Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 208: refugees


Zhou Zhou Lang thought for a while and said: "Okay, I will accompany you when the time comes, and the sixth child will watch the stall."

Liu Liulang widened his eyes and said directly: "I don't want it!"

Man Bao was also not happy, "Sixth Brother can just accompany me, there are Datou and Daya, Second Brother, why do you want to change with Sixth Brother?"

Zhou Yilang just looked at her, "You despise the second brother so much."

"Nope," Man Bao pointed at her finger, but she just didn't want her second brother to follow her. Could this be the generation gap that Keke was talking about

Tuesday Lang pushed the scooter over to line up, and said in a low voice: "There are too many people in the city now, you have to listen to me, if you don't obey, we'll go home now."

As soon as these words came out, everyone lowered their heads and obeyed obediently.

Although the queue was long, the speed was quite fast. Liu Liulang was familiar with the soldiers guarding the gate of the city. The other party only glanced at them and let them pass without too much inspection.

Of course, the entrance fee is indispensable.

After not coming to the county for a while, Man Bao felt that the city was very different from before.

There were more people in the city than before, but she didn't feel the hustle and bustle. People on the street were in a hurry, with sad or guarded faces, or numb and expressionless hurried back and forth.

Sitting on the scooter, Man Bao couldn't help restraining the joy on her face, and looked curiously at the people passing by her.

Zhou Yilang also quickened his pace, pushing the cart and quickly entered the street dedicated to selling farmers' products, and found a stall in a corner.

He unloaded the goods, turned a bamboo basket upside down, put a thin dustpan on it, and carefully laid out the tofu. He wiped his hands, and was about to ask Lao Liu to stay and watch the stall. He took Manbao to the back of the county office , I saw a group of people walking on the street, knocking and turning over the goods of every stall on the street.

He couldn't help but paused, pulled the four children of the family behind him and stood up, then leaned over to the stall owner next door and asked in a low voice, "Brother, who are they?"

Luojiang County is so big, and there are only a few people who come and go to set up stalls on this street. Some time ago, and last year, Zhou Zhoulang came here frequently, and the stall owner knew him.

He looked left and right, and said in a low voice, "It's the man from the gambling house, his name is Xiao Dalang. Since the refugees entered the city, things like robbery and robbery have happened from time to time in the city. This Xiao Dalang brought people with him." Occupy all the three streets near us, and collect protection fees every day, so that if there are refugees who steal or make trouble, they will help solve it.”

Zhou Zhoulang felt that he might only come for such a day, and he didn't really want to pay the protection fee, so he asked, "Then what if we don't pay it?"

"Don't pay?" He looked around and said in a low voice, "If you don't pay, before the refugees can grab your things, they will drive you out first, and the things on the stall will also be confiscated. That's not worth the loss."

Zhou Zhoulang was stunned, "Don't you care about the officials?"

"Where are they free? The heavy rain a few days ago caused some people's houses to collapse and even killed people. Many villages along the Luo River were flooded. I heard that many people were washed away by the water. I don't know whether they died or not. The officials and lords called away all the officials in the county government, and only soldiers were patrolling in the city, so they didn't care about these trivial matters at all."

Zhou Zhoulang weighed it, glanced at the group of people who were getting closer and closer, and then glanced at the brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces standing behind him. After all, he didn't dare to take risks, so he asked in a low voice, "How much will you give?"

The stall owner said: "My thing is not worth much, and the location is not good. I will give you six coins a day."

Zhou Zhoulang was very distressed, and Liu Wen could buy four big meat buns.

Saturday Lang went back to the booth and sat down. The group of people came over quickly. The stall owner next door had already put out the money and waited, and they offered the money as soon as they came up.

The other party tossed the copper plate to the younger brother behind him, and asked with a smile, "How's the business these two days?"

The stall owner smiled wryly, "It's not that good, there are a lot of people in this city, but things are getting harder and harder to sell every day."

The other party gave a "tsk" and said: "They are all a group of refugees fleeing from refugees. How can they have any money? Because of them, the rich dare not go out, but you are much better than the mud-legged people in the countryside. There has to be some income, and now they're crying over a field of water."

While speaking, he walked up to Zhou Zhou Lang. The other party obviously had a very good memory. He glanced sideways at Zhou Zhou Lang and said with a smile, "New here?"

Tuesday Lang nodded again and again, and also offered the money in his hand, explaining carefully, "It's rare that the weather is fine, and there are some local products at home, so I brought them to the city to try my luck. I came in a hurry, and I don't know that this street belongs to Uncle Xiao. , so there is no soil instrument."

Listening to his words, Xiao Dalang seldom showed a smile. He took a look at the things on Zhou Zhoulang's booth. They were all very common bamboo weaving and tofu in a dustpan.

He can't use bamboo weaving or anything, but tofu...

He asked curiously, "Does your family still make tofu?"

"Yes, yes, my sister-in-law knows how to cook, and her skills are average. How about you try it with Uncle Xiao, and if you find it delicious, come back next time."

After all, he hurried to pick up tofu, but when people come to buy vegetables, they always bring their own baskets or bowls, empty-handed like Xiao Dalang...

After thinking for a while, Zhou Zhoulang chose one from Yaomei's small bamboo basket, spread a layer of leaves on it, and put the tofu in it.

He picked up several pieces, filled the small bamboo basket and gave it to Xiao Dalang.

In fact, there are not many, just four pieces of tofu, but because the bamboo basket is small, it looks like a lot.

Zhou Zhoulang was very satisfied, thinking that the bamboo basket was really well made.

Xiao Dalang was also very satisfied. He took Zhou Zhoulang's bamboo basket and asked with a smile, "How much?"

"No money, no money, they are all made at home, not worth much, as long as Uncle Xiao likes them."

Xiao Dalang hummed, and said with a bamboo basket in his hand, "Okay, if you encounter any difficulties in the county in the future, you can come to me. This street is covered by the grandfather. Since I took your money, I will naturally give you money." Will keep you safe."

Zhou Zhoulang naturally thanked them again and again, and heaved a sigh of relief after seeing them off respectfully.

The stall owner next door and others had walked away before coming over and said: "I said Tuesday, you are really willing, the basket of tofu, including the bamboo basket, is more than six pennies, right?"

Zhou Zhoulang touched his pockets, he only brought fifteen pennies when he went out today, including the entrance fee, it is equivalent to not earning a penny today, but spending almost the same money.

He smiled wryly, "I'd rather give him a gift than cash."

But the stall owner said: "Don't you, money is not worth much now."

Tuesday Lang frowned slightly, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You didn't know that when you first entered the city, the price of grain in the grain shop has gone crazy." He said, "Now a bucket of rice has risen to thirty yuan."