't celebrate him.

But even if he was twelve years old, he was still a half-year-old.

Rather than being steadfast since childhood, she hopes that one day in the future, when he recalled when he was a teenager, he recalled being young and frivolous and arrogant.

She hoped that every stroke in his youth was rich in color and colorful.

It's not in vain to be young.

From a distance, feeling the gaze of the baby girl falling on her body, seeing the bright colors in her eyes when she looked at him, and the bright smile on her face, Ashiu's tight emotions slowly relaxed.

After suppressing the restlessness for half the afternoon, it gradually dissipated.

She doesn't need to do anything, as long as she sits and looks at him quietly and makes him feel the attention, she can completely comfort him.

Seeing that the time was almost the same, Liu Yusheng walked over to rescue the boy.

The children have pestered him for half an afternoon, and they have reached his limit.

"Look, there is only half a red egg left on the horizon, so hurry up and go home for dinner." As soon as Ah Xiu let out a sigh of breath, he listened to the baby girl and said, "Come here again tomorrow to learn new words. "

"Sister Nanny, Brother Ashiu, let's go!" Shuanzi was very obedient, and waved his little hand to lead a group of turnip heads to leave in line, "Sister Nanny, you have dinner and rest early, and I will take care of you tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Ashiu pursed his lips. Tomorrow, before they came, maybe he could take Shengsheng to climb the mountain. Didn't he just buy Xinghualing

It's reasonable to go to patrol your own land.

As soon as the children left, the Liu's courtyard was immediately cleaned.

It was the beginning of summer, the sun from the horizon set up a purple-red fire cloud, burning the entire sky to purple-gray.

A gorgeous tulle was also covered in the small courtyard.

It is peaceful, and the taste is good for the years.

"Unhappy?" Liu Yusheng asked with a smile, taking the initiative to hold the young man's hand, dark eyes slyly.

"Can I ignore them?"

"Then I will teach them, but they may be a little too busy." As he said, he rubbed his neck that was no longer sore.

Ah Xiu sighed helplessly.

With retreat as progress, he will compromise if he is sure.

Raising the index finger, lightly tapped the tip of the girl's small nose, "Sheng Sheng, you are bullying me."

"Why?" Liu Yusheng couldn't help but laugh.

She will not relent when he complains like this.

She is also a child of Xinghua Village, the kind who knows how to make an inch.

Ash also smiled, smiling softly, like a soft glow from the sky.

There was a little bit of starlight in the dark and deep eyes. I don't know when, those dusty eyes have been washed away, reappearing the galaxy.

"It doesn't matter if you have it, you are allowed to bully."

After nightfall, after taking a shower, Liu Yusheng led Ah Xiu back to the West Wing.

Since her seventh birthday, she suggested that Ash go back to the West Wing to sleep alone.

I thought it would take a lot of talking, but to her surprise, the boy only took a deep look at her without making any protest.

Since then, the two have slept separately.

The adults in the family can finally rest assured.

"After applying the potion for nearly two months, the bulging granulation on your face has almost calmed down, and the color has been restored to be the same as that of the skin next to it." Putting the boy on the bed, Liu Yusheng took out the potion and the cotton ball, skillfully. Put it on his face, "This is the last bottle of potion. After the application, when the hard scars formed on the outer layer fall off, it should be all right."

A bottle of potion lasts for almost a month. And for this last bottle of potion, she specially increased the concentration, and the effect would be better than the first two bottles.

Soon, he will be able to recover as before.

When she applied the potion, the young man's eyes were always watching her.

The two were very close, so close that he could feel her breath, with warmth.

The end of her nose lingers around the floral scent from her hair, which is elegant and nice.

Sheng Sheng is seven years old, except that he has grown taller, and has not changed much from when he was a child.

The black and white eyes bend into beautiful crescents when they laugh.

White and tender skin, like a layer of powder, every time she pinches her cheeks, she can feel a soft and smooth touch.

There is unfading baby fat on the face, which not only does not affect the delicate features of the facial features, but also adds a bit of cuteness to the delicate.

The girl is very beautiful, but what he likes most is her smile.

Bright and warm.

That kind of laughter has the warmth of the scorching April sun and the penetrating power of breaking through the dark clouds.

It attracts people who live in the dark to chase, and if you catch it, you don't want to let it go.

"Sheng Sheng."

"Huh?" Liu Yusheng raised his eyebrows in confusion, "What's the matter?"

"Now life, are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy. I like the simplicity and plainness like this." She has experienced the hustle and bustle, the turmoil of disputes, and the knife stabbed in the back of her loved ones. Today, Xinghua Village is a rare pure land in her heart.

She is fortunate to have such a life.

"How about you? Do you like it?" she asked.

"Yeah." He replied, "I like what you like."

So, I protect what you like.

For a moment, Liu Yusheng thought that he saw bitterness in the eyes of the young man.

But in the blink of an eye, he still smiled softly as evening breeze.