Fatal Shot

Chapter 110: Evolution Negative Resistance


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"Hide quickly!"

Without hesitation, he pushed Muzi away to the opposite side. At the same time, Feng Luo himself took the M110 and quickly pounced behind the wall next to him!


A large cloud of water, as transparent as rain, flew in from the window of the building where they were hiding.

Every drop of seemingly transparent rainwater, when it falls on the wall, immediately makes holes in the wall like bullets.

At the same time, this kind of poison still remains on the wall, constantly spreading and corroding, causing streams of white smoke to emit from the wall.

Relying on the rare skill of "Death Sense" to sense danger, Feng Luo reacted quickly enough, but was still hit by a few drops of "rainwater".

Subsequently, the level 40 excellent combat uniform on his body was corroded with several small holes.

At the same time, several "-300" damage values popped up on his head, and his HP dropped by nearly 1,500.

And that's not all, a system prompt appeared in the field of vision.

["You are attacked by the venom of the jet beetle (level 39·BOSS) (5 layers are not completely superimposed). All your basic attributes are reduced by 19%, your visual and auditory perception is reduced by 38%, and your movement speed is reduced by 27%."]

All basic attributes have dropped!

Vision and hearing loss!

Movement speed decreased!

Feng Luo's movements suddenly slowed down a lot. At the same time, he felt that the light in front of him was much darker, the sounds in his ears seemed to be far away, and his body became a little weak.

The negative physical status in "Legend of War" is a real negative status. It affects not only the character's numerical value, but also makes the player feel uncomfortable.

The three negative states of basic attributes, hearing, vision, and movement speed are undoubtedly extremely important to any player, and they have an even more serious impact on snipers.

Although he already knew about the venom properties of the jet beetle, Feng Luo never expected that he would be taken care of remotely by a BOSS.

You know, although the scout player previously warned about the BOSS, the BOSS in the beetle has never appeared so far, and even the reconnaissance skill cannot be found.

But he didn't expect that he would suddenly spray such a mouthful on himself and almost be killed instantly.

Most likely, it was because he had taken the finishing blow from the commander-level blade beetle just now, which aroused the hatred of the BOSS. Feng Luo guessed the reason.

This BOSS's attack is undoubtedly a bit abnormal, the damage of a drop of saliva is 300.

Although Feng Luo's blood volume has exceeded the 4,000 mark after merging the virus and improving all his attributes, if he was sprayed by the venom just now, he would definitely end up in seconds.

Like Muzi on the opposite side, although he was pushed away by Feng Luo, he was still accidentally splashed by a full 10 drops of venom. His blood level immediately turned red and he was put into the "seriously injured" state.

Fortunately, behind the two of them, there was a doctor player specially arranged by Mu Wu, who hurriedly replenished his blood and injected an antidote at the same time.

But Muzi, who was superimposed by 10 layers of negative status, was obviously even worse than Feng Luo. Even if his blood volume recovered to more than 5%, he was still in the double negative state of "weakness (blood volume below 15%)" and poisoning. I can only sit on the ground.

Moreover, the universal antidote was not very effective. The doctor player gave Feng Luo several injections of antidote, but it only reduced the negative effects by a quarter.

Unless there is a specially prepared corresponding antidote to the state imposed by the BOSS, it is impossible to completely and quickly remove it.

Of course, the system will not keep players in this state forever.

After the system prompted the poisoning message, another message had actually appeared on Feng Luo's terminal.

"The presence of unknown toxins has been detected, and the biochip's toxin cleaning function has been activated. It is estimated that it will take five minutes!"

In the system prompt just now, there is no duration of this negative state, because this time actually depends on the adjustment function of the player's own biochip.

As for the time required for the biochip, it depends on the player character's related toxin resistance or some special attributes.

Feng Luo's resistance to this poison is directly "0%", and the related "negative status resistance" in his physical attributes is also 0%.

Both are duck eggs, which is why it takes a full five minutes.

Oh, no. After the injection of the universal antidote, the duration has been shortened to more than three minutes.

However, this also meant that Feng Luo had to wait here for more than three minutes before he could continue fighting, which undoubtedly had a considerable impact on his plan to increase points.

Feng Luo originally thought so, but he soon discovered that his body was recovering much faster than expected.

In less than two minutes, his originally blurry vision had quickly become brighter, and his hearing and physical sensations had returned to normal levels.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Feng Luo was puzzled. In the confused situation, of course he looked at the system log.

When he saw the result, he was immediately surprised.

[You are infected by the spray beetle toxin, and your body evolution talent is activated!]

This is the first log, shortly after the venom enters the body.

[Due to the evolutionary talent, you permanently gain 50% resistance to this poison, and you permanently gain 3% resistance to negative status.]

This is the second log, just when the negative state of the body disappeared completely.

"Evolution talent?"

This S-level talent has been silent since it was integrated with the evolutionary virus.

Feng Luo tried many methods but failed to improve his attributes, but he didn't expect that being sprayed by the BOSS today would actually increase his poison resistance and negative resistance.

50% specific poison resistance is nothing, after all, this poison will not be the same for every monster.

But the 3% negative status resistance is very precious. It can be comprehensively targeted, including poisoning, dizziness, deceleration and other effects, which means that the impact of these negative effects on Feng Luo will be reduced by 3%.

Don’t underestimate the fact that it’s only 3%. The key is that as long as there is evolutionary talent, it will one day become 13% or even 30%!

At that time, the effect was extremely powerful.

This talent is worthy of being S-level!

Feng Luo thought a little excitedly.

At this time, Muzi's negative state finally passed.

Then the three of them did not dare to stay here anymore, but immediately went out and changed places.

At this time, the regional channel was already noisy.

After the BOSS appeared, although Feng Luo and the others were attacked first, he then started killing other players.

Don't underestimate this beetle just because it's a level 39 BOSS.

In fact, even the 35th-level Red Moon Sand Scorpion King, the lowest level among the bosses, has the means to easily kill players over 40th level in an instant.

This spray beetle BOSS keeps spraying various different effects at the player's position.

In addition to the corrosive poison with negative effects like those sprayed at Feng Luo and the others before, there is also venom that turns into a large continuous poisonous mist after landing. Once it falls on the player's position, it will cause Continuous damage forces players to move.

It even created a large green poisonous cloud floating in the sky, constantly raining acid rain downwards, and even the place near it was filled with white light.

This completely disrupted the player's original array layout, causing many beetles to break through the defense line. The consequences were undoubtedly extremely serious.

Only a few minutes after the BOSS appeared, at least thirty players had already died under the BOSS's attack.

Players are thus at a disadvantage. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit m.read for a better reading experience.