Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 83: new function


Keke recommended books to her in a timely manner, and said: "Host, the commodities in the mall are very limited, many things cannot be traded on a large scale, and as a system, I don't recommend you to engage in the business of buying and selling, because there is no such thing as this kind of business. Its technical content is also very harmful to its own safety."

Keke's voice was excited, and he said enthusiastically: "In this world, only the money earned by using your own ability is the safest, so host, learn cultural knowledge, as long as your ability is strong enough, you don't have to worry about money. Come."

Keke screened several books for her, all of which have the function of previewing.

Man Bao turned a few pages and found that he didn't understand it very well, so he closed the book and said, "I don't understand."

"It's because you don't understand that you need to study," Keke said, "If you already understand it, do you still need to study it? As for books, you can understand them at a glance, and you don't need to delve into them. They must be saliva-like words. Host, you What you want to learn is knowledge, not just reading stories."

"What kind of knowledge is this?"

Keke said solemnly: "Knowledge about making money."

Man Bao scratched her little head, and was about to agree to Keke, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was wrong. She was still young, but she also knew that making money is difficult, and from her experience, if you want to make money, you have to go out .

But she is still young, she can't go very far, and her parents must be reluctant to part with her, so she must not go out to make money.

So she was unhappy, "I won't buy it!"

Koko: ...

Man Bao seemed to see Keke's sadness, so he reluctantly said: "Do you have a book on growing yams here? If so, I will buy one."

Keke said disappointedly: "No, there are techniques for growing other crops, such as rice, wheat, and various fruits, but there is no yam."

Although Keke wants to lure Manbao to buy books, because the books are all bought from the encyclopedia, and it will get a part of the commission for buying a copy, but it is not enough to cheat Manbao.

So it brought out the entry of yam and showed her, "The entry of yam has been released, and there are the most basic planting suggestions on it, the host can take a look."

Man Bao found that there were many words in the entry that she didn't know.

Keke answered her questions, and helped her straighten out the things she couldn't understand, including how to deal with yam seeds, how to deal with the planting land, etc., all of which listed specific numbers, but they were all abstract. So difficult.

Keke was refreshed when he saw it, and said: "Host, there is a simulation display inside the system, do you want to use it? It's very cheap, a 10-minute simulation display with a little points, and there are instructions."

Man Bao was puzzled, "What is a simulation display?"

A picture suddenly appeared in Manbao's mind, a clear picture of a man digging in the field with a hoe, Keke said: "This is the simulation display, divided into three modes, one is the most basic, completely according to the The text you choose is displayed, one can be displayed according to the conditions you set, and the other is simulated after scanning the actual situation. The points consumed by the three are different. It is recommended that the host experience the first simulation first. display, but because there is a big gap between the era where the host lives and the era when the entry was formed, I think the host should give priority to the third option after believing in the simulation display."

Man Bao stared at the man who was digging the ground with sparkling eyes, and asked excitedly, "Can this man be replaced by the fourth brother?"

Keke hesitated for a moment, but for the sake of long-term development, he gritted his teeth and switched to the host instead, so the person in Manbao's mind became Zhou Lang wielding a hoe to work.

Man Baole said happily: "Replace me, replace me!"

Koko: ...

What can it do

Of course, I can only agree, so the picture in Manbao's mind became a little girl sitting on the ground holding a hoe that was longer and bigger than her.

Keke explained without emotion, "Because the tool is too big and the host is not strong enough, it sat on the ground."

Man Bao laughed out loud. The system couldn't understand her smile at all. Seeing that she was almost laughing, she asked, "Host, do you want to use a simulation display?"

Man Bao wiped the tears from laughing and nodded.

The system happily deducted a point from her, and thoughtfully chose the words in the yam entry for her, so a picture slowly flowed in Manbao's mind.

Keke calls it a video, but Man Bao thinks that it is a connection of moving pictures one after another, which is very beautiful and vivid.

No, it was already moving.

Keke thoughtfully explained to her, "Yams can be picked half a month before the tubers mature..."

Man Bao stared at it with wide eyes, and asked eagerly, "I've seen this before, it's on the vine."

Keke added, "It can be used as seeds, and besides yam tubers, it can also be planted with spare seeds."

Of course, the technology of the future is not comparable to that of the present. Although the scientists of the future only got the yam for a few days, based on the existing information and the research on the habits of the yam, they quickly researched its planting method.

Regardless of whether the seeds are made of tubers or spare seeds, it is best to raise seedlings first when planting yams. They will first soak them in a kind of medicine to reduce the damage of germs, and then dry them in the sun for one to three days before raising seedlings.

The seedling period is about twenty-five days.

After processing the seeds, Manbao saw a big thing appearing on a piece of land to dig soil. Keke introduced: "This is a planter. It can dig soil, open ridges, sow seeds, harvest, in short, all the work in the field it can do it all.”

Man Bao wowed and asked, "Can I buy it?"

"No," the system said, "You can't use it even if you bought it. This thing is remotely overridden through the Internet, and it needs to be charged. You don't have electricity here..."

Man Bao felt sorry for a moment, and then carefully looked at how it grew yams.

The video lasted nearly 30 minutes, and the system then deducted two more points from her, and saved the synthesized video for her, saying: "In the future, you can watch it if you want, without spending any more points, isn't it a good deal? "

Man Bao nodded his head and began to ask various questions, such as the potion used to soak the seeds, and learned that he could search and buy it in the mall.

And this kind of potion can not only soak yam, but also soak millet, promote the germination rate, and strengthen the seedlings...

Man Bao was so excited that he began to search for the potion, and found that this potion was not expensive at all.

Because the products are from the mall, Keke has no commission, so it is especially considerate of the host, saying: "Actually, the host can try to replace these potions with other things. These potions are very bright in color, and the host may not be able to explain their origin when they take them out. In fact, yam seeds can be dipped in lime... ”

The main responsibility of the system is to collect all kinds of plants. It has a lot of knowledge about planting, so it is easy to come by, even if it is not stated in the entry of yam, it can be uploaded to its system according to the scientific and technological personnel. Based on the analysis of the processing methods, the planting method is more suitable for this era.