Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 124: People are alive


Haizi has brought the old lady from the family to town.

The weather was too cold, the house in the country was not resistant to freezing, and the old lady was at home by herself to clear the smoke and fire, and she was reluctant to burn charcoal in order to save money. Haizi made an idea to take the person over.

Qian Wanjinteng gave his house a bed, put a quilt on it, and lit a charcoal fire. The whole house was warm and suitable for the elderly cat winter.

When Liu Yusheng arrived, Haizi was washing the medicine jar at the door of the room. He looked up and saw the little girl walking in from the back door of the restaurant lobby. She straightened her waist and her eyes were full of surprises, "My daughter! You are here!" Zongzi, half of his face was covered by the collar, and he still recognized her at a glance.

Qian Wanjin coughs lightly, I'm right behind Fu Nuan, can't you see me? Your boss, your food and clothing parents are here, here, here!

"The boss." Hearing the cough, Haizi suddenly discovered the existence of Qian Wanjin, and said hello, which was completely different from the surprise when he saw Liu Yusheng.

"Brother Haizi, I heard that you picked up the old woman. Come over and show her today." Liu Yusheng walked over.

"Okay, okay!" Haizi nodded hurriedly, and hurriedly put down the medicine jar and invited people in, "I picked people up yesterday, and I have been taking the third prescription you left because you didn't say what you got. Time, so I didn’t dare to stop the medication for my grandma."

Speaking of this, the smile really cuts up, "Nanny, you are so amazing. At that time, you said that the first prescription was taken for three days, exactly three days, and the phlegm coughed up by my grandmother really faded. The second day after taking the medicine, Her complexion recovered a lot. At that time, we thought about thanking you from the Chen family, but we didn't know that you had already left..."

He had a lot to say, and wanted to tell the little girl all the surprises and surprises in his heart during this period of time. There are also times when the unspoken teenagers are eloquent.

In the room, the charcoal fire was burning vigorously, and the face was warm, dispelling the cold air brought in from outside.

The old grandma was sitting by the brazier, smiling kindly, and at the same time a little curious in her eyes, wondering how such a small girl could have such great medical skills, "I said why Haizi was so happy all of a sudden, it's the nuns here."

"Grandma, how are you feeling now, do you still have chest pain?" Liu Yusheng smiled and walked to the brazier, sat down on the stool that Haizi had brought, and took off the big collar that covered half of her face. "I think you look good now. Let me cut your pulse and see how you are recovering."

"Okay, then you can take a look. By the way, let Haizi feel relieved. I know my body is really good. The medicine used by the little baby is very powerful."

Liu Yusheng pulled the old man over to lay his knees flat, and gently touched the old man's pulse with his delicate fingers.

The pulse is not very strong, but the beating is steady and gentle. After looking at the old man’s tongue coating, he can smell the exhaled smell, and a series of examinations are very detailed.

Haizi stood by, curled up her fingers nervously, and stared at the little baby, for fear of a frown on her face.

Qian Wanjin didn't walk into the house, but leaned against the door. From this direction, he could clearly see the side of the little baby.

The white and tender face was warmed by the charcoal fire and covered his cheeks. The big black and white eyes smiled and curled into the shape of a crescent, extremely cute. There are also slender and thick eyelashes covering the eyelids. Whenever she lowers her eyes, she will tremble slightly, casting a beautiful gray silhouette under the eyelids.

He felt itchy suddenly, and wanted to touch the black feather eyelashes to see how it felt like brushing such thin and dense eyelashes over his fingertips.

What attracted him the most was her demeanor. In the face of the elderly, and even every patient who came to seek medical treatment, he always had a faint smile on his face, patient and meticulous, softly speaking, and had never seen her impatient.

No matter how many patients were there, no matter how tired he was after seeing her, he had never seen her showing any bad emotions.

She seems to be having fun, practicing medicine, treating people, and expelling illnesses. She is very happy.

"The medication can be stopped. The lung ulceration has improved, and no other infections have been seen. Then, as long as you take care of your body, there will be no major problems." Next to the brazier, the baby girl has completed her follow-up visit.

"Nanny, really don't need to take medicine? My grandma is... completely cured?" Haizi still couldn't believe it.

He later went to the town medical clinic to find out about the lung carbuncle. The diagnosis and treatment of this disease was extremely troublesome, and the medical doctor once felt a headache.

Because the ulcers of the internal organs are invisible to the naked eye, the slightest carelessness will cause repetitions, which will lead to other symptoms of the infection. It’s not that there are no cures, but those people have a rich family background and can afford to pay for the consultation and take good medicine.

And he took medicine for his grandma to diagnose and treat, so far, he has spent less than one or two silver in total.

It's not that I don't believe in the diagnosis and treatment of my daughter, but it's incredible.

"In general, it has been cured, but we must pay attention to the later period of recuperation. The medicine is three-point poison. If you can not take medicine, try not to take it. At this time, medicine is not as good as food tonic. Usually eat more light, lung-moisturizing things, if you don’t understand You can ask the chef in the restaurant which food is better for your lungs."

Haizi kept nodding, "I, I wrote it down, thank you, 囡囡!"

"My daughter, thank you, my old lady too. This disease is terribly uncomfortable. Now that the disease is cured, the old lady has hope again. Maybe I can still see my Haizi get married." The old lady smiled, her eyes reddened.

Patting the old lady's hand, Liu Yusheng smiled, "It will definitely be possible, the old grandma will live a hundred years, and in the future, not only will Haizi get married and set up a family, but also grandchildren around the knees, full of happiness."

"Well, the old lady will just wait for that day."

This matter was over, Liu Yusheng got up and said goodbye and had to hurry home so that the old man and the old lady in the family would not worry.

"Nanny, wait! I haven't paid you for the consultation before. I got the salary a few days ago. I will pay you back part of it. I will pay the rest slowly after I save the money, okay?" Haizi was a little nervous. He knew the little baby would not be upset, but he was extremely ashamed.

"Okay, I'll have 50 essays for the consultation, and you will give it to me when your hand is loose."

"Five or fifty essays?" Not only Haizi, but the old lady's eyes widened.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry to spend money, you can't run here, I will let the little boss deduct a little from your salary every month." The little baby blinked playfully.

"Yes, I have! I'll give it to you now!" Counting out fifty cents, carefully put it in the palm of the baby girl's spread out Bainen, and watched her walk away behind her host, Haizi's eyes were very deep and deep.

She would not know that when she cured her grandmother's disease, she also ignited the hope in his heart, the hope for life.

People shouldn’t live just to live without starving to death.

Live the way you want, live your life, that's life.

The way he wants is that one day in the future, when she needs it, he has the ability to do anything for her!