Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 74: inquire


You have to pay a city fee to enter the city, and now you have to pay a penny to enter the city. Of course, children like Datou don't need money.

But Zhou Dalang still felt heartache.

He took out the money, because he had spent a few pennies when he first entered the city, he was very worried, so he didn't go anywhere, and took the cart directly to the pharmacy.

There is only one pharmacy in the county, which is Jishitang.

When the waiter saw Zhou Dalang coming, he said, "You're here to sell medicine, wait a moment, our shopkeeper will be here in a while."

Zhou Dalang came twice, once with fresh privet berries to ask the price, and once with dried privet berries to ask if they were processed correctly, so the clerk remembered him.

The shopkeeper came out soon. Zhou Erlang was afraid that too many people would annoy the pharmacy, so he asked Wu Lang to wait outside with the children. Only Man Bao curiously followed Zhou Erlang in to watch the fun.

Zhou Dalang and Zhou Zhoulang glanced at Yaomei, didn't say anything, and even led her to him so that she wouldn't get lost.

These privet seeds were dried in hot water after passing through them, and they were being packed in fine cloth bags.

Zhou Dalang opened the bag and showed it to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper put it in the palm of his hand to check the color, ate another one, nodded slightly and said: "It's not bad, it will be better if it lasts for a while next time you go through the water."

He looked through the ones below and found that the quality was about the same, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's weigh them, we'll take them all."

The clerk immediately brought a scale, and said after weighing, "It's a total of twelve and a half catties."

The shopkeeper said: "You are of average quality, I will give you fifty Wen a catty, a total of six hundred and twenty-five Wen, and in the future, if there are privet seeds, they will be sent to me. As long as they are of good quality, we will accept them all." .”

Man Bao asked curiously, "Brother shopkeeper, can so many privet pharmacies sell?"

The shopkeeper lowered his head, only to find that there was a little girl at the feet of the two brothers. He twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard her address, and said, "Our Jishitang's pharmacies are spread all over the world, so of course we can eat privet seeds. It's okay to add hundreds of times and a thousand times more. Little girl, you should call me uncle."

Zhou Dalang wiped the sweat from his forehead and apologized again and again, "My younger sister is young and ignorant, please forgive me from the shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper glanced at Man Bao again, and said with a smile, "So it's your sister, no wonder."

He looks about the same age as Zhou Dalang, no wonder the little girl calls him Big Brother instead of Uncle.

The shopkeeper laughed and shook his head, but he didn't mind.

Man Bao was still in high spirits, and he didn't mind changing his words: "Uncle shopkeeper, if my family grows a lot of privet seeds in the future, can your family buy them at this price?"

The shopkeeper had asked his buddies to bring them money, and was about to turn around and leave. Hearing this, he turned around and asked, "Why, do you want to grow medicinal materials?"

Man Bao said: "I want to plant."

The shopkeeper said: "This is not easy. This kind of medicinal materials are prone to insect damage, and they may also be drought and waterlogged. What kind of medicinal materials are you planning to grow?"

Man Bao asked him first, "What kind of medicinal materials do you think our place is suitable for growing?"

The shopkeeper looked down at the little one, and after a pause, he smiled and said, "I think we have a lot of herbs suitable for growing here, the key is, can you grow them?"

"I can't learn it."

Seeing that she looked like a grown-up, the shopkeeper couldn't help laughing and said: "As long as you can grow it, the medicinal materials will not fail to sell, because people will get sick, and you have to take medicine when you get sick."

Man Bao understood, turned around and dragged his second brother to help her carry their centella asiatica.

Seeing them dragging in two big bags, the shopkeeper stopped curiously.

"Uncle shopkeeper, this is the centella asiatica we dried, do you want it from your pharmacy?"

The shopkeeper bent down and touched it, and found that it was quite dry, so he nodded and said: "Yes, this thing is a good thing to cool off in summer, twenty yuan a catty, let's weigh it."

Although this thing has two big bags, it is not heavy at all. The two big bags together only weigh thirty-five catties.

Goro and the others, who were so excited lying at the door, were stunned. They had pulled so much, how could it be so light

They were all a little disappointed, but they were stunned again when they saw the man handing out seven strings of money to them.

It seems that this money is a little easy to earn.

Zhou Dalang was also a little surprised to see that several children earned more than them.

But the shopkeeper said: "Don't send Centella asiatica next time, these things are everywhere, no need to transfer outside, these are almost enough for our pharmacy to use in summer."

But Man Bao rolled his eyes and said: "It's definitely not enough. The summer is so long, and your family has to cook medicinal soup every day. You need at least one handful a day. A handful counts as a catty. These thirty-five catties are only enough for thirty-five catties." It's only five days."

Seeing that she was so clear at such a young age, the shopkeeper couldn't help laughing, touched her little head and said: "Our small county can't use a catty of centella asiatica a day, you want to kill everyone, this A little is enough, and I won’t accept it if you send it over.”

Man Bao was very sorry, she didn't expect Centella asiatica to be a one-off sale, she sighed like a little adult.

The shopkeeper thought this kid was very interesting, mainly because he knew all the herb collectors in this area, Zhou Dalang and Zhou Zhoulang looked like farmers, not herb collectors.

He was curious that they would know Privet.

Many flowers and plants in the countryside can be used as medicine, and even many elderly people know how to use these flowers and plants, such as Centella asiatica. Many people in the countryside will use Centella asiatica to stop bleeding after falling or cutting bleeding.

But they don't know that Centella Asiatica has other effects, and they don't think that Centella Asiatica is also a medicinal material in pharmacies, let alone dried and sold in pharmacies.

If it is said that Centella asiatica can be used as medicine only after being exposed to the sun, then many other medicinal materials need special processing to be preserved and used as medicine. This is the knowledge that doctors and herbalists understand.

The vast majority of people in the world only like to do what they are good at, and always avoid things that they are not good at.

This is risk avoidance, which is human instinct.

If a person suddenly enters a field he is not familiar with, then he must rely on something. And the other party is still an honest person, so the reliance will only be greater.

The shopkeeper wondered if they had medical books in their hands.

He also inquired with Zhou Dalang, but Zhou Dalang just smiled stupidly at this, and didn't know if it was real or fake. While the waiter was paying them the bill, the shopkeeper simply took Man Bao's little hand and sat aside, asking her, "Your family?" From whom did you learn how to make privet nuts?"

Man Bao: "Hey, didn't the shopkeeper teach you?"

The shopkeeper thought about it, as if he had mentioned something, he paused, and asked: "Then who recognized the privet fruit as a medicinal material?"

Man Bao immediately said proudly: "Me!"