Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 320: raise geese


"Yes, yes, we don't have to go back to catch them anymore," Man Bao said, "There are also insect eggs in the ground, and all the grass seeds are eaten, so there will be fewer insects and grass next year."

Man Bao also regretted, "It's a pity that chickens can't swim, otherwise they can be raised in the fields. They love to eat snails so much. If we put them in a group, we don't have to worry about the snails eating rice."

Zhou Lang: "It seems that a duck can swim, but I don't know if it can eat rice."

Zhou Zhoulang: "Where can I find ducklings? You can count ducks in eight villages with one finger, but there are quite a few geese. How many geese will you bring back?"

"No way," Zhou Dalang said without hesitation, "Put such a big goose in the field, will it eat the snails or press the rice? No way it will damage the crops."

"That's right, that's right." Everyone agreed, and the matter was left alone.

But Man Bao remembered the roast goose he had eaten at Shan Bao's house, couldn't help swallowing, and then looked at the fourth brother secretly.

Zhou Zhoulang met her gaze and blinked, failing to understand her meaning.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, when everyone dispersed, Man Bao went to him to discuss raising geese.

Zhou Zhou Lang said: "Boss and the others didn't agree, who will take care of me when I buy it?"

"Let's raise them," Man Bao said, "Anyway, they can't throw the geese out. We don't put them in the fields when we buy them back, but we can put them in the river."

"Fourth brother, the roast goose is delicious, it's delicious," Man Bao said, "Anyway, the chicken shed is at the back of the house, and it would be nice to build a straw shed next to it for the goose to live in. It's so big. A mouse can't bite it, and a weasel can't steal it."

Zhou Zhoulang felt that what she said made sense, he rolled his eyes, looked at the three brothers who were busy, and lowered his voice: "I'm here with Lao Wu and the others, we can't let the eldest brother know about it."

"You buy the goose first."

Zhou Zhoulang stretched out his hand, "No money."

Man Bao gave him a disgusted look, "Fourth brother, you are married, why don't you save a penny?"

"I want to save it, but I don't have the chance to go to the county town. Every time the Poria cocos and wild mushrooms are picked, my second brother takes them to the county town."

And my father has already said that because of the flood, all the money I earn will be handed over to the public. Even if the second brother goes to the county town, the money he earns will not reach his own pocket, unless...

Zhou Zhoulang stared at Man Bao and said in a low voice, "Sister Yao, Fourth Brother will discuss something with you."

Man Bao snorted, "What's the matter?"

"Can you buy some more candies from Mr. Zhuang? I'll sell them in the county town. How about we split half of the proceeds then?"

Man Bao said seriously: "The candy was not given to me by Mr. Zhuang, but by a friend of mine."

Zhou Zhoulang nodded perfunctorily, "Okay, okay, I know, then go tell your friend, let me see, your fourth sister-in-law is pregnant, and I want to tear a piece of cloth for the baby in my stomach, but dad put The wages given by Master Bai have also been taken away, I can't really use your fourth sister-in-law's dowry as your fourth brother's dowry, can I? That would be so embarrassing."

It is shameful to use the dowry of a daughter-in-law, especially in the first year.

Man Bao reluctantly nodded and said: "Okay, but fourth brother, you have to take Datou and the others with you."

Zhou Zhoulang was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Why do you take them?"

"They have candy for sale too."

"Okay, bring them and bring them. When I come back from the county, I will bring you the little goose."

Man Bao, who was about to pay the fourth brother, stopped immediately when he heard it, nodded and said: "That's a good idea. If you sell candies, you can buy geese, so I don't have to spend money."

Zhou Shulang still stretched out his hand: ...

Man Bao patted his hand and said, "Just wait, I'll give you the candy tonight."

It is not difficult to build a chicken coop. Lao Zhou has a lot of family members, but it took only two and a half days to build it. Considering that the chickens will grow more and more, it is purposely built a little bigger.

Xiaoqian drove all the chickens to the new hen shed, bought ten more chicks and sent them in. She took care of them carefully for two days, and after seeing that they were familiar with them, she didn't care much about them.

Give the chickens to the children below, and they will drive the chickens to the fields every day to eat worms and grass, and then give some vegetable leaves and rice bran for a meal at home, and the chickens will become very fat.

Along with breeding, the people of the old Zhou family seem to be good at it by nature, even the younger children can do it well.

Datou was very relieved to hand over the chicken to his younger brothers and sisters, and they took turns to go to the county town to sell sugar with Zhou Zhoulang.

After searching all the nearby mountains and finding Poria no more, Zhou Zhoulang stopped running up the mountain.

And with the bleak autumn, there are fewer and fewer vegetables in the county, and the vegetable business of Lao Zhou's family is getting better. Especially the tofu made by Xiaoqian, although he brought two boards every day, it was still not enough to sell.

When I met Lao Zhou, I immediately decided not to sell this year's beans, but to keep my own tofu.

There are quite a few families who have made the same decision as the old Zhou family, but they don't keep beans for making tofu, but for cooking bean rice for next year's harvest.

Originally, the price of grain would drop after the autumn harvest, but this year the situation is just the opposite. After the grain store could not receive enough grain, it could only transport grain from other places, so the grain price that was suppressed by the tax exemption document suddenly rose again. .

Even the price of vegetables has gone up.

Originally, what happened to the price of grain at the grain shop had nothing to do with Lao Zhou's family, because after confirming that he would not pay taxes this year, Lao Zhou felt that this year's harvest would be enough to last until next year's winter wheat harvest.

Since he didn't need to buy grain from the grain shop, and he didn't know how to sell grain, there was no need to keep an eye on the price of grain.

But the old Zhou's family can still clearly know the daily food price changes, because Zhou Zhoulang would nag every day when he came back.

There is no way, the people who buy vegetables with him will always say a few words when they go shopping, the price of food has risen again today...

The rise was so high that the old Zhou Tou, who had always kept his grain pockets tight, couldn't help being tempted, and wanted to take the opportunity to sell some of it.

But as long as he looks up at the children and grandchildren who are separated from the two tables at home, old Zhou can only vent his anger, sigh and stop thinking about it.

There are too many people in the family, and there is too much to eat. If I bought food at a high price at this time, and the family ran out of food later, wouldn’t I have to pay a higher price to buy it back

That's called a pit.

Man Bao didn't know anything about it, and her focus recently was on studying and earning points.

Mr. Zhuang's class is very important, the class in the teaching room is also very important, and trading in the forum to earn points is also very important, so that she was in a hurry for a while, feeling that there was not enough time.

Later, Keke recommended a book to her—"How to Plan Your Time Efficiently", which is a very thin book and very cheap, and it only costs three points.

It's the cheapest book I've bought so far.