Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 210: friend


Man Bao and the others did not go directly to the county government, but brought flower baskets to the street where they often sold flower baskets, but it was strange that the children who used to play here were gone.

Liu Liulang looked around, and found a kinder, familiar-looking street vendor to ask questions.

The stall owner also had an impression of Liu Liulang. It was because these kids were young and they were doing a lot of unique businesses that were different from them. There were only so many people on their street, so it was hard not to remember them.

Knowing that they were looking for children, he smiled and said, "Who dares to let the children run outside now? Didn't you see that the candied haws sellers don't even have a stall?"

Glancing at the flower baskets in their hands, he said, "Snacks are not easy to sell now, let alone things that you can't eat or use. I think it's even harder to sell, so it's better to save time and go back Weeding the fields."

Saturday Lang does not believe in evil, you must know that their flower baskets are not only beautiful, but also contain delicious candies, which has always been the reason why their flower baskets are more popular.

Even if they can't be sold out, three or four can always be sold, right

Anyway, earn money for lunch.

So the four of them didn't leave, so they walked down the street with flower baskets, shouting loudly when they saw children, and Man Bao deliberately ran past people with flower baskets, but although the children watched eagerly, the adults Did not pay for it.

When they walked down the street and reached the county government office, they hadn't sold a single flower basket.

The four of them looked at each other, and the big girl said: "Maybe it really can't be sold, I just saw that the business of buying snacks on the street is very bad."

Datou said: "It must be because of the heavy rain, and their family has no money."

Liu Liulang looked at the flower basket in his hand and asked, "Then what should we do, we made a lot of flower baskets."

The key is that the bamboo baskets can be taken home, but the flowers cannot stay overnight.

And to be honest, the most important thing in their family is bamboo weaving. He still thinks it takes a lot of effort to bring these small bamboo baskets home.

Saturday Lang slumped his shoulders, and it seems that this year's flower basket business cannot be done.

Man Bao also sighed, and said, "Since you can't sell it, then give it away."

"To whom?"

"We'll go find those sisters who always buy a lot of candy with us in a while, and give them all."

Da Ya has no objection, Liu Liulang thought about it, and felt that he would have to spend a place to store it when he carried it back. If that is the case, then give it away.

So the four of them skillfully walked to the back of the county office and knocked on the door.

The guard at the door smiled when he saw them, "The sky is clearing up, I guess you are coming soon, and you are coming today, just wait, I will send a message."

Fu Wenyun quickly ran over with her skirt in her hand, and she pulled Manbao into the yard and said, "Is your family okay? I asked Qiuyue to find your brothers on the street, but the person who set up the stall said that your family has been in trouble these days." None came."

"My house is fine, but it's raining, and the mountain road is difficult to walk," Man Bao said, "There was mud at one section, and a lot of water rushed down from the mountain, directly blocking the road. People in our village and Wuli Village It took two days to clear the road."

Fu Wenyun was speechless, "Isn't that very dangerous?"

Man Bao nodded repeatedly, and told her about the collapse of someone's house in their village. Although Fu Wenyun had heard many such things from her father, she always felt far away from her. I could knock down the house with my feet, so I felt that this kind of thing was quite close to me.

Man Bao told her a lot about what she had seen and heard in the village, and Fu Wenyun told her what she had seen and heard in the village, as well as some rumors that only people in the officialdom would know.

During this period of time, the master and the county magistrate often ate at their home. Even if Fu Wenyun didn't want to listen, she passively listened to a lot of things.

Their mother didn't allow them to gossip, and the eldest sister was not interested in such things. Fu Wenyun just wanted to discuss it with others but couldn't find a partner.

Liu Liulang and the others were also invited into the yard for a rare occasion, and the servant quickly moved out some stools and wooden blocks from the small house on duty for them to sit on.

Then he closed the door and squatted aside curiously to listen to the gossip.

"I heard from my father that the Jiedu envoy and the governor of Yizhou were all reprimanded by the angels from the capital, and even the king of Yizhou was impeached. Now he is doing disaster relief, so the sage did not question the crime. He just waited for this matter to be over. Officials in the South Road will be questioned." Fu Wenyun was a little worried, "I don't know if my father is okay."

Man Bao said: "We didn't break the embankment in Luojiang County, and your father can't help it if it rains, so it should be fine, right?"

Fu Wenyun whispered to her, "Listen to my father, if there is nothing to do, it depends on what happens later. If it is not good to resettle the refugees, or there are people who are exiled under the rule, and the population loss is serious, even if our Luojiang River does not break the embankment, we will not be able to escape. .”

Man Bao's heart moved, and he whispered in her ear: "I have a solution for this. As long as the common people don't starve to death, they are basically reluctant to leave their homes. Now this rain, the grain harvest will definitely be reduced, but No one died, and the land was not too badly soaked, and the county government should give some relief food and it should be over."

"The county magistrate also said the same thing, but my father said it was very difficult, because the influx of refugees would only increase, and the county government had to leave some relief food for them, otherwise they would definitely cause chaos."

"Then what about the autumn tax? We don't even have food, so how do we pay the tax in autumn? Everyone will be more sad at that time. If something goes wrong, it will really mess up."

Fu Wenyun began to think about it, she really hadn't thought about it.

Man Bao asked her, "What book are you reading recently? Because of the rain, our husband recently let us read a lot of history books, and even told us about Jianweiyan."

"Jianweiyan?" Fu Wenyun thought the name sounded familiar.

Man Bao nodded, "It's the Jindi that happened in Yizhou this time. The gentleman said that Jindi is just a part of Qianwei Weir."

No wonder, that must have been what she had heard her father talk to.

Fu Wenyun said: "I have finished reading the "Book of Songs", and I wanted to read the "University" you mentioned, but my mother said that it was the book that my younger brother should read, so I should focus on the piano skills that my husband taught me. "

Man Bao wowed, "Can you play the piano?"

Fu Wenyun nodded, but her face was a bit bitter, "Now I practice the piano for two hours a day, and I only have a little time to read in the morning and evening."

Man Bao expressed sympathy for her, and also expressed a little envy, because she can't play the piano, and she thinks that people who can play the piano are very good.

The two talked about the refugees outside, and Man Bao gave her the six flower baskets he had brought and made, "You can put it in the study, or you can hang it by the window. Just replace it with flowers, I think the flower basket is very beautiful."

Fu Wenyun also thought it looked good, so she accepted her offer.

Man Bao felt that the time was almost up, so he asked, "Are you still buying candy?"