Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 89: harmony


Man Bao felt that the official wanted to ask, but Lao Ding also wanted to ask, but she was not in a hurry, so she and Bai Shanbao squatted in front of the official, and first asked him what his name was. Temporary recruitment of overseers.

The official felt that the two children asked in great detail, and asked curiously, "Your husband still cares about this?"

"Our husband doesn't care, but we want to know." Keke said, although the things investigated are very small, every little thing may affect the big picture, so we should collect as much information as possible.

Only in this way can we more fully reflect the problem and find a solution.

Of course, Manbao couldn't understand these words, but she knew a little bit and collected as much information as possible, and Keke also gave her a reference template.

Man Bao took it out to discuss with Bai Shanbao, and the two of them added more and more. After all, since you want to ask someone's name, you should ask his age by the way. , do you have children at home...

The two children added a lot of questions to their questionnaires when you said something and I said something.

Keke looked silent, and now the two of them squatted in front of the official with a small notebook, asking him these questions one by one.

To keep him from being irritable, Man Bao took out a candy from his pocket, put it in his palm, and invited him to eat.

The official's serious face relaxed, his mouth softened, and the two children Man Bao and Bai Shanbao were so cute, so he also sat on the grass and waved his hand, "My father works in the yamen. So I also work in the yamen, my three brothers, I am the oldest... "

Bai Erlang also likes to listen to these gossips, and squats aside to listen to them with gusto.

Wu Wulang and Saturday Lang looked around, and began to approach Zhou Zhoulang quietly. Seeing that the other two servants did not object, they took over the work of his third brother. , take a break occasionally, and still talk.

Lao Ding and the rest looked at Zhou Zhou Lang enviously.

Zhou Zhoulang has always been honest, and he is rarely looked at by people like this. He was at a loss for a while, he didn't know whether it was panic or the cold wind, his face was flushed.

After Man Bao and Bai Shanbao asked the servants, they went to ask the laborers, and the other two servants also walked over curiously to have a look. Man Bao was very generous and gave each of them a candy, and also enthusiastically interviewed them.

Of course, Laudins also have a candy.

Man Bao will give a candy to whoever asks, and the laborers are very willing to answer their questions, because when answering the questions, they can not only stop their work and have a rest, but also eat a candy. No comment.

Bai Shanbao's little hands were tired from writing. Seeing Bai Erlang squatting aside eating candy and listening with great interest, he put the pen into his hand and asked him to take over from him to write.

Bai Erlang didn't like writing very much, so he took the pen reluctantly.

Man Bao also said, "If you don't come, I will!"

"No," Bai Shanbao refused without even thinking about it, "The book is definitely not enough to write. Your handwriting is not only ugly, but also wastes ink and paper."

Although he knew that Bai Shanbao was telling the truth, Man Bao pouted unhappily.

She just learned to write, of course she can't write well, but she will definitely get better in the future!

The three officials couldn't help asking curiously, "Who is your husband, why did you ask you to memorize these things?"

Bai Shanbao happened to be tired from writing, so he sat and bragged to them about how powerful their Mr. Zhuang is...

In Bai Shanbao's mind, Mr. Zhuang is really powerful, at least much better than the gentlemen in ethnology.

The children of the three servants are about the same age, so they are very tolerant to them, and I don't mind if they come to the construction site to make trouble, and chat with them happily.

The atmosphere became more and more harmonious. Lao Ding, who hadn't been interviewed yet, occasionally raised his head to look over there, but the officials didn't reprimand him when they saw it, let alone whipped him.

After such a relaxation, the strange thing is that the progress of the project is quite fast.

One person wields a hoe to loosen the soil, and the other digs up the loosened soil and puts it in a basket, and then two people carry the basket to the pit on the official road to fill it...

Everyone's cooperation is getting better and better, taking a break every now and then, but the speed is very fast.

In the afternoon, someone came to deliver dinner, and the officials beat the gong in a hurry, asking everyone to pack up their things and line up to get the buns.

One piece of gray bun per person, because Wu Lang and Saturday Lang also worked in the afternoon, and the officials gave them two buns for the sake of the three children of Man Bao.

Of course the two brothers didn't want to eat it, and gave the steamed bun to Zhou Zhoulang directly.

Zhou Zhoulang smiled at them, stuffed the bun in his arms, went to get his own bowl, and went straight to get a bowl of water.

The water was brought along with the steamed buns, and the steamed buns were completely cold. Of course, the water was not hot, but it had been boiled anyway. He gulped down a bowl, and then ate the steamed buns with cold water.

Man Bao squatted aside and watched, and swallowed together with Bai Shanbao.

Wednesday Lang: ...

After thinking about it, he divided a steamed bun between the two children.

Bai Shanbao and Man Bao saw that he ate deliciously, but they didn't know that the food was not tasty, so they just took a bite and ate it.

It was a bit cold and a bit hard, but the two children still tore off a piece like wolves, chewed it, and commented: "It's a bit sweet."

Bai Shanbao chewed, swallowed hard, and said: "It would be nice if it was softer, and the flour is not ground fine enough."

Wu Wulang couldn't help but said to the two of them, "It's good to eat some, but you are still so picky, you two, quickly collect your things and go home."

Man Bao also took a sip of the cold water in Zhou Zhoulang's bowl, looked at her third brother for a while, and then gave him the leftover bun.

She held his big thick hand solemnly and said: "Third Brother, we will come to see you tomorrow and make broth for you then."

Friday Lang and Saturday Lang: …

Zhou Zhoulang hurriedly said: "You don't want to come, let your parents know that they must beat you up, this is Lao Ding, what are you doing here?"

He said: "Old Five said that you want to make a fuss, and asked many people today, is it enough?"

"Not enough, not enough," Man Bao said, "I haven't finished asking yet."

They don't understand such things as reading, and Zhou Zhoulang didn't know how to persuade him even if he wanted to, so he just said: "You must call your fifth brother when you go out, do you understand?"

Man Bao nodded.

Only then did he reluctantly leave.

They had just walked not far away when they heard the servants beating the gong and shouting, "Hurry up, go dig again after eating, there is only a small section left, and it must be sorted out before sunset at night."

Man Bao glanced back and dragged the small bundle in his hand.

Bai Shanbao also felt bored, and turned his head to talk to Bai Erlang, but seeing that he was already jumping up and down happily on the road, he could only turn his head to talk to Man Bao, "My mother said that drinking cold water makes you sick, they should drink it. hot."

Man Bao nodded.