Fatal Shot

Chapter 10: Explosive armor-piercing projectile


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Among the players in Dugu Gunner's group, the scout who was holding a telescope and using his skills to quickly find his location was shot in the chest. The telescope in his hand fell out of his hand, and he flew backwards.

And after this shot, the camouflage uniform on the scout suddenly burned, causing him to get up from the ground and reach out to pat the burning spots on his body.

And this method of response is undoubtedly wrong and fatal when facing a sniper!



An extremely precise shot hit his forehead, and the scout immediately followed in the footsteps of Doctor MM.

As for why this shot caused a burning effect, it was because of the bullets in Feng Luo's new magazine.

[Explosive armor-piercing projectiles (D-level ammunition)]

Increases attack power by 15%. When hitting a flammable target, it will produce an explosive burning effect, causing a certain amount of burning damage.

Ammunition in "War Chronicles" is a consumable item, and its classification is similar to crystals, ranging from F level to S level. The bullets generally used by players are the most common F-level ammunition, without any attack bonus or characteristics.

The explosive armor-piercing projectile is a D-level ammunition. It not only has the attribute of increasing the attack power by 15%, but also has burning properties. Compared with ordinary armor-piercing projectiles, its power is increased by at least one-third.

Don't underestimate this one-third, it means that in many cases, monsters that originally required three shots to kill can only be killed with two shots. For snipers who pursue killing efficiency with every shot, this is absolutely of great significance.

Moreover, it produces fire when burning, which can guide snipers in certain situations and ensure the hits of subsequent attacks.

In addition, there are many special bullets with different effects in "War Chronicles", such as "high-energy explosive bullets", "multiple splitting bullets", "smart flame bullets"... This is why Feng Luo specializes in practicing "ammunition manufacturing" .

Of course, the price of special ammunition is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary ammunition. The cost of each round of deflagration armor-piercing ammunition is almost 20 credits, which is several times more expensive than the price of ordinary armor-piercing ammunition.

This is because Feng Luo's own manufacturing costs are low. In the system store, this type of deflagration armor-piercing bullet costs 50 credits per shot, and is often out of stock.

"So being sincere during PK is a credit point for a shooter!"

Feng Luo shook his head. The muzzle of his gun was already aimed at a target, which was the sniper who attacked him in the first place.

Why not aim at the controller? This is because after the scout died, all the opponent's controllers immediately put a translucent energy shield on themselves that was like an egg shell.

The controller's shield is a headache for the sniper, because as long as the shield is not broken, he can not lose any health when receiving most types of attacks.

Therefore, regardless of the health of the controller, those controllers who have trained their shield skills to the expert level can resist damage that is not inferior to that of some warriors.

The most important thing is that some energy masters who follow the wretched route like to do most in PK is to put a "turtle shell" on themselves, then jump out and bombard them with skills.

Then when the shield is about to break, he immediately hides behind the bunker, and then jumps out after the shield has cooled down. This style of play is enough to make most snipers extremely depressed!

So Feng Luo decided to ignore the three controllers for the time being and kill the sniper named Dugu Gunner first. [△网WwW.]

After aiming at the target, pull the trigger!



An explosive armor-piercing bullet hit the Dugu gunman's shoulder. Due to its position, Feng Luo's shot could not inflict fatal damage.

But even if the normal damage was weakened by 25%, it still knocked out nearly half of the Dugu Gunner's health. After all, the gunner's defense could not be compared with that of the warrior.

Moreover, the additional burning effect of the bullet caused his combat uniform to burn, causing fear and pain to flash across the face of the Dugu gunman.

The realism of the game "War Chronicles" is also reflected in the sense of pain and various perceptions. When the player is in different environments or is attacked, the system's information will stimulate the human body's nerves to produce various feelings, such as numbness, pain, suffocation...

Although the intensity of these feelings can be adjusted, they cannot be completely blocked. Especially for pain perception, male players have a minimum pain perception of 10%, while female players have a minimum pain perception of 5%.

Don't look at the minimum of only 10%. For ordinary people who rarely get injured in reality, the pain of only 10% is already unbearable for ordinary people.

Not to mention that at this time, the Dugu gunman was still on fire.

You know, in this 100% simulation game world, such an immersive and realistic feeling of being burned by fire will make many people subconsciously forget that they are in a game.

So the Dugu gunman, like the previous scouts, hurriedly reached out and patted the flames on his shoulders, and his behavior undoubtedly meant the death penalty.



Gunshots rang out again, accompanied by a white light of death. The Dugu gunman was shot in the neck, becoming the third dead soul under the M110. At the same time, a piece of equipment exploded on the ground. Unfortunately, Feng Luo obviously couldn't pick it up.

"You justly counterattacked and killed the yellow player Dugu Gunner without any punishment!"

Now, only eight of the opponent's original eleven people are left, namely two light armored warriors, two heavy armored warriors, three controllers and one machine gunner.

Since the scouts were killed, the remaining people could not quickly determine Feng Luo's location, buying Feng Luo a lot of time.

"It's just that there is a machine gunner among the other party, which is a bit troublesome!"

Looking inside the scope, Feng Luo frowned at the gunner player who was quickly taking out machine gun parts from the anti-gravity space backpack to assemble them under the protection of two heavily armored warriors.

In "War Discipline", the gunner profession is divided into three categories: sniper, machine gunner and scout. The main bonus weapons correspond to sniper rifles, machine guns and assault rifles.

If the sniper is the master of long-range single kills, then the machine gunner is definitely the king of medium and long-range bursts.

Although the attack power and attack distance of the machine gun have been greatly weakened in the game for balance reasons, there are so many bullets fired by the machine gun that cannot be stopped!

Taking multi-barreled heavy machine guns as an example, they can generally fire more than 20 rounds of bullets in one second, which also means a terrifying flow of thousands of bullets per minute.

Even if the attack power of machine gun bullets is reduced to one-tenth compared to that of a sniper rifle at the same distance, it is still ten times the amount of damage caused by a sniper.

What's more, the damage of the machine gunner is not reduced to this extent, but only reduced to about one-fifth. Therefore, a machine gunner plays an extremely powerful role both in leveling and in group PK.

Some people may be surprised that the machine gunner is so powerful. Not everyone would practice it, so who would switch to other professions

Of course this will not be the case!

Because, if you want to practice as a machine gunner, the first condition is "money"!

In "War Chronicles", bullets are consumables. Even the most common F-class machine gun standard bullets cost about 1 credit point per shot.

In other words, a machine gunner will lose dozens of credit points in one second, and thousands of credit points in one minute.

This kind of speed, which can be called "burning money", is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people, except for the real tycoons and professional machine gunners who are supported by companies, groups, etc. and specially trained.

Therefore, the number of machine gunners in "War Chronicles" is actually less than that of snipers.

Having said that, in the game "War Chronicles", there is really no profession that does not cost money.

Gunners need to buy bullets, and energy masters need to buy energy crystals. Both of these necessities are expensive.

Even in ordinary games, warriors who can sweep the world with a machete have to spend money constantly in "War Chronicles".

Because the equipment in "War Chronicles" can be damaged, for warriors who must fight in close combat, the expensive repair costs after a fierce battle may make their hearts bleed.

This is also the reason why Feng Luo will first put the "Wind Trace Ammunition Store" on the right track, because in this game, having no money is absolutely impossible!

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