Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 39: The fruit wine is made


When he took the spoon to scoop the wine, Liu Da's hands were shaking.

The red wine is clear and transparent, filled with rich aroma, which makes people salivate.

Swallowing, Liu Dadao said, "Father, you drink first."

Everyone stared at Old Man Liu intently, nervous and anxious.

The wine hadn't been drunk yet, a pressure came on his face, Old Man Liu held the bowl, took a deep breath, and lowered his head to taste the wine.

As soon as the wine entered the throat, the eyes opened wide, mellow and sweet, and the cheeks and teeth were fragrant! Almost the same as the one I drank last year!

"It's done, it's done! It's done! It's delicious, it's a good wine!"

Old Lady Liu's tight body suddenly relaxed, her face was full of joy, "Really? It's really done? Great, great!"

"Father, give me a taste. I think it's the same as before?" Liu Daxi was so happy that he didn't know how to put his hands and feet.

Liu Er was unwilling to show weakness, "I will try it too! I haven't drank it personally, I just can't believe it in my heart!"

"Hahaha! Come, take a sip and see how it tastes! I dare say that if you take this wine out, you will definitely not lose money even if you don't make money!" Old man Liu laughed, handed the bowl to Liu Da, and turned his head. He hugged Liu Yusheng and kissed hard, "Oh, my dear granddaughter, really made the wine! Are you happy? Hahaha!"

"Hey!" Liu Yusheng grinned as he kissed Old Man Liu's pleated face, "Is Grandpa High?"

"Grandpa is happy! Very happy! The entire Xinghua Village can't find a smarter baby than our daughter! Hahaha!"

"Hey again, you go out and say something like this, everyone in the village will hate you." Old lady Liu scolded with a smile, her eyes moist.

Since she harvested the grapes to make wine, her heart was hanging all day long, fearing that her family would be worried, and she was afraid of hitting her little granddaughter, so she didn't dare to show it.

I'm fine now, and I can finally relax my mind.

Everyone took a sip of a bowl of wine, but the two brothers Liu Zhixia and Liu Zhiqiu went to the school and haven't come back, so they couldn't participate in the joy.

"I didn't expect it to be brewed in just over a month. The taste is not worse than last year's taste, only the purity is a little bit lower." Liu Da smashed his mouth, his evaluation was pertinent.

"The longer the wine is left, the more mellow it gets. But we made it and sold it this time. Waiting for a year for a bit of mellowness, it's not worth it for us." Old man Liu smiled.

Liu Er nodded, "Father is right. Now that the wine is ready, should we repack it first? My eldest brother and I will go to town to sell wine in the morning!"

"Okay, I'll pack it now! Don't pack too much, just fill this jar, and you brothers will first go to the town's wine shop to explore the way with the wine."

Liu Yusheng smiled aside.

Now it is like a dream. She has successfully taken the hardest first step and injected confidence into her family. In the follow-up, she believes that as long as there are no accidents, it will not be too difficult.

Her family will get better and better, and their horizons will become wider and wider.

She will take them out of a new life.

"Unfortunately, there are a lot of broken peels and pulp in the wine. Without these things, it would look better." Liu Yusheng pretended to say casually, poking his head.

Not for nothing, it immediately aroused deep thoughts between father and second uncle.

"Cuckoo, go find a clean piece of gauze. I remember my head was smashed before, and the gauze I used had leftovers." Liu Eryi clapped his palms.

Dujuan immediately went to the room to find the gauze that had been stowed away.

At the beginning, because the child's father had a wound on her head, she felt so distressed that she took care of him extremely meticulously, and the gauze used for bandaging was specially boiled in boiling water.

Now it comes in handy.

As soon as Liu's second words were uttered, Liu Da understood his intention, "This is a good idea! Use gauze to sift out those peels and pulp! The rest is pure wine!"

"Hey, you brothers, you are usually stupid and reckless. It's rare to be smart this time." Mrs. Liu jokingly, along with Mrs. Liu and Chen Xiulan, moved the small wine jars that had been washed and dried, and moved in by the way. A clean wooden basin contains the filtered debris.

There are no extra large clean tanks in the house. If you want to separate them, you can only filter them directly with a small wine jar.

Although it was a little troublesome, the liquor that came out was extremely pure, and it was more than a grade than before. His heart was full of confidence and hope, and everyone's face was full of smiles, and they didn't feel tired at all.

A big jar, one hundred catties of grapes, one catty of rice wine, two hundred and twenty altars are finished!

It is equivalent to a catty of grapes yielding a catty or two of wine!

The cost of one hundred and fifty essays! One hundred and ten pounds of fruit wine!

"Even if a catty of fruit wine is only sold for ten cents, we, we will all make a lot of money!" Liu Er smirked.

Mr. Liu slapped his neck with a slap. He wanted to call his head. Assassin’s head was injured. He changed his way temporarily, “Things with shallow eyelids and half a catty of low-grade rice wine are sold for fifty cents, ten cents, you think. To these fruit wines, I can't kill you or me! Do you know what this is? This is the only thing in the entire Nanling country!"

"Father, how much do we sell?"

"..." Mr. Liu got stuck, he didn't know how much to sell.

It is reasonable to say that the price of a single copy is definitely high, but it is really expensive. Can anyone buy it

"Father, milk, father, second uncle, Aunt Wanrong said that if the wine is made for her to taste, she said she can give us a suggestion! Can you say, Aunt Wanrong can help you order a suitable price?" Liu Yusheng asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Old lady Liu slapped her thigh, "Wanrong looks like a big family. He must have more knowledge than our country folks. I brought a jar of wine and went to the log cabin to find her! It's a shame that our daughter reminded her. , Otherwise I didn't even think of it!"

The old lady Liu is also a hot-tempered temperament. She does what she says, brings a jar of wine, and leads Liu Yusheng to the cabin.

It was already evening, the setting sun sank completely into the sky, and the Venus had been hung on the sky.

Watching the time, Chen Xiulan and Du Juan went to cook until the meal was ready and they hadn't come back.

In the cabin.

The old lady Liu looked nervously at Ashiu Niang, "How? How does it taste? Wanrong, you have a lot of knowledge, but you have to give me a precise word, or the old lady can't settle down."

Putting down the small cup of fruit wine, Ashura pondered for a moment before she said, "My lady, the wine is very good, and the taste is not bad, and after drinking it, it feels very different. It is more nourishing than normal grape wine. The effect, this is just the feeling of my initial product. Whether it really has this effect or not, it takes time to verify. But whether it has this effect or not, the comfort after drinking it is more valuable than ordinary fruit wine. It is sold!"

"Really? Oh, then I don't worry. Tell me, if this wine is taken out, what price is appropriate?"