Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 78: It's better to eat flat


The Qian’s carriage came by stepping on a meal.

Only Qian Wanjin came this time.

As soon as I walked in, I felt an unusual atmosphere.

The courtyard, which was always full of laughter and joy in the past, is particularly silent today. The family is all there, sitting in a corner, silent and solemn. Even Granny Liu, who smiles every time she sees him, just barely pulls the corner of her mouth this time.

"Fu 囡囡, what's the matter? One by one, like bereavement concubines, going to the funeral?" Qian Wanjin whispered as he approached Liu Yusheng who was sitting on the eaves of the gallery.

Turning his head to meet the little baby's deep and faint eyes, his eyelids twitched inexplicably, and he was a little flustered.

Bad premonition.

"Little boss, is your family very rich?"

"It's normal, Nanling is second." When he answered, Qian Wanjin subconsciously stood up, his chest was not straight out, and his belly was particularly prominent.

"Then the business is going to be very big, isn't the network also very broad?"

Qian Wanjin immediately took his stomach back, watching Liu Yusheng's eyes with caution, "What do you want to do?"

"I have something to ask you for help."

"Fu 囡囡, I am a businessman. As a successful businessman, I don't do things that do no good."

"You mention the price, as long as I can afford it."

Hearing this, Qian Wanjin slowly took away the laughter on his face, and stared at the little baby for a moment. In those clear black pupils, he actually saw a kind of maturity and seriousness beyond age.

She was really talking about the price with him, not a joke.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Help me diversify the staff and find Brother Ashiu." Liu Yusheng said softly, with a firm tone.

In the village, Grandpa and Dad have already gone to say hello and asked the villagers to help find someone.

It's just that I have been busy all morning, and ran around the village and even the town, but I didn't get the slightest gain.

In addition, each household has a family to support, has its own things to do, and there is limited help.

Liu Yusheng couldn't wait. When thinking of a way, Qian Wanjin was the first one to think of.

People who do business have a wide network of people, making it more convenient and efficient to find people.

As long as he is willing to help, she is willing to pay any compensation.

He took a stool and sat next to Liu Yusheng, Qian Wanjin regained his hippie smile, "Why, that kid is missing? You have to go to the GF staff to find someone? You are kind to him too, what is he? People, you dare to say to the little master that the price is with me?"

At the beginning, he was going to build a wine shop, and when it came to the distribution of benefits, he was arrogant about his blushing and thick neck, and he refused to eat at the slightest loss. Now for another unaccompanied breast-smelly boy, he is unexpectedly generous.

The difference in treatment is really big enough.

"Little boss, no one can ask for me. The only big person I know is you. I beg you, can you help me find him?" Qian Wanjin is taking Qiao, she knows that if she can find someone back, she won't Mind bowing your head.

Her pride is not that important.

When she said to beg him, Qian Wanjin instantly turned his head to the side, and his usual smile became cold.

Suddenly I felt very upset in my heart.

When she was deflated, he always thought about how to regain a city. Right now she was really weak with him, and he found that the mood was not as good as she deflated him.

"Little girl film, you can find the right person. I dare not say anything else. In terms of connections, my Qian family dare to say second. No one dares to say first. Some of the manpowered masters are." The scornful smile on the face was a little more inattentive, "The profit of the wine shop is seven and you three. In addition, if you add three high-level formulas, you don't have a share."

After a pause, he said again, "The medicinal liquor formula given by Mrs. Ashiu does not count. The advanced formula I said has to be researched and provided by you personally. For the sake of your young age, I will not bully you. Give me."

"Okay." Liu Yusheng nodded without hesitation.

With that virtue, Qian Wanjin sneered secretly, and was upset again.

He stood up and stretched the unfolded brocade robe, "This is all for dinner, should I have dinner? The young master came here on an empty stomach, do you want him to continue to go back on an empty stomach?"

Looking at the cold-fired stove, and then at the family members who are still immersed in sadness and can’t get out, Liu Yusheng pursed his mouth, "There is no food, there are some moxa in the house, it tastes very good, or you can eat some. Go again?"

"..." Is this chasing people or chasing people? He won't leave, he won't be in a hurry! "Of course! Eat!"

Ai Li, he had eaten that thing, it was sweet and greasy, and it was still sticky.

He didn't like it.

And the Ai Xi that this girl gave him was still cold, and it didn't even take the effort to get hot!

If it weren't for the two of them to be a little affectionate, plus seeing her young, he would have to give her a fist.

In this way of hospitality, I still ask for help, haha!

With an indignant mood, Qian Wanjin vented his dissatisfaction on Ai Xi and bit down.

Hmm... The fragrance of mugwort fills your mouth immediately, and the sesame filling in the middle is sweet but not greasy. The taste is just right and delicious.

It was more than a little bit better than what he had eaten before.

"It's weird, Fu Nuan, how do I think your food is particularly delicious? Vegetables, rice, moxa, and even the water at home are more delicious. Can the blessing affect the taste of food?"

Liu Yusheng did not explain.

All the food in the family has the merits of Lingquan's promotion.

She just wanted to take care of this little ancestor quickly, and he could return to the city immediately to help find someone.

The thing about the cabin happened last night, and one night has passed. I don't know what situation Ash's brother is facing and what the situation is now.

But she intuitively felt that the longer the time was, the more painful torment Ash would be.

The little boy who only treated her tenderly, the little boy with black eyes like the starry sky of a midsummer night, he was already covered with haze when she didn't want to see each other again.

She was scared and distressed.

When Qian Wanjin left, he took away a bag of Ai Ci and also brought Liu Yusheng's final expectations.

Before I left, I wanted to warn him not to hold full hope. The incident shocked the government. So many officials hadn't been able to find people, and he might not be able to bring people back.

It's just that when I met the eyes of the little girl, I couldn't say what I said.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Qian Wanjin got into the carriage back to the county seat. This was his shortest stay in Liu's house.

The officials who searched in the villages have already collected their teams and left. According to the villagers who went to inquire about the news, there is still no news there.

While waiting, Liu Yusheng suffered every bit in his heart, and the time was particularly long.

One day, two days, one month, two months...

The wine shop has started to officially operate, and the villagers have also begun to work in the wine shop, and everyone's wine jars are constantly being transported to the wine shop warehouse.

The haze caused by that incident gradually dissipated over Xinghua Village, and the lives of the villagers, with the benefits of the wine shop, gradually flourished.

And the person Liu Yusheng was looking for had no information at all.