Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 45: Soul Painter


Mrs. Liu asked him what he had learned today.

Bai Shanbao was very experienced in dealing with his grandmother, so he only told his grandmother what Mr. Zhuang had said to them in class, and did not say that he and Man Bao planned to catch bugs to scare the second cousin.

Mrs. Liu knew with her toes that it was impossible for her grandson to be so honest in school, not to mention that Mr. Zhuang brought up the responsibility of the county magistrate for the first time.

There must be a reason for this, but she didn't ask too much, but beckoned to her grandson and told him what a county magistrate is and what the county magistrate should do.

Bai Shanbao listened carefully, and decided to tell Man Bao the next day, hum, he knew a lot more than her.

Seeing that her grandson listened carefully and was not as rebellious as before, Mrs. Liu couldn't help but speak in more detail, and her attitude became more gentle.

Bai Shanbao asked if he didn't understand, and told Man Bao that their county magistrate was a bad person and overcharged the entrance fee.

Only then did Mrs. Liu understand why Mr. Zhuang showed them ants, autumn rain, and told stories.

Liu said: "The county requires money to build roads, repair dams, and build water conservancy. If County Magistrate Fu has these uses, there is nothing wrong with increasing the entry fee."

Bai Shanbao understands this point, everything needs money.

Niang said that the reason why they moved to the mountains was because the clan bullied their orphans and widowed mothers and wanted to swallow up their family's property.

Niang said that those industries are all about earning money. In the future, he will need money for studying, taking exams, marrying a wife, and becoming an official. All the money will be left to him.

It was also from that time that Bai Shanbao knew that money was a very important thing, and people as powerful as the patriarch grandpa would shamelessly come to steal their family's money.

Mrs. Liu felt that it was the right time for them to come to Qili Village this time.

Although there are many masters of ethnology and Longzhou has more resources than here, his grandson is always isolated in the ethnology, and family affairs affect him to some extent.

Although he is smart, he refuses to attend lectures seriously, mischievous in school, fights and fights, the most important thing is that the teachers in ethnology are not difficult to treat him fairly.

For a long time, he was either led by them to become a playboy or a cynical layman, neither of which Liu wanted to see.

She was able to raise her son alone after the young man lost her husband, so she could naturally raise her grandson.

Liu's eyes were firm, and they were on the right track at this step. The most wonderful thing is that there is such a Mr. Zhuang in this mountain depression. Perhaps, this is the fate of their Bai family.

Mrs. Liu recruited her daughter-in-law and said: "Although we are close to Lao Qi's family, since we have decided to live here for a long time, it is not good to always live in his house. I mean, we buy a piece of land in the village and build a Wouldn't it be comfortable to move the Xiaobieyuan, so that the two families are close together, can take care of each other, and have their own family?"

Mrs. Zheng has no objections, she is used to listening to her mother-in-law in everything.

On the contrary, Bai Shanbao had a lot of ideas. He was playing on the sidelines, and when he heard what his grandmother said, he ran up and said, "Choose the one that enters the river, and when the time comes, bring water to the house, dig a big pond, and I want to raise turtles."

"Why are you still thinking about raising a tortoise?" In my hometown before, it was just to snatch a tortoise. This child broke the head of the grandson of the second uncle's family. For this, the mother-in-law paid a lot of gifts. Until now, Zheng It still hurts to think about it.

But Bai Shanbao insisted, "I will raise a tortoise, and when it grows up, I will make soup for my grandmother."

Mrs. Zheng's expression was rather indescribable, but Mrs. Liu knew what grandson meant, touched his head and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, I'll dig a pond for you to raise turtles when the time comes, so let me tell you what else you want." , it’s time to plan.”

Bai Shanbao thought for a while and said, "I have to think about this carefully."

"Think about it, and let me know."

It's not easy for Mrs. Liu to come forward to buy land and build a house, so she has to discuss it with Master Bai.

Bai Shanbao didn't worry about this, he reviewed today's homework, and then began to draw the yard he imagined.

It's just that he is currently a soul painter. Except for himself, I am afraid that no one can understand what he draws.

But Shanbao didn't know this, so the next day he happily showed Manbao his masterpiece and told her that this would be his new home.

Man Bao looked up and down for a long time, scratched his face and asked, "Where is the front?"

Shanbao straightened the painting for it, and asked: "Look at it this way, look, this is my room, I want to make a swing here, so that I can swing when I wake up, and here I dig a pond. There is a turtle inside, so that I can watch the turtle while swinging on the swing, here, this is the turtle.”

Man Bao had never seen a turtle before, so he asked, "Can a turtle be eaten?"

"Yes, tortoises can live a long, long life. I plan to fatten it up and give it to my grandmother to make soup, so that my grandmother can live a long life."

Man Bao's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Shanbao nodded, "Of course it is true. When I was in my hometown, they all said that tortoises represent longevity!"

"Then how many turtles do you have? Can you sell me one? I want to raise turtles too."

Shanbao asked, "Why do you keep turtles?"

"Give it to my mother. My mother is always sick. She will live a long life after eating tortoises. That way she won't always be sick."

Bai Shanbao thinks that turtles are very rare, otherwise he would not have snatched that one from his cousin, but now he has just made friends with Man Bao, so it is not easy to refuse her, so he hesitated and said: "I will let my mother Buy one more, if you can buy it, I will give it to you, if you can’t, then wait for my turtle to give birth to a baby, and I will raise its baby for you.”

Man Bao thought it was wrong, "It takes two turtles to have a baby, one male and one female."

"Who said that?"

"Chickens and pigs are like this, and people are like this," Manbao actually knows a lot, even though she is young, and she listed them one by one: "My hen hatches chickens, and my mother has to check them." Eggs, it is said that only eggs laid with a rooster can produce chicks. In spring, in order to let their sows have piglets, nephew Dazhu went to the next village to invite a male pig to marry a sow. Marry a daughter-in-law to have a baby."

So, "You have to buy two tortoises, one male and one female, so that babies can be born, one in a year, ten in ten years, and then we will eat the two that have grown up, and the rest Continue raising, and have another baby..." Man Bao counted, and he was stunned, "Wow, then we will have a lot of turtles."

Bai Shanbao felt that what she said was reasonable, so he made a plan to tell his mother when he went back at night.

Seeing that he was willing to listen to her advice, Man Bao became more active, pointed to his blueprint and said: "In addition to raising turtles, you can also grow lotus roots in the pond. Do you know lotus roots? There are many lotus roots on the river bank in the lower reaches of our village. Summer The flowers that bloom at that time are very beautiful, the lotus seeds are delicious, and the lotus root is also delicious."

Man Bao became excited, "Let me take you to dig lotus roots. I went to see it last year and I already know how to do it."

Bai Shanbao asked, "Didn't we agree to catch cabbage worms today?"

Man Bao said indifferently: "I'll catch it later, let's dig the lotus root first, the lotus root is much more beautiful than the worm."

Bai Shanbao didn't really want to catch bugs, so he nodded in response.