Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 48: Is it a son?


Knowing that Liu's affairs were finished in the afternoon, Ashiu Niang didn't come back.

Ah Xiu didn't stay to finish the meal. Before leaving, Liu Yusheng was stuffed with a packet of dim sum and a small pot of fruit wine.

After dinner, the family closed the courtyard door and sat in the main room again for a family meeting.

Mrs. Liu took out all the money she had earned from selling wine in the past few days for accounting.

Seven silver tickets, four five hundred taels, two one hundred taels, plus five silver ingots.

A total of two thousand two hundred fifty taels of silver.

The adults didn't make a sound for a long time.

Liu Zhiqiu, who was still stuffing snacks in his mouth, exclaimed excitedly, "Grandma, father, mother, our family is getting rich, right?"

Liu Er let out a suffocating breath, smiled and cursed, "Smelly boy, do you know what makes a fortune?"

"Of course I know, I made a lot of money, isn't it just a fortune! How could our family have so much money before!"

"Eat yours! Eating can't stop your mouth!"

Liu Zhiqiu turned to meet his elder brother Liu Zhixia, and continued to cover his head and eat snacks.

It's delicious. It's the first time I have eaten such an expensive snack. I won't talk about the taste. Just an expensive word is enough for him to show off with his friends for a long time.

"Unexpectedly, after working for two months, I made so much money all at once. It's like a pie in the sky. It's not true." Old man Liu sighed, "Who would have thought that we would be fooling around with my daughter and daughter in the first place. Such a situation."

"Everywhere in the village it is said that the nun is a blessing baby, and now I also think it is that the nun was born in our family and brings all the blessings." Old lady Liu jokingly pressed the banknotes back into the small wooden box. Three silver ingots and broken silver were placed on it, and the remaining two silver ingots were distributed to Chen Xiulan and Du Juan. "Everyone has worked hard during this period. The last time I gave you money was a year ago. It’s still tight. I only give you a hundred wen. This time, I’ll give you a dozen or two. Look back and find time to buy something, and you will also go back to your family’s house. It’s not for you to show off, but to teach your parents to rest assured. In our Liu family, they didn't wronged their daughter."

"Mother..." Chen Xiulan and Du Juan held silver, their hands were heavy, but their hearts were full and warm.

"Okay, there is nothing to say. After you two got married, your mother treated you as your daughters. From now on, as long as our family is still such a kind, harmonious and beautiful, it is fine. A happy life is more important than anything else."

Liu Er looked at this and that, then quietly bumped Liu Da's hand, Liu Da turned his head and ignored him at all.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and bashfully approached my old mother, "Mother, during this period of time, my eldest brother and I are also very hard. You see, they are collecting grapes for wine and entering the county town to discuss business. It's not easy, is it? Isn't it, give us some... Huh? Huh?"

Stretching out two fingers and twisting it, the smile is flattering.

Old lady Liu raised her brows and slapped her backhand, "Huh what? Huh? Huh what? I want money to go with my daughter-in-law, see if they can give it to you, bastard! You don't need to go back if you have food or drink at home. My natal family, what do you want money for, ah, don’t tell my elder mother four, five, six, don’t think about it!"

Liu Er hugged his head and squirmed, "No, mother... Ouch! Mother! Am I your son after all!"

"No! The old lady only has daughters and no sons, so what!"

"..." Liu Er was grieved, "I was wrong, I was the wrong mother! Don't fight! Wife, sister-in-law! Stop it, oh hey!"

"Hahaha!" His wife and sister-in-law laughed together, not forgetting to speak as an accomplice, "Mother, he has a real skin, don't hurt your hand, use a broom!"

After being identified, this is not a daughter-in-law!

After the laughter, she sat back on the bamboo bed, and Old Lady Liu closed the small wooden box and locked it, "I keep these silver ladies and use them to study for the two boys in the future, and leave a dowry for our daughter and daughter, let’s not Always thinking about how much money the family made, how to live before, how to live in the future, honestly farming, and living a solid life."

Old man Liu nodded, "The old lady is right, you have all remembered, and your mouth should be more strict. Don't talk about money matters. Although there are no treacherous people in the village, but we suddenly made a fortune, some people will always be jealous in private. Let's not provoke that eye, live our life peacefully, and be unassuming."

Everyone nodded, "We've all written it down."

Even Liu Zhixia and Liu Zhiqiu gave a guarantee, "Father, milk, we won't talk about it, the wealth is not revealed!"

Liu Yusheng held her cheeks in her small hands, quietly and obediently next to her grandparents, without interrupting in expressing any opinions.

She agrees with her grandparents, and it's the most important thing to live a down-to-earth life.

Stick to the original heart and never forget the original intention.

The next day, Liu Daliu Er returned the large water tanks he had borrowed back to each house, and gave each house a packet of dim sum and half a basket of vegetables.

On the way, many people came up to ask about selling alcohol at home, and there were also people who asked about how much money they made. Both brothers only shook their heads and smiled, saying that they had made a few catties of meat, and they took the matter over. .

However, rumors still spread in the village, saying that the Liu family was lucky enough to have a good luck, and that the days passed the better.

The main goal is still to focus on Liu Yusheng, because the fruit wine was made by Liu Yusheng at the beginning, and the reputation of Fuwa slowly spread throughout the ten miles and eight townships without the Liu family's knowledge.

But the life of the Liu family is still as usual.

After the rice is harvested in the fields, he plows the ground again to make the farm manure, and sometimes goes to his dry land to water the sweet potatoes and wait for the harvest.

Liu Yusheng still went to the cabin to report every day, following Ashiu's literacy, Zama squatting, and learning medicine identification and basic medical theories from Ashiu Niang.

The calm lasted until noon ten days later, and Qian Wanjin once again drove to Liu's house in his horse-drawn carriage.

"Grandma Liu, I'm here again!"

At that time, the Liu family had just had lunch and prepared to take a short break.

The whole family was shocked by a shout.

Old Lady Liu sat up on the bamboo bed in the hall, "Oh, isn't this the voice of the little boss? Is it really coming back?"

During the lunch break, Liu Yusheng lay on the bamboo bed with Mrs. Liu. It was cool and could also enhance the relationship between grandma and grandma.

Hearing that the corners of his lips were secretly cast aside, he went to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing. The second generation ancestor, there was absolutely no good when he came to the door.

Liu Da went and opened the door to welcome people in.

Qian Wanjin was still in gold, with a shop Xiaoer Rhubarb behind him.

"Uncle, are you all at home? I happen to have something to discuss with you." As he said, he walked into the hall, not seeing anything.

"Discuss with us? I don't know what the little boss is talking about?"