Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 17: I suck you to death!


Hearing the movement, the boy suddenly raised his head, eyes covered by messy hair, looked at several people through the gap.

The eyes are fierce, alert, and faintly uneasy.

Like a little beast in a desperate situation.

Seeing a few people dressed up, the fierceness stopped, but the vigilance and anxiety were still there.

Liu Dalin stopped the ox cart, and Mr. Liu hugged Xiao Nun and walked over together.

"My son, what's the matter?" Mr. Liu asked first with a loud voice.

The boy's lips were pressed tightly, and he stared at a few people without speaking.

As he got closer, Liu Yusheng also saw the situation of the two more clearly.

Looking at the fabrics they were wearing, although they weren't very good, they were not bad, but they were all dirty, their clothes still had many torn places, their hair was disheveled, and their faces were covered with dust.

As for the woman who fell on the ground, her face was pale and her lips were chapped. She should have passed out with her eyes closed.

Liu Dalin frowned, "I'm afraid I'm dizzy from the sun."

"Father, water!" Liu Yusheng reminded. This woman should be too tired. In addition to the heat and heatstroke, she added Lingquan to the water at home. Drinking it can relieve the symptoms.

Liu Dalin hurriedly untied the water bag around his waist, ignoring the protection of men and women, and poured the water bag into the woman's mouth.

By this time it was almost noon, and the sun was blazing and blazing.

Fortunately, there is a shade of trees above the head, blocking the direct heat.

The boy also saw that a few people were willing to help, so he didn't stop him in the process, but kept his eyes fixed on the woman, and his clenched fist leaked tension.

Liu Yusheng glanced at him, his eyes stopped on his also chapped lips, took the water bag from Liu Dalin, and handed it to him.

Looking at the water bag in front of him, the boy's eyes slowly moved to Liu Yusheng's face, and what he saw was a bright and kindly smiling face.

"Brother, drink."

He took it hesitantly with both hands, took a deep look at the smiling face, and the boy raised his head to drink water.

The quality of the water was cool and sweet, and his swallowing speed unconsciously increased, and he didn't stop until the water bag almost reached the bottom.

Xu realized that he had drunk too much, and when he returned the water bag, the boy's eyes were slightly embarrassed.

Liu Yusheng pursed his lips, then took out a few pieces of candy from his arms and handed them to him, "Here."

The small white palm of the hand looks very beautiful against the background of the yellow-brown candy paper.

When he picked up the candy cube, his fingertips inadvertently swept across the girl's palm, feeling the warmth and softness, making his fingertips hot.

"Ahem!" On the ground, the unconscious woman woke up at the right time.

"Big sister, are you awake? How are you feeling, is it better?"

The woman had nice eyes, she scanned a few people, and she seemed to understand the current situation quickly, and she sat up, "I'm much better, thank you..."

"Don't thank you, you can help me, but the weather is too hot to stay outside all the time. Hurry up and go home. Where are you staying? Would you like us to take you for a ride? It's also convenient for us to drive an ox cart." Mr. Liu asked. .

"Thank you for the kindness of the old man. Our home is nearby. Just walk back home by yourself. I don't know where the old man's home is. For the help of life, the little lady will come to thank you in the future."

"Hey! What do you say thank you or not, what a big deal with the help from the neighbors in the village! We live in Xinghua Village, and the eldest sister can come to visit us when we have time. Don't mention the word of thanks!" The old man laughed loudly and hugged him. Qi Xiaonan said, "It's hot, don't delay too much, we will leave first."

The woman smiled and nodded.

The bullock cart was rolling around slowly, and continued to drive slowly towards home.

Behind him, under the big tree, a pair of eyes looked at the bullock cart and he took it back.

"Xiu'er, I worry you," under the shade of the tree, the woman probed her hand and gently rubbed the top of the boy's hair. "When we find a place to stay, we won't have to be wandering again in the future."

After several days of running and scorching heat, she could feel that her body was overwhelmed, and when she couldn't hold herself into a coma, she was very afraid that she would never wake up again.

She feels hard as an adult, but Xiu'er must be even more uncomfortable at her age.

It's time to find a place to settle down.

After being so far away, those people won't chase them anymore.

Stand up slowly, smile at the baby, "Let's go."

"...Xinghua Village." In a tender voice, he uttered three words, very softly.


"Xinghua Village." He repeated again.

This time the woman looked down at him for a long time before saying, "We can't get involved with anyone, otherwise it's possible that others will be involved, Xiu'er, remember your identity, you are different from them."

The boy stopped speaking, only half-downed his eyes, and insisted silently.

He had never asked her before, this was the first time.

Finally, the woman compromised, "Let's go, Xinghua Village."

Here, Mr. Liu and his entourage returned home and removed the big and small things from the wagon.

Knowing that Mr. Liu's body is completely healthy, and that Ganoderma has sold forty taels of silver, the family is very happy.

The two big rocks that had been pressing in my heart these days were finally removed, and my body was relaxed.

Old Lady Liu touched the brand-new fabric in her hand, nodding her head and muttering, "Okay, okay, so good..."

The two daughters-in-law sat beside her and smiled at each other.

And the two boys in the family were crazy when they saw the set of pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"Grandpa and grandma! Father, mother, can my younger brother (brother) and I go to school?"

"Yes, I will send you to school tomorrow!"

"Ahhh! We can really go to school! We will also be scholars in the future!"

The joy of the two boys infected everyone in the house.

Reading and going to school means that you will be better than others in the future.

For the future of the boys, the family worked hard for several years. It was easy to save some money. I thought that I could send the children to school, but when I thought of the father's thing again, the family was wiped out.

Just when everyone thought things were hopeless, there was another twist.

Looking back now, there are still mixed flavors in my heart.

"Old lady, this is the remaining silver, you keep it." Old man Liu took out the remaining silver and put it in front of Old Lady Liu, also to dilute the sourness in the air, "Thirty-six, two and four dollars are all here. ."

Old lady Liu had a meal, "Thirty-six two and four dollars? You spent three and two six dollars today?!"

"..." Father Liu and Liu Dalin stepped back together, trying to slip.

"Haha!" Old lady Liu sneered, and took the broomstick at hand and chased the two of them. "You two prodigal men! Is it easy to make some money? This is still the money that my daughter is lucky enough to pick up. You have a big hand. You lose three or two or six! It’s enough for the whole family to spend a year! Our grandchildren’s study money! My daughter’s dowry... I, I will kill you and me!"

Two and six dollars! My heart is bleeding!