Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 202: Hot day


Man Bao wandered around the village and found that she was not very familiar with the children of the same age in the village. She ran towards them, and they ran away when they saw them from a distance.

After walking for a while, Man Bao became bored, and simply ran home to tidy up the small bookcase, and said to Qian: "Mom, I'm going to school."

Qian nodded, "Go, go, are you tired today?"

She asked for an extra day off because she was afraid that the little girl would be too tired from playing crazy. If she wanted to go, she would naturally support it.

Man Bao shook his head, "I'm not tired at all."

"Let's go then."

Man Bao ran to the school with a small bookcase on his back, and slipped in through the back door of the school. The teacher standing on the podium saw it and pretended he hadn't, but he was speechless about the little disciple's attempt to hide it.

You are sitting in the first row, why do you enter through the back door

As soon as Man Bao entered the door, he only took two steps forward before he realized it, but the door was already in, and it was impossible to get out.

She blushed and walked forward through the tables and tables of classmates with the bookcase on her back.

Everyone looked at her in surprise, well, let alone "sneaking" in now, she broke in with great momentum.

Hearing the noise from behind, Mr. Zhuang, who pretended to have bad eyesight and turned his back to look for the book, turned around helplessly.

The master and apprentice looked at each other, Man Bao showed a flattering smile, and waved: "Sir, I'm back to class."

Mr. Zhuang glanced at the noisy students, nodded solemnly and said: "Go back to your seat and sit down, open the book..."

Bai Shanbao winked at Man Bao, why can't he think about coming to school

Man Bao gave him a look back: because of boredom.

Bai Shanbao expressed his regret, he wanted to ask for one more day off to sleep at home, but his grandmother didn't allow it.

So he winked and asked Man Bao: Are the bride and groom having fun

He still liked the little game he played in the new house last night when he was having a bridal chamber.

However, the message conveyed by this look was too complicated, and Man Bao didn't understand it, and she saw her husband glance at them, so she ignored him, opened the book, and sat upright to listen to the class.

Bai Shanbao was a little bit sorry, he was always active, he couldn't sit still whenever he had doubts in his mind, he would move left and right like a fire was burning under his buttocks.

It provoked Mr. Zhuang to look at him several times, and then seeing that he couldn't sit still, he called his name and asked him to get up to read. First, he read the textbook he was going to talk about twice, corrected his sentences, and then asked him Meaning, after such a toss, Bai Shanbao's erratic mind finally returned.

It wasn't until after class that Bai Shanbao put away the book that he remembered the question he wanted to ask earlier, "Are the bride and groom fun?"

"It's fun, didn't you play with us all yesterday?"

"I mean today."

Man Bao said: "There is no wedding today, Sister Fang is already my fourth sister-in-law."

"Isn't it fun without a wedding?" Bai Shanbao tilted his head, "At least there is an extra person in your family, don't you feel any difference?"

Man Bao thought for a while and said, "If I don't feel it, I don't know whether my fourth sister-in-law's food is good or not. I hope her cooking is as good as my sister-in-law's, so that I can eat delicious food for two days in one round. .”

Bai Shanbao, who had only three people in his family, couldn't understand it.

But Fang's arrival had little impact on Manbao's children. The Zhou family had too many people, and the children still had to complete their own tasks every day and play by themselves in the rest of the time.

To say that the biggest impact is that the fourth uncle who used to like to take them up trees to dig out bird eggs, and go down the river to fish, suddenly didn't act with them much.

Call him ten times, only two times he will agree to go up the tree and down the river with them.

So it's still a pity.

As soon as Mrs. Fang came in, Mrs. Qian did not arrange tasks for her immediately, but asked her to help the four of Mrs. Qian. Mrs. Qian watched her for a few days and saw that she was gradually familiar with housework, so she let her in. From now on, Little Qian and the others will share less housework and take longer rounds.

This is the advantage of having a large number of people. Even Little Qian is secretly looking forward to the fifth child marrying a wife. At that time, they may be divided into two groups to take turns to complete the housework, and they will have more free time at that time.

As soon as he had free time, Mrs. He began to put all his energy into reclaiming the wasteland. He led a group of children to weed out the grass in the field and added another layer of fertilizer.

Xiaoqian asked them, and finally took Feng to make tofu together.

Of course, the reason why she asked Feng Shi to make tofu together was because the tofu had to be picked out by Zhou Zhoulang and sold, and the money was handed over to the queen and the two families to share equally.

Because Zhou Dalang did the heavy work of grinding beans and carrying water, and when it came to making tofu, Xiaoqian's was the main one, and Feng's was the second.

No way, although the method is the same, but if you ask Feng to order some tofu, the taste is still a bit different.

It is obviously the same method, but is it so strange

Tofu is surprisingly easy to sell in the county town, and every time Zhou Zhoulang brings it, it can be sold out, and even the bamboo weaving business with him is better.

But this situation only lasted until mid-May.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, the sun has been shining brightly, and it is extremely hot. Man Bao's clothes are half wet when he comes back from school every day, which shows the high temperature.

The weather was hot for ten days in a row. Zhou Dalang was still worried that the water in the fields would dry up and hurt the rice, but the old Zhoutou was worried about the heavy rain.

Some old people in the village gathered together and squinted to look at the clouds and the sun in the sky every day, so that Man Bao, who came back from school, saw it and learned to look up.

In the end, my eyes were almost blurred and I didn't see anything.

She humbly asked her father, "Father, what are you looking at?"

Old Zhou Tou looked away from the sky and said, "Look at the clouds."

Man Bao looked up again, and said, "The clouds now are not as good as I saw them before."

Old Zhou was so worried that his eyebrows were wrinkled, and he asked the old man next to him, "Look at the day, it's going to rain heavily."

"I think so, but who knows if it won't rain?" He was a little older than Zhou Tou, sitting on a rock under the tree and said, "It was said four or five days ago that it was going to rain heavily. After all, it was so muggy. It didn’t come down either, it’s getting more and more stuffy these days, I watched the dark clouds drift by, but a gust of wind blows them away, so let’s have a look again.”

Old Zhou was a little worried, "Why don't you clean up the ditch on the other side of Xiaowan first."

"Talk to the village chief, who is willing to carry a hoe to dig ditches on such a hot day?"

Old Zhou Tou never liked to stand out, so he was silent for a while, but when he lowered his head to meet the little girl's bright and curious eyes, he pondered for a while, and then went to talk to the village chief.

But as the old man said, the weather is too hot now, and the water level in the river is not very high, so the young and strong in the village are not very willing to clean the ditches.

On such a day, it would be good if they didn't want to grab the water from the ditches to their own fields, but they still want them to put the water from the fields into the ditch. What are they thinking

However, the accident came unexpectedly.