Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 255: hole card


They can't arrest people without evidence.

So Wei Zhi asked her, "The things that Bai Qi took away back then..."

That was the only evidence that could convict all the people involved in the case. If they couldn't get it, they would have to re-investigate it. It would take a lot of manpower and material resources, and the final result would be uncertain.

Hearing what he said, Mrs. Liu planned to slump her shoulders.

She had expected this point a long time ago, and Wei Zhi confirmed it, but she still couldn't help but be disappointed.

She paused and said: "One of the long followers who escaped with Qi'er back then survived, his name is Erji, but I can't give him to you now, if one day you can bring the person behind the scenes to justice, When witnesses are needed, I will hand him over."

"What about that thing?"

This is the most important.

Liu shook her head and said, "I've been looking for it for so many years."

This time she didn't shy away, and told him everything about that year, including the relationship between Man Bao and Zhou Yin. The Zhou Yin and his wife died on the road before returning home, and the things were gone.”

Wei Zhi was surprised, he didn't expect that the little girl was also related to this matter.

But the thing disappeared on the road, and the person holding it was already dead, he frowned, it was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Of course, Mrs. Liu also knew that this kind of long-term grievance made her feel powerless. It has been six years. Can she really make her son's grievance clear in her lifetime

Mrs. Liu sat down on the chair, and asked a little disheartened: "My lord, how many people died when the Jianwei Weir burst this time?"

Wei Zhi gritted his teeth, remembering the purgatory he saw when he first arrived in Yizhou.

In this flood, the death toll he ordered was more than 48,000. Some of them were directly washed away or drowned by the flood, but a considerable number died of hunger, conflict, and disease later on. among.

But in the final analysis, it was because of the bursting of the Jianwei weir.

If Bai Qi could have survived six years ago and the Jianweiyan incident occurred, then such an incident would not have happened today.

This case not only resulted in the death of Bai Qi, Zhou Yin, his wife and those accompanying them, but also more than 48,000 people today.

And he didn't count the people who didn't know where they died.

Wei Zhi took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Don't worry, old lady, Wei will do his best to give everyone justice."

Liu's eyes turned red, she got up and bowed to him, said: "Your Excellency is upright, I believe in it, but I also know that there is a difference between what can be done and what can't be done. I have been waiting for six years, I don't mind Wait another six years, another six years, because I have reached this age, and I have no other pursuits except to have grandchildren, so I can wait."

Wei Zhi understood her voice, and asked, "Madam, if you have something to ask, feel free to ask."

Liu Shi said: "In order to check the identities of Zhou Yin and his wife, they deliberately tainted Zhou Yin and his wife as bandits, so that Zhou Man couldn't recognize his biological parents, and the Zhou family kept hiding the news of Zhou Yin's death."

She said: "Zhou Yin and his wife died because of my son. I can't let them bear this stigma after they die. What's more, that child Man Bao can't deny his biological father and mother forever. She is six years old this year. I can wait, she can wait." No, I'm afraid the Zhou family can't wait either."

Wei Zhi began to ponder.

How important is a person's posthumous affairs and posthumous name

Even if Wei Zhi doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, he still values these two things, especially his posthumous name.

Who doesn't want to be famous forever after death, and who wants to be infamous after death, even without the most basic sacrifice

He paced back and forth in the hall, and asked after a long time, "Who knows about Zhou Yin and his wife?"

"Only Lizhi and you and me," Liu said, "As for the three, I'm afraid I have guessed a little bit, but they are in our hands now."

So outside, no one knows, including the Zhou family themselves.

"The one called Daji..."

Liu immediately said: "He is credible."

After a pause, Mrs. Liu said: "Their family is the servants of my Bai family, and Erji is his younger brother, so don't worry, my lord."

Wei Zhi understood, nodded and said: "It will work much easier this way, don't worry, I will arrange it, but you have to wait patiently."

"Yes," Mrs. Liu thanked, "I first thank Master Wei on behalf of the Zhou family, on behalf of Man Bao, and on behalf of Qi'er."

"Come on," Wei Zhi helped her up, and sighed, "Zhou Yin and his wife are so righteous, and Wei is just doing his best, and he can't even avenge their grievances."

Liu's mouth opened, but he didn't ask any questions.

In fact, she didn't understand, even if she was already very smart, she didn't understand that the bulltail weir had burst and the dam was there, that was naked evidence, why couldn't they be convicted

It was the fiefdom of the King of Yizhou. If it was said that the King of Yizhou and the Jiedu envoy of Jiannan Road didn't know about it, she wouldn't believe it even if she was killed.

Even a woman like her understands the truth, why can't the court deal with them

The court really can't deal with them.

At present, even the governor of Yizhou has been recalled to the capital for dereliction of duty.

That's right, it's recalled, not taken back. He can take his entourage and walk slowly to the capital by himself, as long as he arrives in the capital to answer questions within the deadline given by the Ministry of Officials.

Because at present, except for everyone's guess, no one can say that Jianwei Weir cut corners and materials, so that the dam burst.

Because when Wei Zhi arrived, the entire Jianwei Weir had been artificially damaged, and the remaining traces of the previous project were picked up, and it was unknown where it drifted with the flood.

Although the answer given by the governor of Yizhou was rascal, they really had nothing to do.

He said that the Jianwei Weir was picked up by angry victims. Can he say otherwise

When he arrived in Yizhou at that time, those people had already run away and disappeared, and the most important thing at that time was to relieve the victims, to save people, not to find the people who ripped off the Qianwei Weir.

Even now, Wei Zhi has the time to find out the truth, and it is also because most of the victims of the disaster have been resettled, and the appeasement policies he formulated are also in place under the operation of local officials, so he has time to work on this matter, otherwise He must have handed over this matter to the people below, or the Criminal Department.

He has always been able to distinguish priorities.

Wei Zhi knew her trump card from Mrs. Liu, so he was ready to return to Beijing.

He delayed going back for four days, should the saint be in a hurry at this time

At this moment, the emperor was really in a hurry. It was supposed that Wei Zhi should have returned to the capital yesterday, but there was no sign of him on the official road.

The emperor could understand that something was slow on the road, so he waited patiently for another day, but Wei Zhi did not return to Beijing until sunset the next day.

Now the emperor couldn't sit still.

Of course, he wasn't mad at Wei Zhi for slowing down his work, he was worried that Wei Zhi had offended too many people in this relief effort, and those people would end up on him directly on the way.