Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 284: wood fairy


Man Bao squatted at the most edge and was responsible for picking up the mushrooms handed out by Zhou Lang, because he had to accumulate enough before handing them out, and Man Bao couldn't help being bored.

She just stared at the grass and dirt on the ground, looking at it, she couldn't help but glance at the fourth brother.

Zhou Zhou Lang was facing her back, and Man Bao directly dug a handful of mud with his hands and stuffed it into the system. Ke Ke also cooperated very tacitly, as long as Man Bao dug it up, it would accept it.

In an instant, lumps of separated mud filled the system space.

Zhou Zhoulang picked all the straw mushrooms in the innermost place, and went out without Man Bao picking them up.

I carefully put it in the basket by myself.

Today started very smoothly, Zhou Zhoulang was very happy, so he waved his hand and said: "Let's go, let's continue looking."

Man Bao also followed ambitiously, and Ke Ke dutifully scanned.

Simply going up the mountain, Man Bao has never been to such a far mountain, because she is young, there is no reason, at most she can only wander around in the mountains near the entrance of the village.

However, most of the mountains are pine trees, and the environment is still somewhat different from the mountains near the entrance of the village. Therefore, there are always some plants that slip through the net and are not collected by Manbao.

Some of them have samples in the encyclopedia, that is, they will not become extinct in the future; some of them will be extinct, but most of them are different from the present plants in the future, or varieties, or branches.

The conditions for the Encyclopedia to approve points are very complicated. The degree of scarcity is one, and its role is one. Its importance to the development of future biotechnology is even more important.

Another point is ornamental.

For example, the wild flowers that Manbao was keen to collect at the beginning, some of which are extinct, have no special function or biological value, but after collection, they get a lot of points because they have a lot of ornamental value.

And that kind of plant can also bring Manbao a steady stream of click points.

As long as someone clicks, she can earn points.

At the beginning, Manbao didn’t care much about those points, because they were very few, and she might get a little point for 100 clicks, but as more and more plants were collected, this was a very considerable income. up.

Man Bao has already discovered that even if she does not record plants for a long time, she still earns points every day, all of which come from clicks.

Man Bao paid special attention to this, and found that flower plants are the most popular, such as the wisteria and azalea that she collected;

The second is plants with medicinal value, such as Ligustrum lucidum and Chinese yam that she has collected.

Even the hits of various types of mushrooms are not bad.

But what surprised Manbao the most was that the number of clicks on poisonous mushrooms has also increased rapidly recently, even surpassing the number of clicks on flowers.

So Man Bao is very keen to find poisonous mushrooms that she has not collected.

Unfortunately not.

After digging two grasses in a row, Man Bao, a vine tree, straightened up sadly. It doesn't matter if you can't find any beautiful wild flowers, why don't you even have a medicinal herb

Without medicinal materials, at least a poisonous thing will come, right

Man Bao thinks that poisonous mushrooms are popular not because of the word mushroom, but because of poison.

Because the other mushrooms she included are very common.

Zhou Zhoulang also straightened up sadly, and handed over a divided vine tree to Man Bao. In order to make it easier for her to take it, he cruelly pinched all the vines on it, leaving only a piece of vine with some roots give her.

He couldn't understand, "Can this thing be sold?"

Man Bao shook his head.

"Then why do you have to dig them?" Zhou Lang was already curious, "Tell me about you, since you were young, you like to tear flowers and grass, you dig dogtail grass, cauliflower, and wild flowers and weeds on the mountain. "

Man Bao thought for a while and said, "Because I like flowers and plants?"

This is not the first time Man Bao has said this reason, but Zhou Zhoulang has never heard it so seriously.

He thought about it carefully, and said: "No, maybe you are predestined with these flowers and plants. By the way, do you belong to the wood of the five elements? It must be like this. Later, the fourth brother will take you to the Taoist temple to do the math. Let me tell you, You can find privet seeds, yams, and poria cocos, maybe you are really a wood elf, maybe you were a wood fairy in your previous life."

Man Bao was so surprised, "And the wood fairy? I've only heard of the flower fairy."

"Since flowers have immortals, of course wood also has immortals. This flower fairy only cares about flowers, and this flower also belongs to the tree category. Wood immortals must be more powerful than flower immortals."

"But I think Huaxian sounds better."

"What's the use of sounding good? You have to be very capable. For example, the names of our father and uncle," Zhou Zhoulang paused, and finally continued under Man Bao's gaze: "Our father is called Jin, my uncle's name is Yin, do you think gold sounds better than silver?"

Man Bao nodded hesitantly, she felt the same, it was all money.

Zhou Zhoulang said: "That's right, you think so too, but my uncle is much better than our father, so it's useless to have a good name, you have to be strong."

Keke wanted to find out the joke on his face, but after a long time, he found that he seemed to be serious.

"... Host, are you serious too?"

Who knew that Man Bao asked it back, "Ke Ke, was I a real wood fairy in my previous life, that's why I'm so smart?"

Keke: ... No, you are a fairy and you cannot be a wood fairy, because the things you found were actually scanned by me!

But facing a child who is less than seven years old, Keke can only be silent.

Man Bao didn't hear Ke Ke's answer, so he took it as the default, and became happy, "Fourth brother, I think you are right."

She waved her little hand and strode forward, "Let's go, continue to find Fu Ling."

She didn't give Keke the plants in her hand because she had no chance.

Man Bao, who has been trained by Keke for many times, knows that even when facing his parents, he must avoid it when collecting and taking things.

The two of them walked around the mountainside, and they were not allowed to go up the mountain. After walking for a long time, when Zhou Zhoulang was hesitating whether to go home first, Man Bao stopped.

Then he saw Man Bao poking his head into a bush with thorns. Three thick pine trees formed a circle, and there were many thorny shrubs growing in the circle. Zhou Lang would never poke his head in. The kind looking for things.

Man Bao squatted there and looked at it for a long time, finally pointed to the inside and said, "Fourth brother, there are Poria cocos inside."

Zhou Zhoulang stared at it for a long time, and asked, "Is it true? Why didn't I see it?"

"I told you my eyesight is better than yours."

Zhou Zhou Lang thought about it for a while, and felt that it was right, so he put down his back basket, picked up a hoe and said, "I'll hoe some of these annoying shrubs first, you let me go."

Man Bao gave way to the side of the pine tree, feeling that his legs were a little tired, so he just sat down and rested.