Fatal Shot

Chapter 104: Seven species of beetles


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A level 42 elite blade beetle, a full circle larger than others, was leaping and sprinting on the edge of an abandoned commercial building. [△网WwW.]

It moves very quickly, with a straight-line speed exceeding twenty meters per second.

After sprinting for a certain distance, he kicked off with his four legs and scratched four deep marks on the floor. He then used the force of the impact to jump towards the higher roof of the building on the right like a dark red ghost.

However, just as it jumped in the air and put its sharp-edged front limbs on the edge of the roof.

Suddenly, an armor-piercing warhead with a faint blue light roared from below at a negative thirty-degree angle, hitting the right front segment it had just mounted on with incomparable accuracy.

There was a "pop" sound!

The energy-piercing bullet with blue light directly broke its front limbs covered with a layer of red armor, and the body of the elite blade beetle was suddenly unbalanced and fell toward the bottom of the building with a height of more than fifty meters.

However, it reacted very quickly and immediately rolled its dark red thorny tail, which also had a sharp blade, towards a metal pole on the rooftop. At the same time, it flapped its semi-degraded wings on both sides in an attempt to turn over.



However, the shooter seemed to have expected it.

The next round of armor-piercing bullets hit the middle of the tail that it had just thrown out with amazing accuracy, and split its tail into two pieces with a "snap".

At this moment, the body of the elite blade beetle, which had completely lost its support, fell straight into the air. Its sharp mouthparts emitted sound waves that humans could not hear. At the same time, it flapped its degraded wings on both sides with all its strength, instinctively trying to save itself. Life.

However, this move was undoubtedly unnecessary, because the third armor-piercing bullet, which also shone with a faint blue light, had already roared in and directly hit the vital part of its head exposed during the roll in the air.

Then there was a "pop"!

The flashing blue warhead flew out with a splash of blood, and with a red fatal value, it harvested its remaining 3200 HP points.

In less than five seconds, the elite blade beetle turned into a corpse and fell to the edge of the ground floor and turned into a pulp.

"Brother Feng, your shooting skills are really amazing!"

Muzi, who was holding a grass-green military telescope and lying on the side to help Feng Luo as an observer, couldn't help but let out a small cry.

The location where the two of them are now is also on the edge of a building, but it is a low-rise building no more than ten meters high in a level 30 area.

And now what they are doing is hunting some monsters above the elite level.

All this was due to the provocative behavior of "Master Lin", which made Muzi, Chengzi and other old employees of Evernight City very dissatisfied.

In the afternoon, when Feng Luo's firepower was fully activated, Muzi discovered that Feng Luo's marksmanship was definitely better than all the sniper players he had encountered before. He actually encouraged Feng Luo to compete for the contribution points ranking like Mu Wu.

There were some strange questions about the reason, and Feng Luo also learned about the "conflict" between the Evernight City Club and the Lu Group Corporation, and understood the reason.

Considering that he had promised Mu Wu to do his best, and that doing so did not conflict with his own idea of speeding up the cleanup, Feng Luo really worked hard this afternoon and tried his best to speed up his monster spawning.

As a result, his current points have ranked 51st in the total score list of more than 3,000 people, ranking third among all snipers.

However, it is a little regrettable that Mr. Lin, whose ID was found by Muzi and was called "Young Master of the Lin Family", now has a score of 33rd, ranking fourth among the machine gunners.

One is third and one is fourth, but the key is that Lin Shao's total points ranking is still much higher than Qi Fengluo.

The main reason is that snipers and machine gunners are completely incomparable in terms of monster killing efficiency. Although the system has made adjustments, there were only five snipers among the top 100 players, but there were a total of thirty-one machine gunners.

You can know how difficult it is for other professions to challenge the status of controllers and machine gunners.

However, after testing, Feng Luo and the others also discovered a pattern, that is, this point statistics system has an additional bonus for killing monsters above the elite level, and the bonus for killing monsters above the commander level is even higher.

The leader monster is undoubtedly too difficult to encounter. You must know that Feng Luo and the others have cleaned up all afternoon and have cleared the level 30 area, and they have only encountered the level 35 mutant rat leader.

But there are undoubtedly many more elite monsters. In a ruins area with such a high density of monsters, it is relatively easy to find a few.

Especially with Muzi, a scout, by his side, it would be easier to find him.

However, they have cleared up to the edge of the level 30 area this afternoon. If they go further, it will belong to the level 40 area.

The danger in this kind of area is relatively high, and it is getting dark soon, so the team does not continue to act.

Instead, some people were separated to go offline to eat or rest in the rear, preparing to continue the night battle when it got completely dark after dinner.

Yes, some people have to participate in the night battle tonight. Because some monsters in "War Chronicles" only appear at night, this procedure is essential. This is also a very troublesome part of the 24-hour cleanup task.

Fortunately, many players do not need to go offline, because the game cabins they use have special nutrient solution, which can even guarantee continuous online play for more than half a month.

Feng Lu and Muzi belong to this kind of players. They are now taking the time to find some new elite monsters, and collect information on the level 40 area to prepare for the most difficult battle tomorrow morning.

"Muzi, does the headquarters have any new information on beetles?"

After killing the elite blade beetle two hundred meters away, Feng Luo looked for new "prey" again through the Eye of Thunder scope and asked Muzi beside him.

As a scout, Muzi has always been in contact with the command headquarters in the team. In addition to uploading some useful information obtained by the team in the battle, he is also naturally responsible for checking some information collected by other teams.

They have been cleaning up the level 30 area this afternoon, and the only beetle monsters they encountered were blade beetles and gathering beetles.

But other teams, even some teams, have cleared the edge of the level 40 area, or encountered some other types of beetles in some special places, and thus obtained information about beetles that they did not know.

Feng Luo was naturally very concerned about the information about these beetles.

“Well, there’s a summary video.

Muzi linked his communicator to his personal terminal, showed Feng Luo some videos and pictures of beetles downloaded from the command center, and explained at the same time.

"Currently, there are six main known types of beetles."

"The gray [self-destruction beetle] can fly and has high self-destruction damage, but has extremely low HP. It can be killed with long-range attacks."

"The brown [gathering beetle] looks a bit like a scorpion. It moves fast and has the ability to dig tunnels quickly. It can steal crystals exploded by monsters."

"The red [Blade Beetle] has high attack power, fast attack speed, average defense, low health, but the largest number."

"These three types of beetles are the ones we have encountered before, and there are three others that we have not encountered yet."

"Green [Spray Beetles], they have the ability to spray venom from a distance. After being sprayed by venom, their attributes will decrease, and even negative effects such as armor and energy shield corrosion, and the poisonous effects can be partially superimposed!"

"White [Energy Beetle], this is an energy defense beetle. They are individually weak, but they can link their energy together to form an energy barrier that blocks various flying attacks. This energy barrier has a defense value of It was so high that even when a mecha attacked with a miniature 'Razer' missile, it was directly stopped by the energy shield formed by hundreds of energy beetles. "

When Muzi said this, he paused and added his own opinion.

"Actually, these beetles don't seem to be very powerful individually, but some of their methods, when combined in quantity, become very abnormal."

"For example, the last black beetle is called [Steel Beetle]."

"This was discovered after the Longyin Mercenary Group and several other joint-action teams entered the level 40 area at the fastest speed."

When he heard about the Dragon Song Mercenary Group, Feng Luo's eyes narrowed slightly, with no special expression on his face.

"They have abnormal defense capabilities. For a level 40 ordinary steel beetle, submachine gun bullets have to hit the same location four or five times in a row to break through its defense. And they will emit a high-energy sound wave that causes continuous range damage. , although the damage alone is not high, but similar to the energy beetle, a certain effect seems to occur after superimposition, causing the damage to be doubled. "

"And not only that, their team also encountered several elite-level steel beetles and a commander-level steel beetle."

"The elite steel beetle's defense is twice as high as that of ordinary steel beetles, and it has the ability to emit laser rays that cause continuous damage."

"And the commander-level steel beetle will have an energy shield on its body, which is much more abnormal than the energy shield of the controller. It can even withstand nearly a thousand continuous shots from the six-barreled electromagnetic machine gun on the mecha. Although This is partly because the mecha’s damage to leader-level monsters is limited, but it also shows that this kind of beetle is very difficult to deal with.”

"Because in the level 40 area, in addition to these beetles, there are many blade beetles and other beetles that have also reached level 40. They couldn't support it after entering for a while. So they have also returned to the level 30 area for the time being. We are going to wait until tomorrow when everyone is almost at the same level before entering together.”

"In addition, these beetles seem to be able to directly gain experience and increase their level after killing players. Some people even saw an ordinary blade beetle directly evolving into an elite level after continuous battles."

"The ability to evolve quickly?"

This is actually Feng Luo's biggest gain from the information.

The beetles in the ruins all have a special "evolution" ability, which allows them to evolve from ordinary level monsters to elites, leaders... and maybe even BOSS.

And each beetle can also gain new abilities after evolving.

Feng Luo still remembered that he encountered the level 45 black beetle BOSS in the night battle in Exile Town. It seemed that he had only displayed five attack methods in total, compared to the energy shield of the leader monster. The poisonous attack that can kill heavily armored warriors in seconds and the "energy cannon" that can completely destroy an energy military vehicle are undoubtedly more powerful.

"In addition, after comprehensive analysis, the people at the headquarters suspected that there is another beetle with reconnaissance capabilities, because many teams have encountered situations where the reconnaissance instruments were suddenly blocked and then attacked in some areas, but they have not been found yet. their traces.”

Muzi revealed the last bit of information, which is why his reconnaissance instruments frequently failed today.

"Collection, reconnaissance, self-destruction, blade, steel, jet..."

Feng Luo recalled these in his mind, and felt more and more that they were related to the Zerg in the interstellar world, such as worker bees, eyeworms, self-destruction bats, puppies, thunder beasts, hydralisks...

Of course, there are differences, such as energy beetles. The Zerg in "Star" do not seem to have similar units and abilities, but the Protoss do.


After Muzi finished reporting, his head turned to the side.

At this time, he suddenly let out a soft sigh, pointed to a location and whispered.

"Brother Feng, look, that's not the team of Master Lin that we met this afternoon. They seem to be trying to do something. I'll go, it seems to be a level 40 area over there!"

As a scout, Muzi's visual perception was no worse than Feng Luo before the fusion of the evolutionary virus, so even in such dim light, he could clearly see the identities of the group of players about a hundred meters away.


Feng Luo raised his head, adjusted the M110, and looked through the scope.

(PS, the "final" 3,600-word chapter!) (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit m. to read for a better reading experience.