Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 44: teach literacy


Zhou Zhou Lang squatted beside Man Bao and sighed again and again, "Sister Yao, did Fourth Brother offend you?"

Man Bao nodded, "You offended our whole family."

Zhou Zhoulang was silent for a long time, and said: "I said that I really changed it, do you believe it?"

Although he didn't believe it in his heart, Man Bao still nodded, "I believe, so fourth brother, you have to work hard to pay back the money you owe to your family and brother and sister-in-law."

Zhou Zhoulang slumped his shoulders, "You don't earn money from farming."

Man Bao disagreed, "Many people farm land, parents farm land, brother and sister-in-law farm land, and Master Bai's family also farms land."

"That's all good."

"Hundreds of years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years ago, the land is the same, isn't it all raised by people?" Man Bao has already asked Ke Ke, very confident, and comforted Zhou Lang: "Don't worry, fourth brother, you open the land first, and then I will bring the fifth and sixth brothers to help you raise the land. In the future, I will tell my dad that all the land you open will be distributed to you, and the money can be earned slowly. You can't pay it back, you still have your son."

Thursday Lang: ...

Man Bao made a plan for him, and said: "Although your son will pay off your debts for you, he will get more land than Datou and the others when he divides the family. What about the land, so that they can pass it on when they have children and grandchildren.”

Zhou Zhoulang: "... Man Bao, you think too much."

Man Bao: "Of course, Mr. said, people think in the long run and can't just see what is in front of them. I just thought about it. Why is Mr. Bai's family rich?"

Zhou Zhoulang: "Because they have a lot of land."

"Yes, because their family has a lot of land, so much that they can hire many people to help him cultivate the land. He just needs to lie at home and count the money." Man Bao is ambitious, "If our family also has a lot of land, isn't that right? Can you also become a person like Landlord Bai?"

Zhou Lang turned around and left.

Man Bao was also very enthusiastic to persuade him to stay, "Fourth brother, don't go, I haven't finished talking yet."

Zhou Zhoulang no longer wants to talk to her.

Land reclamation is very tiring, almost all physical work. Every day when he gets home, Zhou Zhou wants to sit still on the ground, take a simple shower after eating, and lie down on the bed before it gets dark.

Zhou Zhou Lang touched his sore shoulders and back, and shed tears of regret for the first time. He really knew that he was wrong.

Zhou Zhoulang wiped his tears in the room, while Man Bao summoned all his friends to teach them how to read while it was still dark.

Friday Lang and Saturday Lang also crowded up to watch curiously.

Man Bao first taught them the names of their counties and villages, and then their respective names. She said: "This is what my husband taught me. He said that I will know it by heart. If I accidentally get lost or be robbed , I can also remember where my home is and what its name is.”

Feng couldn't help but pee pee pee twice, and said: "Tong Yan Wuji, the strong wind blows away, sister, don't talk nonsense, how could you get lost?"

But Xiaoqian said: "This method is good, let the children remember it quickly, and the old and the sixth will also remember it. If you want to go to the county seat by yourself in the future, don't get lost."

"Sister-in-law, the fifth child and the sixth child are both half grown-ups, who will take it away?"

"That's not certain," Xiaoqian said, "Now is the time of peace, and people are needed everywhere. What if there are daring people who take away the old five and the sixth to work as coolies? Such a situation It’s not like nothing happened.”

Feng Shi was surprised, "Has such a thing happened before?"

"That's not true," Xiaoqian said with a smile when her sister-in-law jumped in front of her and looked at her with bright eyes, knowing that she liked to hear such stories, "That happened when I was young. One was in his twenties, and the other was just an adult. The two brothers went to the county town to look for work, and they were singled out by people from the same village. They were arrested and taken away. The family thought they were dead. After several years, the younger brother came back alive. , that person is no longer in human form. It is said that he was locked up in a quarry to dig stones, and only one bun a day. Many people were exhausted and starved to death. Otherwise, what do you think? Do you want several brothers to go together? It’s all caused by previous incidents.”

Man Bao looked at Fifth Brother and Sixth Brother, and became entangled, "Fifth Brother, Sixth Brother, don't go to the county seat."

Wu Wulang and Saturday Lang felt a little nervous, but thinking of the huge profits, they were not willing to agree.

Old Zhou Tou smoked a pipe of dry tobacco and said, "Second brother, take the fifth and sixth children for a walk tomorrow morning, and teach them the rules of walking."

Tuesday Lang responded.

Man Bao asked her father curiously, "Dad, there are still rules when walking?"

"That's right, wait for your fifth brother to come back tomorrow and ask him to tell you."

Man Bao is looking forward to it.

It was the first time for them to learn how to read and write. Of course, it is impossible to know too many characters, so Man Bao only taught them the three characters of Qili Village.

Everyone held sticks and gestured on the ground together. Xiaoqian's third sister-in-law smiled in relief when she saw that the children did not run out to play after dinner.

Xiaoqian and Feng were about to tell Da Ya and Erya to wash the dishes, when they turned around and saw that they were squatting on the ground and drawing seriously, they hesitated for a while, Xiao Qian still pulled Feng and said: "Forget it, let's just wash it, Let their aunts and nephews play together."

In the past, the work of washing dishes was done by the big girl and the second girl. Although Feng was not happy about the extra job, she took a look at her happy daughter and nodded in agreement.

Forget it, learn a few words, at least not so that you don't even know where you live.

Man Bao taught seriously, and the students also studied hard. When it got dark and everyone couldn't see clearly, Man Bao threw away his stick, and everyone started playing games together.

Few people in the Zhou family would ask Man Bao what she learned in school, because they didn’t understand. Every day when Man Bao came home, they only asked her if she was bullied. After knowing that she was not bullied, they stopped asking. .

As for how Manbao is studying in the school, does it need to be said

That must be very good, in the hearts of everyone in the Zhou family, in the entire Qili Village, is there anyone smarter than their Yaomei (sister-in-law)

Didn't you see that Mr. Zhuang would rather accept Shu Xiu as his disciple

The Zhou family is very relieved, but the Bai family has a different attitude towards Bai Shanbao.

As soon as Bai Shanbao got home, before he sat down on his buttocks, his mother, Mrs. Zheng, took him to touch him, and first asked him if he had a fight today.

After getting a negative answer, I asked him if he had bullied others, and after being denied again, asked him if he had been bullied, but he didn't know.

Only then did Zheng breathe a sigh of relief. As for the fact that his son stepped on puddles and wet his shoes and trousers, that was a trivial matter.

She asked her servants to take her son down to take a bath and change clothes, and poured him a bowl of ginger soup before taking him to see his mother-in-law.