Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 121: I just miss home


Walking out of the Zichen Hall, the concubines who had been guarding outside the hall had already been dispersed, and under the purple-gray canopy, the door of the hall looked particularly deserted.

In October in Kyoto, the weather has begun to cool, especially before Jiang Xiaoxiao, the cool air is moist with mist, and it is cold on the skin.

Taking the cloak handed up by the personal attendant, the boy took the lead.

Stepping on the gray light, the footsteps are calm and leisurely, not hurriedly or slowly, and the momentum that he has taken out has begun to show steadfastness.

After leaving the Zichen Hall for a long time, someone overtook the first few steps and posted behind the young man, "Master, the survey has been completed, and there is no ambush on the road, can you go straight back to the house?"

The boy nodded, "Yeah."

Suddenly, the corner of my eyes felt a glow.

The young man's face changed suddenly, and he looked there abruptly.

The soaring tongue of fire looked unusually abrupt and hideous under the gray-purple sky.

It seemed to open the mouth of the blood basin, waiting to engulf the people approaching at any time, and burn them to ashes.

Clenching his fists, his nails sneaked into the flesh, the boy trembled all over, staring at the fire, unable to move.

Wei Zi was the closest person to him. Seeing the state of a young man, he hurriedly covered his eyes with his hands, "Notify people to put out the fire! In addition, thoroughly investigate what is going on!"

After that, he hugged the stiff boy and quickly left.

At the same time, I was extremely upset.

At this hour and at this location, the fire that burst out suddenly can't be a coincidence.

As hidden guards and guarding the prince's safety, they avoided many ambushes and even shielded the prince's way back to the palace.

Unexpectedly, there will be an oversight on this!

The prince is afraid of fire. Only a few people close to him know about this. How did the news leak out

"... Check, the news from Xinghua Village may have been leaked, if so," the young man closed his eyes, his face pale as gold, his voice almost squeezed out of his throat, "Quiet!"


The fire in the palace was quickly extinguished. The fire was actually not big and did not cause much damage.

After thorough investigation, there are no doubtful flaws. It was a little eunuch who was too careless when he got up at night and overturned the oil lamp. When I returned from the hut, the fire was already burning.

The little eunuch was punished for this, and the matter seemed to be exposed like this, but the undercurrent hidden under the surface began to become more intense.

After being frightened in the palace, King Nanling had a high fever, and he woke up for two days.

The emperor was furious about this Longyan, and even the entire court and the opposition were frightened about it.

For fear that the prince was frightened and had a fever, it would burn to his own head. Everyone had clamped their tails and acted in the past few days.

It's not that this kind of thing has never happened.

When the Nanling King returned to Beijing, the emperor made a big move. Hundreds of people were tortured, officials were dismissed, and even the top families in Beijing were implicated and fell into the quagmire from the clouds.

King Nanling is the emperor Nilin.

From the moment the prince returned to Beijing, no one knew about this.

"What did you find out?" In Nanling Palace, the boy was sitting on the head of the bed, his face still pale.

"Back to the prince, there is no information leaked over there, but according to the news from Xuzhou, someone secretly inquired around the boundary of Xuzhou, seemingly wanting to find out what happened to the master before."

The young man's frowning brow loosened a little, as long as there is nothing wrong, he can calm down and plan.

"Since they want to know so much, send the news to them."

"What does the prince mean?"

"As long as someone believes the story you make up, then it is true."

Wei Zi was stunned, "This is the humble job!"

The prince intends to enclose the land.

Circle all enemies in the battlefield he drew.

Win or lose in life and death will be clear on this battlefield.

He did not allow the war to spread to Xinghua Village for a minute and a half.

The boy raised his eyes and looked out the window.

It was cloudy in the capital, and it was gray outside the window, with no bright colors.

And his gaze penetrated the gray area, and cast it far, far away.

At the far end, what is his little girl doing now

Liu Yusheng was already sitting in the ox cart returning home, the sun was shining above his head, and the sky was just right.

"I'm going home finally." Liu Zhixia said this.

The family in the bullock cart looked at each other, and then all pursed their lips and chuckled.

Indeed, the thought of being able to go home immediately makes me feel particularly relaxed.

During the two days staying here, although no major contradictions occurred, the atmosphere was somewhat suppressed in the end.

"I guess grandparents must have waited for us under the ancient locust tree early in the morning."

"I have to guess this? I will definitely wait."

"I don't know if the second brother is back, he is closer to home."

"I'll know when I go back."

From time to time, the two children caught up with a thoughtless sentence, which had no special meaning, but was just homesick.

The ox cart from Liangshui Village to the town needs to be transferred to Xinghua Village to get home.

Originally, Liu Da was thinking about giving more money to let them send them home directly, but at the entrance of the town, he saw Mr. Liu wearing a straw hat sitting in the bullock cart and frequently looking in this direction.

The old man is really, the pick-up action has been upgraded, and instead of waiting at the entrance of the village, he just ran to the entrance of the town to wait!

Liu Yusheng also saw the old man at a glance. He stood up with Liu Zhixia's shoulders, raised her little hand and waved vigorously, shouting, "Grandpa! Grandpa! Seeing that I didn't, grandpa!"

Passers-by turned their eyes, and then smiled knowingly.

"Oh! My daughter and daughter are here!" Mr. Liu immediately opened his face with a smile, and shouted nervously, "Sit down and sit down! Don't stand up, be careful of falling!"

When the ox cart stopped next to the old man, the old man immediately hugged Liu Yusheng, "I knew that you must come back early and couldn't stay at home, so I just borrowed the Li's ox cart to pick you up."

"Did Grandpa wait a long time?" It was almost noon. If Grandpa came early, he would have to wait one morning.

"It didn't take long for me to sit here and chat with people, time will pass, hahaha!"

"Are you hungry if you didn't eat breakfast when you came out?"

"After eating, you are now a better butler than your grandma. Grandpa dare not foul." He squeezed the baby's face, and the old man happily said, "Grandma made a delicious meal at home, and waited for us to go home for dinner. , Quickly move things over, let's go home!"

The ox cart was back on the road, slowly and steadily.

Liu Da moved to the front of the car and drove, and the old man sat behind with Liu Yusheng in his arms.

The next way was Liu Yusheng's chirping sounds like little sparrows.

Listening to grandpa's sometimes hearty laughter, she was very happy and very peaceful.

With her dearest family members, she couldn't stop the thought of talking.

I'm so happy, that kind of happiness, and I want to convey it to my family.

Let them all infect her happiness.