Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 303: come late


Master Bai came to inspect the fields at sunset. After all, when the sun was too hot, he didn't really want to go out.

The wheat in other manors had already been harvested, and today he was only able to take care of the fields near his home. As a result, he walked along the edge of the field with his hands behind his back for a while, when he heard the exclamation and cheers of children not far away.

He couldn't help but look over curiously.

It was a field about three or four minutes away, because there were two trees and some stones, so it was a field.

Grass naturally grew on the field, and Master Bai was very familiar with it, because when he came to inspect the field during spring planting and autumn harvest, he would always sit there.

At this time, there were seven or eight children gathered there, and the fat boy surrounded by them looked very familiar.

Master Bai signaled his followers to keep quiet, and walked forward with his hands behind his back.

When I got closer, I found that they were setting up the net from the ground, and someone was catching a bird and stuffing it into the back basket.

Master Bai thought of the birds that he could eat and find these days.

Of course he knew it was caught by his youngest son, and he was very relieved.

After all, since he grew up so big, he always took things out, and rarely brought things home.

Master Bai smiled, and was about to go up to greet his son's friends in an amiable manner, when he saw that the children had already set up their nets, and his son turned around and brought a bunch of wheat from somewhere, and directly scattered them on the grass superior.

Master Bai was stunned, and looked at the ground, only to find that there was already a layer of wheat ears on the grass, but now there was another layer, which made it appear more.

Man Bao looked up at the time, stood up from under the tree and said, "Bai Er, we'll go home after we go online again, it's getting late."

Bai Er was unwilling, "It's still early, why go back so early?"

"It's almost time for dinner, and you're not doing your homework?"

Bai Shanbao also put away the book and stood up, saying: "Your homework has been approved by Mr. C for three consecutive days. If you are not serious, Mr. Be careful to find your uncle."

Bai Er was a little unhappy, "Can't you just copy the homework for me earlier?"

"The content of our class is different from yours, and the homework is also different, okay?"

"Then copy your previous homework to me."

Master Bai was furious, he turned left and right to look for a stick, the steward who was following behind him was startled, immediately hugged Master Bai, and shouted: "Second young master!"

Bai Er turned his head to look over, and met his father's red eyes. He had no idea what his father was angry about, but he subconsciously knew that something was wrong, so he let out an "ow" and ran home.

He knew that it was only useful to find his grandmother at this time.

Master Bai was very angry, he tried his best to break free from the shackles of the steward, and roared angrily: "Let go of me, I will have to beat this brat to death today, it's fine for him to use wheat as sand, but he dared to perfunctory his homework."

The steward tried to persuade him again and again: "My lord, it hurts your heart to beat Zai'er. Isn't this just a sheaf of wheat? Our family doesn't lack this bit of wheat..."

That's right, Master Bai is mainly angry because Bai Er didn't do his homework properly.

But Man Bao felt that what she said was very wrong. In her opinion, wheat is much more important than homework, but Bai Er is her little friend, so she carefully distinguished for him, "Uncle Bai, we didn't waste too much food. When we collect the nets, these ears of wheat will be picked up and put back, except for those eaten by birds and those accidentally dropped on the ground, we don’t waste any of them.”

What Master Bai was reading was the books in their hands, and he was almost in tears. He stretched out his hand to hold the two children and said, "If he is half as sensible as you and knows how to study hard, I wouldn't regret it even if he scattered ten sheaves of wheat every day." .”

Man Bao opened his mouth wide, and praised sincerely: "Uncle Bai, you are so generous."

Much more generous than her father.

Master Bai's anger came and went quickly, mainly because Bai Erlang was not in front of him, he couldn't get angry, so he set his eyes on the basket.

The children were very obedient, and they stopped netting the birds. They just divided the birds inside and bundled the wheat ears scattered on the ground, and then went back to their respective homes.

Because he was caught by the adults, Master Bai got the most birds, Man Bao and Bai Shanbao got five each, and the other friends got four.

Because they knew that the ears of wheat belonged to Bai Erlang's family, the net belonged to Bai Shanbao's family, and Man Bao and Bai Shanbao thought of the idea, and it was really a very fun game.

Unfortunately, there may not be a chance to play in the future.

Master Bai went home with a bunch of birds, planning to beat the child after dinner.

As a result, when they arrived at the entrance of the village, they heard the clanging of gongs in the village.

This is the sound of the gong that the village chief informs each household to hold a meeting under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village after dinner.

Master Bai frowned and asked, "Did something happen in the village?"

Man Bao had already run home with the bird in his hands, Bai Shanbao hurriedly caught up, but he didn't even have time to answer Master Bai.

Man Bao ran home in one breath, and the old Zhou Tou and the others just came back from the field, and the family was beating beans in the yard, smiling.

"Father, I heard the gong."

Old Zhou took a look at the bird in her hand, said "yes" and said, "When the sound was sounded, the district chief came, saying that the county magistrate summoned all the li to enter the city, and the official document for this year's tax exemption has come down."

Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief, and then wondered, "We all know that it's been ten days, why did you just notify?"

Old Zhou took it for granted, "That's because Mr. Zhuang is well-informed, and our family has taken advantage of this convenience."

Man Bao immediately said: "Father, do you want to celebrate by killing a chicken tonight?"

"Don't even think about it, haven't you already celebrated?" Old Zhou thought of something, and nodded with a smile: "It is indeed time to celebrate, so I will burn the birds you brought back tonight. For meat dishes, a few more eggs would be good."

Everyone: ...

When Man Bao learned the reason for beating the gong, Bai Shanbao also knew, and when Bai Shanbao knew, Master Bai also knew.

Master Bai: ...

He didn't go home at all, handed the string of birds to the steward to take home, then turned around and went to the next school to find Mr. Zhuang.

He was quite displeased, "It's been ten days since I received the news, and it's been five or six days since the official document of the county was posted, but the decree just came to the village today, what is magistrate Fu doing?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled indifferently and said: "Whatever he does, he is also responsible for the tax exemption, and the people really benefit from it, don't they?"

Master Bai snorted, and after a moment of thought, he said: "I received news that Mr. Wei appreciates County Magistrate Fu very much, and County Magistrate Fu may be promoted soon."

When Mr. Zhuang made tea, he couldn't help but paused, and became a little worried, "I don't know what kind of person the new county magistrate is."

In fact, as long as they don't meet particularly greedy officials, the people under the rule don't like to change county magistrates the most.

Because the new official takes office three fires, most of the fires will not burn on the common people, but sparks will always splash down.