Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 306: first deal


Most of the posts on the interface were asking for purchases, and it was the first one to directly ask for a sale like Manbao, so someone clicked in quickly.

Researchers who are not in their own research direction just glanced at it and turned it off, but there are also many researchers who study biology or want to make a profit asking for prices.

Man Bao went to check the reward points of wisteria and azalea at the beginning, discussed with Keke and replied: "Three hundred points are the same, and I will dig some soil for you to do research on cultivation."

Three hundred points is not too low for Manbao, who has accumulated a little bit of points. After all, the Encyclopedia was only willing to give her 380 points back then.

But for the researchers who can access the forum, 300 points are not enough for them to have a meal in a high-end restaurant, even if the channel fee for the alliance is added, it is not much.

So those who were interested placed an order without much hesitation.

And there were quite a few people who placed orders. Keke quickly remembered that seven or eight orders had appeared in Keke's backstage.

Man Bao took a look and found that everyone ordered both items, and they all ordered at least three copies. In this way, she earned nearly 20,000 points in one go.

This is simply a lot more than she can earn by working so hard to find new varieties.

However, the money is temporarily placed in the main system, and she can only receive the money if the other party verifies that it is correct after she ships it.

With so many azaleas and wisterias, Manbao couldn't dig them all by herself, so she decided to ask her nephews and nieces for help.

Datou and the others are also catching birds recently. Of course, they can't get wheat ears from home, so they go to the field to pick them up.

They have plenty of time. They work for the family in the morning, pick wheat ears in the morning, and net birds in the afternoon. If they find a lot, they take some home. If there are not many, they roast them on the spot.

Although the taste may not be as good as at home, they just think it is delicious.

There are many children and even young people in the village who do this.

Since Manbao and the others were able to catch birds with nets, there have been many people in the village who can catch birds. As long as they are willing to bait and have patience, they can basically catch one or two.

Therefore, the birds in Qili Village have suffered a great crime recently. Man Bao watched, and the number of birds surrounding the fields at the entrance of the village has decreased a lot.

Because of this, Datou and the others either went far away to catch birds, or they couldn't catch them.

Although the children of the old Zhou family are courageous, but the family is strictly controlled, it is impossible for them to run far away, so they can only watch the little friends in the village run away, and they can only continue to occupy the area not far from the entrance of the village. Place traps to lure birds.

So when my sister-in-law approached her, she agreed without thinking. Anyway, they seldom catch birds, so it's good to go up the mountain to help my sister dig things.

Man Bao went up the mountain with them.

Azalea is a big plant, and it is impossible to dig down the whole tree in Manbao. Fortunately, many vines can be cut, so she pruned directly. In order to ensure the survival rate, she generously put two branches in each share, and dug again Take a handful of soil from its roots, wrap the branches and soil with big leaves, and then grab a wild grass and tie it up.

Wisteria is even easier. The cuttings of this thing are easier to survive, but the hard branches need to be cut. Manbao is also very generous to pack two branches and send a portion of soil.

Sometimes I still need to look for it, but there are many wisterias on the mountain, and they are still blooming at this time, so I cut and cut them. Manbao simply cut some flowers that bloomed just right, and planned to give one to each order. them.

Because the branches are pruned, it is not difficult to find these two kinds of plants as long as they reach the mountain. After all, whether it is wisteria or azalea, they like to grow one by one.

And when they were pruning, there were two more orders in the background. Keke simply suggested that Manbao cut more and temporarily store them in the system. Generally speaking, this thing should be stored for three to five days, as long as the humidity is maintained is no problem.

So a group of children cut more than 30 copies at a time, and they didn't put the things in the back basket until they had cut all the good branches of the wisteria and azalea on the mountain.

Of course, Datou and Daya carried the basket on their backs, while Man Bao and Erya followed behind hand in hand.

They asked Man Bao curiously, "Sister-in-law, can this thing be sold?"

Man Bao nodded affirmatively, "Yes."

The big head said: "The one who bought things is a fool, there are a lot of wild flowers on the mountain."

"Where are there too many, there are none on the few mountains in front of our house, so I have to come here."

When they got here, they had already walked halfway to the county seat, and they were really exhausted.

"That's also wild grass and wild flowers," Ertou said, "Listen to what my father said, there are many such wild flowers on the mountains that pass through the mountains. If you like it, my sister, let my father give it to you when the farming is slack. pick."

"Wait for the slack flowers to thank you?"

"We should dig some and plant them at home."

The big head disliked his younger brothers and sisters for always going off the topic, so he went to his sister-in-law and continued his question, "Who is so stupid to buy these things?"

Man Bao thought for a while and said, "Some very powerful people."

Keke said that those who can enter the forum and trade with them are either administrators of research institutes with a lot of money and power, or scientific researchers who have read a lot of books and are very capable and can specialize in one or more fields.

So Man Bao thinks that they are all very powerful people.

Once something is in their hands, it will take a day or two at least, or a month or two at most, and they will be able to research the use of the thing, cultivate the Fang family, and even have some medicinal value.

Keke said that those entries usually only contain less than one-thousandth of the information, and the real secrets are kept in the hands of research institutes or researchers, and they will use this to make profits and benefit the entire interstellar world.

She felt that it would be great to be able to study the medicinal value of Poria cocos without knowing it, and they are still researching and cultivating Poria cocos.

You know, the Poria cocos that Man Bao and Zhou Lang secretly left behind wanted to breed, but in the end they were either dried out in the sun, or they were so rotten that they wanted to faint when they smelled it.

Alas, so this kind of thing still depends on them.

Datou didn't understand, "Why do powerful people buy wild flowers, the mountains are full of..."

"The value of the goods is not measured in this way," Man Bao said: "When it rains, delicious mushrooms will grow on the mountain. Everyone knows that you can find mushrooms when you go up the mountain, but people in the city still spend thirty cents. I bought it from the second elder brother for twenty Wen. Would you buy it in the village?"

The big head shook his head, just go up the mountain to find it, if you can't find it, just don't eat it.

"Anyone who can buy mushrooms to eat doesn't necessarily have to be talented, but he must be rich, and someone who can make money at least shows that he is powerful, doesn't it?"

Big head nods.

"So we don't care who is buying wild flowers and weeds with us, whether he is strong or stupid, let alone what they are doing with the things. If they want to buy it, we just sell it."

"Then how do you calculate the money?" Datou asked, "Sister-in-law, you have gone to school, what if there is still such a business, how about we help you?"

Man Bao laughed loudly, and said cheerfully, "Okay, I'll give you one piece of candy for each portion in the future, and you can save the candy and bring it to the county town to sell."

"Why sugar and not money?"

"Because I have no money, and they didn't give me money."

Points cannot be directly exchanged for money, but can be exchanged for candy, of course it is better to give candy.