Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 310: consider


Now Manbao is very close to his mother's medicine, so he doesn't like spending points more and more.

She has the same problem as her father. When she decides to do a big thing and finds that she is very close to that big thing, she is reluctant to divide her strength to do other things.

People are always very stingy until that big thing is accomplished.

However, the points in the system are important, and the copper coins at home are also important.

Man Bao has passed the age when she has to choose one of the two. She has grown up very fast in the past year. The more she thinks, the more her heart grows. For example, when faced with the problem of choosing one or the other, she will Think of both.

And there is no need to ask Keke for advice like before, she can figure out a way by herself.

It's just that she is young, so she has some doubts, and doesn't know if her decision is right, so she wants to ask her little friend.

Bai Shanbao was the best candidate, not only because he was one of her best friends, but also because he was the only person within a hundred miles who might be a little smarter than her.

And what she wants is not just wheat seeds, but also other interesting seeds.

Because Man Bao found out that the seeds exchanged from the future are the most precious things to her, to their family, and even to the villagers of Qili Village.

In fact, since the forum was opened and it was divided into two parts in detail, Manbao has been thinking about it.

Since she can trade with people from other worlds in the second channel, exchange points for points, barter, and shop with points, can she do so in the first channel

After all, for Yu Manbao, no matter how powerful people in other worlds are, can they be as powerful as those in the Keke world

What's more, it takes so many points to open the second channel.

Man Bao thinks that it is not difficult to trade with those research institutes or researchers, but the difficulty is how to set the price and whether it is worth it.

Bai Shanbao didn't know that there was such a miraculous thing on his little friend, and after hearing her troubles, he said without thinking: "If you think the value of wheat seeds is higher than what you exchanged, then exchange it."

He said: "If you are worried about being cheated, I can go with you."

Man Bao shook his head, "No need, I know what to do."

In this case, then she should try bartering.

Since she was planning to barter, Man Bao didn't plan to find a stranger, she planned to talk to someone who had already traded.

Man Bao's eyes fell on Fuling Mud who had been quietly staying in the corner.

Keke has been preventing her from posting this thing, saying that the time has not yet come.

Man Bao knew that this thing must be very valuable, at least much more expensive than the wisteria and azalea she dug up.

The old man always said that it is never too late to have a good meal, and you must hurry up when planting the land, but you should not plant too early, otherwise a cold wave will waste the whole family's hard work;

The same is true for the harvest, neither too late nor too early.

It will rain when it is late, and it will waste food early, which will increase the loss in vain.

So Man Bao looked at the piles of mud in the corner of the system and had a good time, put this behind his head in advance, and decided to wait for the opportunity of Ke Ke to say.

Anyway, the autumn harvest has not started yet, and there are still several months before the winter wheat is sown.

Man Bao made up his mind and lowered his head to do his homework.

Obviously, at this time, the homework assigned by Mr. Zhuang is more important.

After Man Bao finished her homework, she reviewed today's homework with Bai Shanbao and went home.

Datou and the others had already returned home, and the cabbage caterpillars they caught were placed in an earthen jar, covered with a flower basket to prevent them from crawling out.

Although Man Bao was no longer afraid of them, she was still a little scared when she suddenly saw so many living and writhing cabbage worms.

Man Bao used two sticks to wrap them in a leaf, and threw the empty bag to Keke.

After dealing with the cabbage worms, Man Bao looked at other things.

The others are all kinds of plants, but they are much easier to handle, and she receives them into the system in one package.

Keke arranged the bags according to the order, and sent them out together after they were all gathered.

After finishing these things, Man Bao clicked on his own account and became very happy, and Ke Ke was also very happy, saying: "The host can visit the forum if you have time, there are quite a few hosts who have opened the second channel now, even if you can't For transactions, you can also take a look at the transactions in the forum."

Man Bao replied, she knew that Keke still prefers her to participate in the transaction of the second channel,

Just as he was thinking about it, Mrs. Feng in the yard next door yelled, and everyone ran over to eat.

Man Bao also ran over, Zhou Zhou Lang obviously just came back, and the sweat on his face was not wiped off.

Man Bao ran past him and only asked, "Second brother, how is business?"

Tuesday Lang nodded, with a strong smile on his face, "Not bad."

He became acquainted in the county town, and people who often go shopping like to buy with him.

Man Bao also only listened to one ear, then ran to his father and asked, "Father, do we want to exchange the wheat for other people's family as seeds?"

"Well," the village chief and the others brought some shredded tobacco to Lao Zhou when they came today, so now he is smoking again, and at this time he is smoking dry tobacco contentedly, and said with a satisfied face: "Our family is lucky this year. , Lord God blesses the harvest of wheat is not bad, and the harvest of some unflooded land is even better than last year, so they all want to use our wheat to save seeds."

At this point, Lao Zhou turned his head and asked his old wife who was sitting in the corner twisting the twine, "Have the wheat seeds in our house been harvested yet?"

Mrs. Qian said "Yes", "You have collected all the cuts, and you have already taken them off. The sun has been good these two days, and they have been drying."

Old Zhou nodded in satisfaction, "I see that it will rain in the next two days, so we must keep an eye on these seeds. Except for the ones we left alone, they can change the other wheat if they want. They will eat them anyway."

Everyone is fine.

This kind of replacement method is not uncommon in the countryside, but it is not common. After all, people trust the seeds left by their own families more, and it is rare for someone to exchange seeds from other families on such a large scale.

Qian asked, "Do you know how much they want to change?"

"A lot, at least half of the wheat seeds in the village come from our house."

"So many?" Zhou Dalang was astonished, "The ones that come out are not as good as..."

"The matter was brought up by them, and it's not that I have to change it to them, or I have to complain. It also falls on the leaders of them, and they don't do anything about our family." Old Zhou said here for a while , "But we have to dry the wheat, don't get caught in the rain, boss, be careful these few days."

Speaking of this, he remembered that Zhou Dalang went to help Zhou Hu's house today, so he asked, "How is Zhou Hu's house?"