Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 114: quarrel


The relationship between parents and children cannot be separated, so it can only be said from the perspective of guest officials.

Mr. Zhuang went back to the study and found a very thick book, and said to her: "You are still young, when you grow up, you can read the law book."

Mr. Zhuang turned to a page and brought Man Bao with him for her to read.

Knowing that she is not very good at punctuating sentences now, and it is difficult to understand these obscure provisions, Mr. Zhuang just clicked on the book and explained to her in plain language, "Women can also inherit their parents' property, and the dowry prepared by parents for their daughters is The most direct performance."

Mr. Zhuang said: "From the legal point of view, as long as the parents leave a will to inherit the house to the daughter, then theoretically, the daughter can inherit the house."

Man Bao has been tricked by Ke Ke many times, so she asked immediately: "Then what is it actually?"

Mr. Zhuang glanced at her approvingly, and said: "Although there are national laws, the people will not report this kind of matter, and the officials will not be investigated. It’s generally not passed on to women.”

Man Bao's eyes sparkled, and he asked, "What is recruiting a son-in-law?"

"It is to let your eldest sister marry a husband and come back. A man will marry a woman." Mr. Zhuang said: "This is the easiest condition for inheriting your parents' assets, but your parents may not be willing to find a son-in-law for your eldest sister."

After all, the Zhou family is not without a son.

Man Bao said: "My eldest sister can earn money and build a house by herself, and my brothers will help her open up wasteland and farm the land."

Mr. Zhuang smiled slightly, and said: "Then you have to set up a female household, otherwise these assets will not be in her name, and even the money she earned by herself will not be in your own name."

Mr. Zhuang turned to another page and told Man Bao: "Only those who have no husband and no children can be established as female households. If the household dies, they will be extinct. Although your eldest sister is not a widow, she is a divorced person and has no children. It is just too much." Young, the village head may not be willing to report to win a female household for her."

Man Bao rolled his eyes and didn't speak.

She decided that when her father came back, she must tell him about this female household.

At this time, old Zhou was sitting in the yard of Liu's house with a dark face. Old Liu pressed Liu Dalang to apologize to him with a face of guilt, "Dear family, I went to the city yesterday to buy new year's goods. You know, the village It's far away from the county seat, so I just stayed at my daughter's house for one night, and when I got home today, I heard that the old lady gave the divorce letter to the elders on her own initiative, and I couldn't be more angry."

He said: "The old man has been here for eight years. Although I have not been able to give birth to a son and a half for my Liu family, the relationship between our two families has always been good. Since I asked someone to write to you, I just want to call the two of you. The family has time to sit together and talk about the two children, so how could they rush to give her the letter of divorce under the New Year's Eve?"

Old man Liu said: "Dear family, this matter is my wife's fault, I will ask Da Lang to bring his daughter-in-law back in a while, and we will discuss these matters after the Chinese New Year. What do you think?"

Old Zhou looked at him with a sneer, and asked, "Are you done? I'm done talking. My Zhou family's daughter is not something that your Liu family can rest on if you say so. Liu Dalang, don't forget, she has served you before." Your grandma, send them to the funeral, they are filial!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Dalang looked at Old Man Liu again, "You said you wanted to discuss with my Zhou family, but your family will not write the divorce letter, right? Is there anyone in your family who can hold a pen? Obviously, the divorce letter was prepared early. Yes, discuss with me but prepare the divorce letter first, you still have to discuss with me!"

Speaking of which, Old Zhou was so angry that he slapped his thigh on the thigh and glared at Old Liu, "Don't push your wife out, my family is happy, but I said, you are not at home, but Liu Dalang is here, what, your son is twenty It's been a long time, and you still listen to his mother's mercy, and you don't even understand the most basic etiquette? Since your Liu family can do it without saying a word, and put my daughter out of the house in the early morning, it is already ready to make enemies with my Zhou family I'm ready, since that's the case, let's set out today and talk about it, there's no need to talk about it."

Tuesday Lang stepped forward, kicked Liu Dalang in the hollow of his knee, kicked him to the ground, stepped on his back, and said to the Liu family: "Today's divorce letter is not counted, Liu Dalang is still ours. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law drove our sisters out of the house, and my natal brothers always expressed a little bit of disapproval?"

Liu's mother, who had been pretending to be dead in the house, couldn't bear it anymore, ran out and pushed Zhou Yilang away, protected Liu Dalang and said, "What do you want to do, bully my son and come to our Liujia Village, do you think we are dead? "

Zhou Zhoulang sneered, looked at her and said, "Didn't you say you got sick from my sister's anger? I don't think he's sick because he's alive and kicking."

Old man Liu's face was darkened and he was so angry that he saw that all the people from Zhou's family were staring at them, and he knew that today's affairs really couldn't be good.

Uncle Qian finally broke free from the hands of his two older brothers, and rushed up after Zhou Zhoulang, pinching his waist and scolding old man Liu, "Take us as blind, brother-in-law, I don't think you need to talk nonsense to them, first put their house away." He was smashed to vent his anger on Xi. Do you say that our family Xi is filial to her? Seeing her like this, she is stronger than our family Xi, and she is already old and has such a spirit. I think our family Xi is too filial."

It was a very silly remark, but now Lao Zhou didn't scold him.

The Liu family is really deceiving people too much. As soon as they arrived, the old head Liu confessed his mistake first, and then said that the reason why Liu's mother threw the divorce letter to Zhou Xi was completely impulsive, because Zhou Xi contradicted Liu's mother early in the morning. Mother Liu was so angry that she lost her mind and did this.

And he was not at home at the time, and was doing New Year's goods in the county, so he couldn't stop him.

It's no wonder that old Zhou is happy to see that he is going to put a shit bowl on his daughter's head when he arrives.

So at this time, he didn't stop Uncle Qian from messing around. After he scolded the Liu family and became very angry, he said: "If you say something, you will throw out the water and the divorce letter. Our Zhou family is not like this." Shit, you are still rushing to pick up your Liu family, your Liu family is not worthy, but our Zhou family will not accept the letter of divorce!"

Old Zhou Tou took out the letter of divorce, threw it directly on Liu Dalang's face, and said, "She is giving your grandma a pension, and your Liu family is not qualified to divorce her."

"She's a hen that doesn't lay eggs!" Mother Liu screamed.

It was Liu's mother who spoke, and Xiaoqian stepped forward and said, "Fart, is it something my elder sister-in-law can do alone? Who knows if there is something wrong with your son?"

"My son is fine..."

"Then my eldest sister-in-law doesn't even have one. She has seen a doctor, and the doctor said she can give birth, but your son is unwilling to see a doctor. Who knows if it's his problem?"

"Fart, my son already has seeds?"

"Where are they planted?"

"exist… "

"Shut up!" Old Man Liu yelled, glaring at Mother Liu violently.

But Xiaoqian refused to let Mother Liu go, and took turns running on her with the three sisters-in-law, "Say it, why don't you say it, whose stomach is that in?"

"No wonder, my sister-in-law worked hard and worked hard for so many years and didn't hear that you wanted to divorce her. Now she's divorced without even saying hello. It turns out that she has a child by adultery."