Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 291: Summer harvest begins


This is the mountain assigned by Zhou Zhoulang, because it was originally mostly bamboo, so he simply planted more bamboo on it.

Unlike other people's farmland, which is left to grow freely, Zhou Zhoulang is one of the few people who manage it with ulterior motives.

When the villagers who cut bamboo on the mountain saw their four brothers and sisters coming back with bamboo baskets on their backs, they waved lazily and said hello, "This is another mushroom hunt. It hasn't rained for several days, so we can still find mushrooms." ?”

Zhou Zhou Lang asked Wu Wu Lang to carry a basket on his back, and Saturday Lang carried a hoe, so he put Man Bao in their hands and told them to go home first. He squatted on a rock and chatted with them, "I didn't find it, I just arrived The intersection of Zhongshan is blocked by people, why are you chopping bamboo?"

"Oh, don't mention it. It's not that the wheat is about to be harvested. The dustpan at home is a bit broken, so I cut some and went back to make two." The villagers laughed, "The bamboo on other mountains is not as good as your second brother's here."

Zhou Zhoulang almost burst out laughing, "It's almost time to harvest the wheat and you only start chopping bamboo, my sister-in-law won't beat you."

"Whoever said no to beating, he came here when he was beating up," another villager beside him interjected, overjoyed, "I was just beaten up today, and I was kicked out right away."

"Fart, I'm not good at fighting women, or just watch."

Zhou Zhoulang didn't mind them coming to chop bamboo. Anyway, there were so many bamboos, and their family couldn't run out of them. It wasn't once or twice, but he just wanted to gossip, so he squatted on the rock and didn't leave.

But the villagers who cut the bamboo couldn't see it anymore, and waved to him one after another, "Thursday, hurry up and help, this bamboo is too tall, I can't drag it out."

When Zhou Zhou Lang heard this, he immediately patted his butt and got up, shook his hands and left, "Brothers, cut slowly, I haven't eaten dinner yet, I'm going home first."

The villagers couldn't keep him, they could only watch him run away in a hurry.

One of them couldn't help sighing, "Thursday is still so lazy."

"Come on, who in the village can tell him to work in the fields? There are only a few brothers in his family. Hurry up and chop it up, it's almost dark."

"Hey, bamboo is really hard to cut, why don't you ask for some drying on Tuesday."

The other villagers continued to bury their heads in cutting their own bamboos, thinking to themselves: If you didn't want to make a dustpan, I would have asked.

It's okay to ask for some sun-dried bamboo strips one or two times, but if so many people ask, it will definitely not work.

Seeing that no one fit him, the man could only sigh and continue cutting bamboo, gossiping: "By the way, it was said on Thursday that they went to the mountains and were blocked back. Who blocked it?"

"Who else could it be? It's either the adults of his family, or the brothers of the Jia family."

They won't talk about the former, but the latter...

"The Jia brothers are too domineering. They just went up the mountain to look for mushrooms. There's no need to kick them out, right?"

"That's right, it's not about occupying his family's land, nor is it cutting down his family's good trees. You're so stingy."

"Maybe it's because you're not from this village. Look at our Qili Village, who would be angry and throw people away for such a thing?"

"Yeah, people in Dali Village are relatively stingy."

"I can still calculate..."

Here they speak ill of Dali Village unscrupulously. Man Bao, who ran home one step ahead of time, also speaks ill of the two brothers of the Jia family to his parents, and praises himself by the way.

"I was the first to spot people, and then we stopped going up the mountains. We turned around and went to another place, and found a place to hide. Sure enough, they caught up after a while. They were fierce. Fortunately, we ran early. .”

Old Zhou frowned.

Mrs. Qian was also very displeased, "What's going on here, isn't the fourth brother and the others just going up the mountain to find some game? It's fine to kick them out once, but they even set up an ambush?"

Old Zhou got up and said, "I'll talk to the village chief."

It's a nuisance to engage in an ambush.

Before going out, the old Zhou turned his head and said: "You are not allowed to go to the mountains in the future. Hmph, what we need most in Baimaguan Town is the mountains. Do we have to go to the mountains in their house?"

Man Bao replied with some regret.

Qian patted her head and said, "Let's not argue with such a fool, it's too dangerous."

Having said that, she searched among the people in the yard and asked, "Where is fourth child?"

"Fourth brother is bragging to others in Zhushan."

Zhushan is the name they gave themselves, because there are the most bamboos on it.

Qian frowned slightly, "Go and call him back, it's almost dark, you guys go wash up after dinner, don't hang around all the time, you are all about to be fathers."

Fang stood aside with a blushing face.

Although Mrs. Fang has not been diagnosed, Mrs. Qian has already reduced her work. She and Mrs. He are not allowed to do heavy work at home, and their working hours have been reduced a lot. Call home to do light chores.

Xiaoqian and Feng's Zhou Xi are also considerate of this, and they took the initiative to take over more work during this time, allowing them to rest.

At this moment, even Mrs. Feng had to admit that thanks to Zhou Xi's return to the clan, otherwise it would be very tiring to rely on her and Mrs. Qian for so many things in the family.

When Zhou Zhoulang ran back in a hurry, Qian said: "Hurry up and eat, go to bed early at night, your father said, we will open the sickle tomorrow, and harvest the piece of wheat in Dawan first."

Zhou Zhoulang had expected it a long time ago, and while eating with a bowl, he asked, "Second brother is going too?"

"Right now, there aren't many wheat yellow ones. Your second brother is not in a hurry to go. After two days, Xiaowan's food is sold out before we stop."

The main force is him and the third brother.

Zhou Zhoulang moved his shoulders, nodded and said, "All right."

Who made his elder brother bleed in his stomach

Zhou Dalang can't do such heavy work as picking wheat, but there is no way to cut wheat.

Taking advantage of Zhou Zhoulang's eating skills, the family took out all the things that will be used tomorrow.

Since we want to harvest in summer, we can't get up at the usual time, we have to get up earlier.

In this way, when the sun rises into the sky and it starts to become hot, everyone can go home, sleep at that time, and then go out to cut wheat for an hour, and then come back for dinner.

After dinner, go out and continue to cut wheat.

And during the time when the sun is the most vicious at noon, everyone basically sleeps at home.

That is to say, the harvest of wheat and rice is not enough this year, so the schedule is so loose. In previous years, except for the hour at noon, everyone has to work in the fields.

Change from two meals a day to three meals, or even three and a half meals.

But even Zhou Zhoulang, who is sneaky and cunning, doesn't want the crops to fail. He would rather be more tired than the situation in the field.

Zhou Zhoulang asked Man Bao after dinner, "Man Bao, didn't you say that the county magistrate wants to reduce the autumn tax? Why is there no news after all this?"

"Shanbao didn't say anything." This kind of news, she could only listen to Bai Shanbao, and Bai Shanbao could only listen to his grandmother and Master Bai.

If adults don't talk about this topic, what can children do