Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 51: historical debt


The next day, five children with bruised noses and swollen faces were added to the school, and the students all watched curiously.

No wonder they are surprised, Mr. Zhuang has always been strict in management, and the biggest conflict in the school is just bickering. The last fight happened outside the school, and it was mainly caused by two people outside the school—Bai Shan and Er Tou.

This time it was different, someone asked Bai Erlang, and someone quietly asked Man Bao, "Did you fight?"

Man Bao didn't think there was anything shameful about it, so he nodded and said, "It's done."

But she also knows that fighting is not good, and she knows to file a complaint first, so she said: "They made the first move, and even set up an ambush!"

Some students asked curiously, "Why are you fighting?"

Man Bao froze, touched his head and thought, yes, why are they fighting

So as soon as she turned around, she dragged Bai Shan to find Bai Erlang, and asked, "Why are you beating us?"

Bai Erlang was beaten and scolded again last night, his face stinks badly, but after re-education by his grandmother and parents, he already knows that it is impossible for him to fight with Bai Shan in the future, otherwise he will definitely be punished by his grandmother. With his father, and even his mother's retaliation, so when Man Bao asked, his little face became even more stinky.

He said: "It's none of your business. Originally, I was only targeting him. You deserve what you deserve."

Man Bao looked at him, then at Bai Shan, then snorted at Bai Erlang.

She and Bai Shan have a new enmity, but the new enmity has been reconciled. The most important thing is that they passed through life and death yesterday, and she feels that they have risen from the ordinary tablemate relationship to the stage of good friends.

So facing the long-standing Bai Erlang, Man Bao stood by Bai Shan's side without hesitation, pulled Bai Shan back and whispered his advice, "When will your house be built? Brother, they are going to help."

She said: "Bai Erlang is a villain. You live in their house. If you are bullied by him, you may not be found out. Besides, you are a guest, so it is not easy to fight with the master. It will be fine when you move out. If he still bullies you You, I'll ask my eldest nephew to call you back."

He said again: "If my eldest nephew can't beat him, I still have my fifth brother and sixth brother. Let me tell you, my sixth brother is very good at fighting. There is no child in the village who can match him."

Bai Shan also didn't want to live in his cousin's house anymore, and felt it was very inconvenient, so he whispered to Man Bao, "My grandmother is choosing a place, and I heard from my mother that if we move quickly, we can move out before the Chinese New Year."

Bai Shan had never seen a house built before, and thought it would be very fast to be able to move out before the Chinese New Year, but Man Bao was not, she exclaimed, "It's been so long, you go home and let your grandmother choose a place quickly, I told my father, when we arrive It’s time to ask my elder brothers to help, I have six older brothers, and I can call some people from the village, and the house can be built for you in three to five days.”

"So fast?"

"Not fast, not fast," Man Bao said, "Last time the village chief wanted to build a house for San Zhu to marry his wife, my eldest brother and the others worked together, and it was built for him in two days."

Obviously, Man Bao didn't know that there was a difference between a house and a house.

Bai Shan didn't know any more, he waited excitedly for school to be over, received the homework punished from Mr. Zhuang and went back.

Mr. Zhuang is not blind. Five students appeared with bruised noses and swollen faces. It looked like they were fighting.

When he asked, it was still a private fight, and he punished him again.

Bai Erlang and the other three received the punishment with bitter faces, but Man Bao and Bai Shan were extremely excited, because both children felt that reading should be written.

What kind of punishment is this

The two went back to their respective homes happily. Man Bao was very responsible today. First, he organized Datou Daya and the others to teach a few words, and read four lines of "Thousand Characters", and then she was idle on the sidelines.

She went to the mall to take another look at the tube of green liquid, and asked salivatingly, "Keke, can't you really give me credit first?"

The system said helplessly: "Host, I can only connect to the mall, and the transactions are all completed by a third party. If I have this point, I can buy it myself and credit it to you. In the future, you can pay me back the points. But the problem now is Yes, I don't have so many points."

The system doesn't mind letting Manbao see its own points, because there are not many.

It came here by accident when it encountered a space storm during the release process. After contacting the main system, the main system said that the space channel on the interstellar link was not opened, and a large sum of points was required to open it.

It stands to reason that the host should pay the points, but where did the host get the points at that time? Without points, the channel cannot be opened, the things it contains cannot be returned to the encyclopedia, and the system cannot determine the points for it and the host.

This is almost in an endless loop.

The most frightening thing is that because the channel cannot be opened, and it has spent a lot of energy to keep itself through the storm, it can no longer go back by itself.

So Keke could only spend his own points to open the channel, and then found a person with the highest IQ detected at that time to live there.

At that time, it was in a daze, and it didn't see Man Bao's appearance at all. It only looked for the soul. Who knew it was a doll

The doll is just a doll, anyway, it is legal, and the channel is opened. Even if Manbao can't pay the fee for the channel in the end, when she dies in the future, the system can be recovered, so that she won't be lost in the interstellar world.

For intelligent systems like them, if they cannot generate income for Interstellar, they will definitely be disconnected from the main system. Once they are disconnected, it will be no different from death.

So it really has no points to help Manbao. Over the years, it has bought candy to lure Manbao's points through its teeth. Of course, Manbao just returned it not long ago.

She is also gratifying to go from negative equity to positive equity.

Like Manbao, Keke also has great confidence in her, because in a short period of time, she not only realized the positive growth of assets, but also successfully opened the mall. What does this mean

It shows that the plasticity of its host is very large, and the current predicament is only because its host is too young, and it will be fine if it grows up a little longer.

As for Man Bao's character, Ke Ke, who grew up with her since she was a child, thinks she knows best.

But she also has another advantage, as long as there is interest, she will do it.

This interest is to have something she likes, delicious, fun, good for her family, or something that her family desperately needs.

Keke felt that he could put this tube of medicine here to hang Man Bao, but the points required were too much, and it seemed that there was no hope in sight, so he said, "Man Bao, the rooster you bought for your mother has already been eaten." According to the doctor, the most fundamental problem of your mother is anemia, so you need to supplement nutrition. If you can ensure that you eat meat every day, your mother's health should be much better, at least it can support you until you earn enough to buy medicines integral."

Hearing this, Man Bao began to count all his copper coins from the system, and found that it was still possible to buy a chicken.

So she wanted to take the money to find his second brother, and the system reminded again, "Your family may be reluctant to buy chicken."

Man Bao stopped, tilted his head and thought for a while, put the copper plate in his small pocket and walked out.