Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 15: Big mushroom, to grandma!


The old and the young walked through the grape groves, and the little ones looked like little tails.

The ground is uneven, and the baby occasionally stumbles, very naive and cute.

There are grapes in the low bushes, near the ground, and Liu Yusheng stretched out his hand to grab it.

With little strength, he couldn't pull the grape bunch down, but he was stained with purple-red grape juice.

Make the family laugh.

When the sun gradually rose, the grapes in everyone's baskets were almost full, and even Liu Yusheng's small vegetable baskets were put on a few bunches, making the baskets full.

At this time, people in the village also came one after another. Seeing Mrs. Liu and her party, they greeted with a smile.

Especially when they saw Liu Yusheng, the villagers smiled even more.

"Oh, even the little girls are here!"

"Yes, my baby loves to play, this doesn't bring her to join in the fun!"

"There is no little baby who doesn't like to play, but you have to be careful in the woods. There are many thorns on these bushes. Don't thorn."

"Looking at it, I just can't rest assured, this is why I followed."

While Old Lady Liu was distracted by the gossip with the villagers, Liu Yusheng dragged his small vegetable basket, slowly moved his short legs aside, and then slid back to behind a big tree.

She was sheltered by big trees, in addition to her being small, and the surrounding bushes were tall, completely concealing her figure.

After confirming that it was not discovered by anyone, she took out a small medicine spatula from the space, which she used to organize the space medicine field on weekdays, and quickly waved the medicine spatula at the root of the big tree to create a small pit, and then screened it in the space medicine field. Once again, I picked a Ganoderma lucidum and took it out.

This is what she has to do when she goes out today.

The grandfather's fall emptied the family, and the two brothers going to school were put on hold. The family didn't even have any spare money.

She heard her grandparents and parents sigh back several times.

She feels distressed.

The Ganoderma lucidum that I took out now is about fifty years old, and it is estimated to be able to sell for twenty or thirty taels of silver.

It is enough to alleviate the urgent needs and relieve the family members.

There are better medicinal materials in her space, but it is not convenient to take them out now.

When she grows up and has a good name, she will continue to improve the lives of her family.

Holding Ganoderma in her little hand, Liu Yusheng smiled on her face.

"My daughter? My daughter? Oh, my daughter is gone. Hurry up, I will help you find it!" Old lady Liu shouted anxiously from outside.

Liu Yusheng returned to his senses and hurriedly got out from behind the big tree, "Milk! Milk!"

Seeing the little baby's figure, both old lady Liu and Liu Daliu rushed over, "Nanny, how did you run behind the big tree? The mountains are dangerous. You have to follow your grandma, don't you know? But grandma is so desperate!"

Liu Yusheng nodded, and held the Lingzhi in front of Mrs. Liu and her party, "Milk, big mushroom, beautiful!"

Several people's eyes fell on the big mushroom in Liu Yusheng's hand, and after a closer look, their expressions changed.

"This, this is..."

Liu Erlin squeezed to the front, picked up the big mushroom and looked at it, stuttering with excitement, "Ganoderma lucidum, it is Ganoderma lucidum! Mother! Brother! This is Ganoderma lucidum! I have seen it in the hospital, and it is valuable!"

The villagers who heard the movement around heard the Ganoderma lucidum, but they didn't care about picking the grapes, so they all came over.

"Really! It's Ganoderma lucidum, that's right!"

"Why there are Ganoderma lucidum in this place? Xiaonan, where did you pick it? No one has found it before!"

"Fortunately, you can make a fortune this time!"

Speaking of the word luck, the rumors of Fuwa came to people's minds, watching Liu Yusheng's eyes change again and again.

Let’s leave aside the truth and falsity of the previous rumors. Let’s pick a grape, and you can get a Ganoderma lucidum with random drilling. Isn’t it a blessing

Liu Dalin squatted down and held the little baby's shoulders, "Nanny, where did you find this thing?"

The wealth is touching. Although the villagers are honest, there is always envy and jealousy in their hearts.

Someone has already asked. If she doesn't make it clear, there may be rumors that are unfavorable to her.

Liu Dalin's honesty does not mean that he is really stupid, nor does it mean that he has no intentions.

Blinking his eyes, Liu Yusheng pointed his little hand behind the big tree, "There is just one."

Then stood on tiptoe and took the ganoderma from the second hand Liu, and stuffed it into the arms of old lady Liu, "Pretty, here, grandma!"

Liu Erlin, whose status is not as good as that of his old mother, saw the baby's movements without hesitation, and the corners of his mouth twitched, so sour.

Old lady Liu was holding the Ganoderma lucidum, and seeing the sweet smiling face of the baby at her feet, her nose suddenly became sour, "Okay, for grandma, do I say that our daughter loves grandma the most!"

"Favorite!" Liu Yusheng nodded vigorously, his voice loud and bright.

At this time, the two boys who had just emerged from the grape grove immediately followed suit.

"I love it too!"

"I love it too!"

Saying that it was not enough, he piled all the bunches of grapes in her pockets into Old Lady Liu's back basket, making her amused her squeeze her face, and then gave her a hard kiss on Xiao Nan's face.

Looking at the sister who was smiling so hard that she could not see, the two boys were a little bit lamented.

The treatment is different. It is a squeeze for them and a kiss for the sister...

And the villagers who heard Liu Yusheng's answer have already got behind the big tree and searched everywhere, hoping to find another Ganoderma lucidum.

It is a very high-end medicinal material, and it can be sold at a drug store for a big price, which is enough for ordinary people to spend for several years!

"Mother, let's go back first." The villagers changed positions, and the grape groves were cleaned up. Liu Dalin winked at the old lady Liu and Liu Erlin, and the family packed up, carried the basket and walked home.

Halfway through, Liu Erlin asked, "Brother, why are we leaving? If you look for it, maybe you can find Ganoderma lucidum!"

"You are so easy to get a precious medicinal material? It's luck if you can dig one. And even if there is, we shouldn't grab it again, otherwise it will be hated."

The old lady Liu nodded, "Your brother is right. You must have a long-term perspective. We live in the village, and more importantly, we are popular. A village who looks up and sees it down is not good for our family. To be a human being, we must understand. Take it as soon as you see it."

Nestled in Liu Dalin's arms, Liu Yusheng listened quietly to the conversation of his family, always smiling.

Through these words, she has a deeper understanding of her family.

Daddy looks simple and honest, but in fact he is very wise and foolish, seeing things transparently.

The second uncle is just a straight-headed man.

The grandmother usually has a fierce temper, but she has the shrewdness and wisdom after her experience has settled.

The most important thing is that they all know that enough is enough and easy to be satisfied.

This is the hardest part of being a person, being able to hold onto one's heart in the face of the temptation of interest.

Looking up, closing his eyes, and letting the golden sunlight fall on his face from the gap in the shade, Liu Yusheng smiled calmly.

She is really, very lucky to have such a family.