Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 283: I have hung up


"Didn't you say there were wolves in the mountains?"

Zhou Zhou pretended to be confused, "Yes, there are wolves in the mountains, but not necessarily in the mountains. The trees over there are not very dense, and the wolves may not like to go there, but there are a lot of bees. Be careful not to touch the beehives, or you will be stung. It will be miserable."

Fang didn't follow along to join in the fun, she stood at the door and watched them walk away, then went back to the kitchen to work.

It's her turn to make dinner today.

When Zhou Zhoulang and Man Bao walked to the foot of the mountains, there was silence all around, except for the chirping of birds and insects, there was no one around.

Of course there is no one else, and it will be time for dinner soon. At this time, people are either busy in the crop fields, or go home and wait for dinner. Who would come to the mountains with nothing to do

It is not necessary to collect firewood in winter.

Man Bao looked up and saw all the trees, so she asked, "Fourth brother, where did you find it before?"

"The other end, the end near Dali Village." Zhou Zhou Lang curled his lips and said: "The Jia brothers are too careless, basically aiming at one place to chop pine trees, and then follow them to this side cut it down, so the pine stumps are all over them."

"Fortunately, charcoal is only burned at the end of autumn, otherwise, if they burn all year round, how much wood in this mountain is enough for them to burn?" Zhou Zhoulang asked her, "Where do you think we should start looking?"

"Here," Man Bao said, pointing to the forest in front of him, "Since there are no tree stumps here and the trees are dense, I guess the fourth and fifth brothers must have never looked for it."

Zhou Zhoulang nodded approvingly, "That's right, we haven't looked for it, how do you know?"

"You are so lazy, how could you walk through such a dense forest to find Poria?"

Thursday Lang: ...

He got angry and decided to ignore her absolutely for a quarter of an hour.

So Zhou Zhoulang let go of her hand and opened the way ahead with a hoe.

Man Bao followed behind him into the mountain.


"Don't worry about the host, I have already started scanning, if I find Poria cocos, or other plants that have not been included, I will tell you."

Man Bao responded happily, "As long as I haven't included it, you have to tell me."

Keke agreed.

The scan with a radius of 100 meters is not just a whim. Zhou Zhoulang entered the open place inside and turned over the pine trees one by one, while Manbao walked around with his head poked, without stopping too much.

Zhou Zhou Lang didn't dare to turn over the pages too carefully, for fear that the child would disappear if he lowered his head and raised his head again.

He couldn't help complaining, "You should slow down, can you find it this way?"

"Yes," Man Bao insisted, "my eyesight is fine."

Zhou Zhoulang said angrily: "My eyes are also good."

"Host, in front of you on the left, go to the fifth tree."

Man Bao paused for a moment, his eyes lit up slightly, and then he flew there undisguisedly...

Keke couldn't stop it in time, so he could only add helplessly afterwards, "Host, you should pretend anyway, it's too obvious, what if it arouses suspicion?"

"Oh, I will definitely pay attention next time." Man Bao replied in his heart, ran to the fifth tree, turned around but didn't see it.

Keke: "...the one behind your buttocks, that's the front left."

Man Bao turned around happily, and saw a dark brown thing exposed by the dead leaves. He stretched out his hand to push the fallen leaves away, and more parts were exposed.

Zhou Zhoulang also ran up after him, and saw what Man Bao was revealing when he pushed aside the fallen leaves. Can you see through the tree?"

Man Bao proudly raised his neck and said, "Of course, I have very sharp eyes."

Zhou Zhoulang didn't doubt it at all, so he glanced at Man Bao's eyes enviously, and finally said affirmatively: "It must be because you eat a lot of eggs, and I heard that chickens also have very sharp eyes, no matter how small the bugs on the ground are, , No matter how fine the rice is, you can bite it."

Man Bao asked suspiciously, "Is that so?"

Zhou Zhou Lang affirmed: "It must be like this."

He was still squatting in front of Man Bao, looked into her eyes, and said affirmatively: "Look, our eyes are the most similar. I am not as good as you. It must be because of the different food. You beat me when I was young. Just at least one egg a day, so it must be because of eating eggs."

Zhou Zhou Lang's eyes sparkled, and he made a wish: "I must earn more money, and when my son is born, I will also feed him an egg every day..."

"Then what if his eyes don't look like ours, but like the fourth sister-in-law?"

This is a big problem, Zhou Zhoulang thought about it seriously, and hesitated: "Another one?"

Keke couldn't listen anymore, it reminded feebly: "Host, dig quickly, we can go to another place to have a look after digging."

Of course, Man Baolai couldn't be responsible for digging this kind of thing. Zhou Zhoulang didn't feel any pain or tired anymore, so he pushed Man Bao aside, put down his back basket, raised his hoe and started digging.

When the digging was deep enough, Man Bao helped break up the mud, and then carefully removed the Poria cocos underneath.

Keke instructed from the side, "Host, collect some more soil. You don't need to pick it up, just put your hands in the soil. I'll watch the collection."

Man Bao felt that this method was good, and happily buried his hands in the soil.

Zhou Zhoulang, who was digging Poria cocos, just glanced at it and turned it off, thinking that Manbao was just playing with mud.

This Poria cocos is not very big, at least not as big as the two they dug before, but it is not light either. Zhou Zhou Lang weighed it in his hand and said uncertainly, "Two catties?"

Man Bao didn't lift his head, "You're not the second brother, don't learn to weigh."

Well, Zhou Zhoulang turned around and put Poria cocos into the basket, Man Bao took the opportunity to get down on his knees to touch the bottom soil, and collected a wave into the system.

The brothers and sisters buried the soil back, and Zhou Zhou Lang stepped on it, and said refreshedly: "Let's go, let's look for it again."

Zhou Zhoulang felt that Man Bao's luck was very good, so he waved his hand generously and said, "Man Bao, we will go wherever you say we are going."

Of course Man Bao listened to Ke Ke.

Keke said: "Host, there is a piece of wild mushroom in the grass not far from you. It is an umbrella mushroom that has been collected. Do you want it?"

As soon as the words fell, Man Bao had already stepped forward to push the grass away.

Zhou Zhou Lang also took a look at it, and said happily: "Straw mushrooms, this kind of mushrooms are the favorite of people in the city."

Man Bao swallowed and said, "I like to eat too."

Zhou Zhoulang had dropped his hoe and his basket to pick it.

Take it out and hand it to Man Bao, who puts it in the basket. Zhou Zhou Lang told him, "Put it away, don't break it, and let the second brother take it to the county town to sell it tomorrow morning. This straw mushroom can be sold for thirty cents a piece." It's even better than what we usually find."

Man Bao said: "This is not a straw mushroom, it's called an umbrella mushroom, also called a chicken fir mushroom."

"What do you call the straw mushroom that grows in the grass? It can be called a mushroom," Zhou Zhoulang said indifferently, "It's just that you have a lot of students and people, and you have to call a mushroom by a name. How can we remember this? Many? The edible ones are called mushrooms, the ones in the grass are called straw mushrooms, and the poisonous ones are called poisonous mushrooms."

Man Bao thought for a while, and felt that what the fourth brother said made sense.