Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 144: letter


The whole village was as lively as Chinese New Year, the children were especially excited, and the adults were also very happy, although the village head asked the boys to talk after dinner, expressing his concern about the upstream dam.

But now it is the end of autumn, the flood season of the river is over, even if the dam breaks, they will not have the risk of being submerged downstream, and we are all ordinary villagers, so we can't come to any conclusion after discussing, at most, we can report it to the village chief.

Every family got so many big fish and small fish for nothing, and they were so happy that the smell of fish was wafting in the village early the next morning.

There is no way, the fish have lived out of the river for a short time, so they still have to be cleaned up, dead fish are not good to eat, and they can't be kept.

Zhou Dalang and the others also got up early in the morning, changed the water in the wooden barrels, and caught the most powerful fish from the tanks, planning to transport them to the county town for sale.

Although there is a river here, it is a mountainous area after all, and it is rare to see big fish at ordinary times. Zhou Zhoulang probably won't be too hard to sell, provided that he has to be ahead of others.

Zhou Zhoulang and Friday Lang still went to the county town to sell ginger, and they brought Manbao's letter with them along with fried small dried fish. Zhou Wulang also brought a bag of sugar, intending to sell it to Miss Fu Er to increase his income.

The children in the school were carefree and wanted to go to the river to catch another fish after school. While scolding them, Mr. Zhuang looked worriedly at the calming river.

It can be seen that the current water level is much higher than before. Originally, due to the decrease of rain at the end of autumn, the water level has dropped, exposing many aquatic plants roots, but now the tops of these aquatic plants are submerged.

Mr. Zhuang sighed. He didn't know how the county government planned to repair the upstream dam. If I remember correctly, the upstream dam has not been built for more than five years, right

It is not the first time Miss Fu has received a gift from Man Bao, but it is the first time she has received food.

The taste of the cold dried fish was not very good. Second Miss Fu pinched a piece with a handkerchief and took a bite carefully. The way to write it is to heat it up and then pass it through the oil.

Only then did Second Miss Fu unfold Man Bao's letter.

In the letter, Man Bao focused on describing the lively scene of fishing yesterday, and the wish for the upstream dam, Miss Fu read it with relish, and was very envious.

When County Magistrate Fu returned to the backyard from the front office to have dinner at noon, Second Miss Fu, as a show of filial piety, specially distributed half of the small dried fish and let them bring it to the dining table.

She thinks that the small fish is crispy and crispy after heating, which is really delicious.

County magistrate Fu also thought it was delicious. He ate several mouthfuls and laughed with his wife, "This fish is not bad. Is it a new dish?"

Mrs. Fu glanced at it and said with a smile: "This is not made in the kitchen at home, but Wen Yun sent it to the kitchen. I don't know how to do it yet?"

"Oh?" Magistrate Fu looked at his second daughter and asked with a smile, "Which store did you buy this from?"

Seeing that her father liked it, Fu Wenyun was also a little happy, and explained: "I didn't buy it, it was a gift from my friend."

Fu Wenxuan on the side said happily, "Is that the little girl who sold you candy? Could it be that she wants to sell you this little fish, so I will give you some to taste first?"

Fu Wenyun was not very happy about the tone of the elder sister's mention of Man Bao, and said: "Man Bao is not that kind of person. She has always said that this fish was caught by their family from the river yesterday, and there are not many. The letter said it was just sent. Just give me a taste, it may not be there in the future."

County magistrate Fu was not interested in the friendship of his daughters, so he nodded perfunctorily, and asked casually, "Their family does fishing for a living? Autumn fish are plump. If there are good fish, she can send them home. , pay as much as you want."

"No, it's the farmer's family. It's also their luck. The dam upstream of their village broke yesterday, and a lot of fish came down. This is how their family can catch so many fish."

County magistrate Fu, who happened to have a mouthful of food, was choked immediately and couldn't help coughing violently.

Everyone at the dinner table was startled, and Mrs. Fu hurriedly patted him on the back, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Magistrate Fu's throat was stuck, and her eyes were red from coughing. Fu Wenxuan quickly poured her father a glass of water.

County magistrate Fu took the water, coughed violently for a while, and then grabbed Fu Wenyun's hand, and asked with red eyes, "You, what did you just say?"

Fu Wenyun was only ten years old, so frightened, she froze in place and asked stammeringly, "I, didn't I say anything?"

"No, no, where did you say they caught their fish?"

"River, in the river..." Fu Wenyun's eyes filled with tears, and Mrs. Fu couldn't help but yelled, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Why are there fish in the river?"

"Oh, there are no fish in the river, where are the fish?" Mrs. Fu couldn't help but ask.

But Fu Wenyun suddenly came to her senses, and said: "It is said that the dams of some of their villages broke, and a lot of river water rushed down, even with fish."

County Magistrate Fu asked, "Where is their village?"

"I remember she said it was called Qili Village."

"Qili Village, Qili Village... Isn't that in Baimaguan Town?" County magistrate Fu murmured, and quickly asked, "Where is her letter? Did it say that there were casualties and that the fertile land was flooded..."

Finally, Fu Wenyun gave Man Bao's letter to her father.

There are several thick sheets, and Man Bao's characters have already achieved rough results, at least they can be read. Although the characters are still very immature in the eyes of County Magistrate Fu, how can he appreciate the characters at the moment.

He read the letter at a glance, and was not interested in those childlike descriptions. He quickly scanned through and found that in the four sheets of paper, there were only two references to the broken dam upstream, and one was when fishing was described. , explained why so many fish suddenly appeared in the river in their village, and the last time was at the end of the letter. The child made a wish, hoping that the dam upstream would be broken again tomorrow, preferably every day, so that they Then you can catch fish every day.

Magistrate Fu: ...

This is really, where did the brat come from.

In the end, magistrate Fu rolled up the letter and went directly to Qianya. Magistrate Fu didn't go home that night, and he heard that he had gone to the countryside.

Man Bao didn't know anything about it, and slept soundly amidst the sound of insects, and stretched a little when she got up the next day, and this morning she could eat fried fish again.

Man Bao happily washed his face and hands, and obediently sat at the dining table waiting for breakfast.

As a result, her breakfast food was served, and the gong was beating outside, and Man Bao jumped up and was about to run outside, wanting to join in the fun, but was caught by Xiao Qian's sharp eyes, "What are you doing, eat quickly off to school."

Man Bao pointed to the outside and said, "gongs are beating outside."

"That's the village chief calling the boys in the village to hold a meeting. It has nothing to do with you. Hurry up and go to school."

Man Bao lowered his head regretfully, then raised his head after a while and asked, "Sister-in-law, did the dam upstream break again, did the elder brother of the village chief ask everyone to catch fish?"

Xiaoqian's toothache hurt a bit. The age of the village chief is not much different from that of his father-in-law, but his generation is younger. Can Man Bao stop calling him brother

Well, although she should indeed call him brother.