Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 296: successful mother


There is a river in front of Qili Village, and there is still a river with fish, so every household has a lot of fishing nets. Even the poorest family, without fishing nets, must have fish baskets.

With so many children in the old Zhou family, how could there be no fishing nets

Man Bao got the idea, and ran home as soon as he ran to search for fishing nets.

Of course Datou and the others have to join in the fun, and they can't pick wheat even if they search for them. As for their parents, the land is so far away, so they don't want to go to find work.

So a group of children worked together, one group followed Man Bao back to find fishing nets, and the other group went to find tall straight wooden sticks.

Man Bao dragged out the fishing net when he saw Bai Shanbao standing aside and looking at her, his face was full of unhappiness.

Man Bao reacted belatedly, "Hey, is it time?"

They made an appointment to do homework together at Sishi.

Bai Shanbao couldn't help but spit at her, "It's almost noon now, is it still time? Don't you look at the sun?"

Man Bao said without raising his head: "The sun is so dazzling, who would look up at the sun, anyway, it is always so hot."

But being late is indeed her fault, oh, no, it's not late, it's breaking an appointment, so Man Bao coughed lightly in embarrassment, and apologized to him, "Don't be angry, I won't be late tomorrow."

"It's still tomorrow, so you won't do your homework today?"

Man Bao struggled for a moment and said, "I want to catch the bird first."

Bai Shanbao tilted his head and asked with great interest, "Catch a bird?"

"Yeah, those birds in the field, there are so many of them."

Bai Shanbao looked at the fishing net and asked hesitantly, "Aren't fishing nets used for catching fish?"

A quarter of an hour later, a group of children gathered under the small tree, and strenuously put the fishing net on the stick to support it. Then, when they were about to move forward, the fishing net fell off the stick with a snap.

Everyone: ...

Mrs. Qian watched with a smile in her eyes, ignored them, and only told them: "Don't break the fishing net, or wait for your parents to come back and beat you."

Man Bao: "Mom, you are my mother."

Qian Shi glanced at Datou and the others.

Datou and the others wiped the sweat from their foreheads, feeling that grandma was biased, but they still promised not to break it.

Although Man Bao had already explained it, Bai Shanbao was still skeptical about it, "Can this really catch birds?"

Man Bao was full of confidence, "It should be possible, Brother Zhou Hu can do it, then we should be able to do it too."

Datou and Daya re-tied the fishing net, and then everyone moved the fishing net to the front with sticks confidently. Then, in order not to scare the birds, except Datou and Daya who were the strongest, everyone backed away.

Datou and Daya struggled to hold on to the stick. After a while, the bird landed on the ground and walked slowly towards this side...

As soon as the bird got under the net, the big head immediately threw the stick down. The big girl quickly let go of the stick when she saw it, and the net fell down with a snap. Some of them flew out, and one of the sticks hit a bird, which fell to the ground, but before they could catch it, it started up again, and flew away over their heads.

There is nothing under the fishing net, nothing.

Everyone: ...

Man Bao rolled up his sleeves ambitiously and said, "Let's do it again."

Everyone picked up the fishing nets and rearranged them.

At this time, the old Zhou head went back and forth twice. He put down the bamboo basket, sat under a small tree to rest for a while, watched their operations by the way, and couldn't help but turned his head and said to Qian: "I remember that Xiao Er used to be Is the bird caught by this method?"

Mrs. Qian said "Yes", and said: "I learned from Zhou Hu's father. He has been able to play with Zhou Hu since he was a child, and he has learned a lot from Zhou Hu's father."

Old Zhou looked at Man Bao who was busy running around not far away and asked, "Why is Man Bao suddenly interested in this matter?"

Qian Shi also looked at Man Bao, and said indifferently: "Grow up, I remember he used to like these things at this age, the tree climbed so slippery, the boss can only pick ears of wheat behind our ass, He can already climb trees to dig out bird nests and catch frogs in the ground.”

If they hadn't strictly prohibited children from getting into the water, he might still be able to catch fish.

Zhou Zhoulang also came back as if he had gone to Half-Life. He glanced enviously at the big head and two heads in the group of children, and thought regretfully, children are so nice. Growing up, but now it seems that growing up means working.

So it's better to be a child, just eat, drink and play, and don't care about anything.

Zhou Zhoulang sighed, squatted beside his father, and turned his head to watch a group of children fool around.

Old Zhou didn't feel it when he was resting, but when he saw the fourth child squatting here with him, he immediately became unhappy, so he patted his butt and got up, kicked him and said, "Why are you standing there, why don't you hurry up?" Pretend to be wheat, your wife is almost ready for lunch, do you still want to have lunch?"

Zhou Zhoulang was stunned, and slowly stood up to pack the wheat.

Old Zhou sat back again, and waved to him from a distance, "Put mine on, too."

Zhou Zhou Lang paused for a moment, and was about to go forward to put his father's bamboo baskets in. Unexpectedly, Lao Zhou glanced at him and said, "Fill yours first, then mine."

Zhou Zhoulang's face was so bitter that it almost dripped juice.

When Friday Lang and Saturday Lang came back, they happened to see him filling wheat with a depressed face, and he didn't care too much. While pretending to be his own, he watched Man Bao and the others busy there, "Fourth brother, do you think they can catch birds? ?”

"It's no wonder if you can catch it," Zhou Zhoulang said, "This method is useless to anyone except Zhou Hu."

Zhou Hu didn't hide it. Most people in the village knew how he caught birds, and many young people had learned how, but they didn't catch them.

Moreover, although the birds look delicious, they don't have much meat, so who wants to spend so much time catching them

If you have this skill, you might as well go down the river to catch fish. How can a fish be bigger than a bird

If Man Bao had failed several times for the sake of eating meat, she probably would not have the patience to persevere, but she did it for points, so although she failed four or five times in a row, she did not give up and was still ambitious to continue.

It's just that old Zhou Tou and Qian Shi didn't allow them to continue, and Zhou Dalang and the others had already finished harvesting the wheat in the field and came back, so they also came to pick the wheat.

Zhou Dalang couldn't pick, so he helped to put the wheat in the bamboo basket. With them joining, the speed was much faster. After a while, all the wheat piles were picked, and all the wheat ears left on the grass were picked up.

So Lao Zhoutou and Qian Shi drove a group of children home, saying: "It's time for lunch, the sun is so bright, don't be out in the sun, what if you get heatstroke?"

Man Bao and the others could only follow back reluctantly.

Mrs. Qian said to Mrs. Qian: "Get the chickens at home and eat all the wheat grains left in the field."

Xiaoqian responded and went home to catch the chickens.

Man Bao & Bai Shan Bao: …

The two looked at each other, completely selfish, and followed home with their heads down.