Fatal Shot

Chapter 111: Three BOSS!


Setting up the M110 in a new, more hidden location, Feng Luo used the Eye of Thunder's own night vision function, and combined with the flares in the sky, observed the beetles from a distance of more than 400 meters to see which one was showing off its power. Jet Beetle BOSS.

It was a relatively large dark green beetle. Although it could not be compared with the previous steel beetle BOSS in Exile Town, it was also over four meters tall.

It has a large snake-shaped head and a long throat, and a huge sac that stores venom in its abdomen.

The pair of wings behind it are more severely degraded than other beetles, and the thickness of the outer carapace seems to be far less than that of the steel beetle. It is estimated that the defense power is not very abnormal.

"Jet Beetle (Level 39·BOSS). Species number: JCG-02355, estimated HP: 200,000. XP-S3 chip compatibility: 69%!"

Compared to the last time in Exile Town, where the information about the level 45 Steel Beetle BOSS was not available, this time the information about the Jet Beetle BOSS in Eye of Thunder is relatively detailed.

The reason is probably that after the last Steel Beetle BOSS was captured by the rebels, some kind of counter-detection equipment was installed in its body.

The compatibility with the biochip reaches 69%, which is undoubtedly a relatively high value.

After all, the program of this chip was probably originally set only to control the steel beetle.

In fact, Feng Luo also observed the Steel Beetle and found that the compatibility of the commander-level ones was above 90%, the elite-level ones directly exceeded 95%, and the ordinary-level ones reached an astonishing 99%!

In other words, if he catches a steel beetle as a pet, he will be almost 100% successful.

However, now that he knew that there might be a "perfect" pet ahead, Feng Luo would definitely not be able to accept a relatively ordinary steel beetle.

However, regarding the fit, Feng Luo has always been worried about one issue, that is, what is the success rate of using the pet chip in his hand on that "king insect"

Judging from the current situation, apart from the fact that the type of beetle affects the level of fit.

The grade of the beetle itself will also have some impact. For example, leader-level beetles are lower than elite-level beetles, and lower than ordinary ones.

And this jet beetle is already at the BOSS level, what level will that "king insect" be

"Beyond BOSS level?"

At present, the highest level in "Legend of War" is the BOSS. The official has not said whether there will be someone who can surpass the BOSS, but there may still be a chance!

In addition, there is no doubt that this "king insect" hidden behind the beetle army has a certain degree of AI, because it actually knows how to send reconnaissance beetles to spy on players' intelligence, and cooperates with them to launch a large-scale counterattack against players at night.

Yes, the existence of the scout beetle has now been established as well.

A scout player with a talent similar to Muzi used a rare reconnaissance instrument and finally found traces of a scout beetle next to them.

It was a small flying beetle about the size of a fingernail. It had the ability to camouflage reconnaissance, transmit information, and even shield. It was obviously a scout among beetles.

Sending "scouts" to spy on the enemy undoubtedly shows that the "king insect" behind it definitely has a certain level of wisdom.

You know, Master Roland has warned before that this kind of biochip cannot control intelligent creatures with too high AI, such as humans or advanced creatures with mutated intelligence!

Therefore, adding up the two factors, Feng Luo is still a little worried. Will the biochip's suitability for the "king insect" be very low

However, even if there was only a 10% chance, with such a big temptation in front of him, he would definitely try it.

After all, a pet that is likely to be unique and very powerful, even if the success rate is extremely low, is still worth fighting for!

The emergence of the Jet Beetle BOSS caused great trouble. Players' defenses were breached, and dozens of players died in a short period of time due to the incoming beetles.

Fortunately, Muwu had already anticipated that this might happen, so he made arrangements. None of the participating players panicked, but retreated step by step to the originally prepared second line of defense, using a few remaining buildings as a base. Fight at the stronghold.

At the same time, news came from the command center at the Lu Group headquarters that surprised everyone.

Not only did BOSS appear in their direction, in fact, BOSS appeared in three of the four areas.

This level 39 jet beetle BOSS is here in the southern district that Evernight City is responsible for!

The Eastern District in charge of the Dragon Song Mercenary Group is a level 43 Blade Beetle BOSS.

It possesses extremely terrifying attack power. The alloy shield of the heavily armored warrior was slashed by its blade that was more than three meters long, and the paper-like company was cut in half.

And its speed is equally horrifying. The machine gunner can't move his muzzle as fast as it does. After it rushes into the player's position and kills them, hundreds of white lights of death appear directly on the ground.

What appeared in the western area where the veteran tribe was responsible was a level 40 energy beetle. The energy barrier it built could not only completely block long-range attacks, but even bounce and refract these long-range attacks back.

Continuous fireballs, rotating wind blades, and bullets were bounced and refracted by the energy barrier, which made the players of the Veteran Tribe miserable.

Although there was no BOSS in the area that the Lu Corporation was responsible for, there were seven quasi-BOSS monsters above level 35.

What is the concept of quasi-BOSS

Yes, because the word "accurate" is in their name, their attacks are generally not as high as the BOSS's, their blood volume is not as thick as the BOSS's, and their skills are not as perverted as the BOSS's monsters.

But this does not affect their threatening nature.

Because although the attack is not as high as the BOSS monster, it is enough to kill most players of this level instantly!

Although the blood volume is not as thick as the BOSS, there are a lot of them, seven in total!

The skills are not abnormal enough, that is relatively speaking. In fact, compared to the leader monsters, the skills of the quasi-BOSS monsters have definitely been qualitatively improved. It is not surprising that a dozen people can be killed with one skill!

Therefore, the battle in the North District is the most difficult. So far, the number of dead players in the head office has exceeded two hundred.

If it hadn't been for the newly added people from the Longyin Mercenary Group who had joined them, they would have been forced to retreat now.

Three BOSS, seven quasi-BOSS, plus dozens of leader monsters, hundreds of elite monsters!

The beetle swarm in this ruins is too powerful, far exceeding the previous estimates of the Lu Group headquarters.

You know, under normal circumstances, in most areas in "War Chronicles", the highest-end combat power is just a quasi-BOSS, and in some places there is even only one leader monster.

In an area with a BOSS, it is generally impossible for a second BOSS to appear, otherwise a battle between monsters will break out, and one BOSS will be driven out.

This is what players jokingly call - "The king can't see the king"!

However, three bosses suddenly appeared in the NC-5504 ruins area.

No, to be precise, there should be four, but the most powerful level 45 steel beetle BOSS has been captured by the rebels and died in the Exile Town.

If that one was here, the situation would have completely collapsed.

Feng Luo believed that "Eldest Young Master" An Ye Xingchen had never thought that this situation would occur before.

Originally, I was interested in the remaining urban facilities in this ruins, and wanted to save some costs when building the city, but I didn't expect that cleaning up this area would be so difficult!

There are three BOSSs and seven quasi-BOSSs plus tens of thousands of subordinates. Even if one thousand more elite players are hired, the total number of combatants and logistics reaches 4,000, they may not be able to win.

Feng Luo felt that after getting this information, he probably wanted to scold his mother at this time.

In fact, just below him, Mu Wu in the South District command room was already frowning and gritting his teeth.

The main reason is that he actually proposed this location first, so he definitely has to bear the blame. He even has a greater responsibility than Dark Night Star.

But now is not the time to curse. Too much money and manpower have been invested in this city-building task. So no matter what, you cannot fail!

Mu Wu kept commanding through the mission channel, receiving intelligence, and shouting various orders, so much so that his clothes were soaked with sweat.

At this moment, he had devoted all his energy.

However, it's not all bad news right now.

At least from the fact that three BOSS beetles appeared at the same time, Feng Luo was certain that there was definitely a "king insect" behind the beetle swarm, and the AI of this king insect should not be very high.

Because if it were a creature with an AI close to that of a human being, it would never distribute its troops so widely during an attack if it had such a powerful force.

The best way is to first use part of the force to contain the enemies in other areas, and then concentrate on destroying the enemies in one area directly, and then turn around to deal with the next one.

Instead of like now, although every area is fighting, the player side is not at an absolute disadvantage, but can only be said to be a war of attrition.

And in a war of attrition against players who can continuously replenish blood, there is no doubt that no matter how many monsters there are, it will be impossible to survive!

So thinking of this, Feng Luo breathed a sigh of relief, because the chance of getting a "king insect" pet had increased again.

Then he raised his M110 and began to continue his previous crazy hunting trip.

With the "Death Sense" skill, generally, as long as the speed is not extremely fast, long-range attacks or being approached will not pose much of a threat to him.

And his body's visual perception has been doubled. Even in this night fighting environment, the accuracy of sniping and the success rate of grabbing monsters are astonishingly high.

Feng Luo's points began to rise again, gradually rising from twenty-fifth, twenty-four... twenty-one... nineteen...

Um, by the way, Lin Aotian, Lin Shao and his team from the head office, because they did not persist until the reinforcements of the Night City Club arrived...

Therefore, they have missed this night battle that can greatly increase their points. The points of "Master Lin" who originally ranked in the 30s have now dropped to outside the 150th place.

And even if he comes back after being resurrected in twelve hours, the mission is probably over.

In fact, we may not be able to wait until he is resurrected, because judging from the intensity of this battle, it is very likely that it will be almost completed by tonight.

(To be continued.)