Fatal Shot

Chapter 113: Games affect reality?


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Night falls.

Today, all the banquet halls on the third and fourth floors of the splendid Evernight Entertainment City have been requisitioned by the Lu Group.

Here, a large-scale celebration cocktail party is being held to celebrate the group's completion of the most important part of the city-building mission of "War Chronicles".

The headquarters of the Lu Group and the Evernight City are actually not that close.

Because the Lu Group is mainly engaged in mechanical processing, its headquarters is located on Administrative Star No. 17, which is classified as Light Industrial Zone No. 22.

As an entertainment industry, Night City is located in the No. 22 Business District.

However, in an era with such advanced technology, a half-hour ride on a suspended train can cover thousands of kilometers, not to mention the distance between the two is less than two hundred miles.

Therefore, as night falls tonight, the city that never sleeps has far more people than usual. The floating flying cars arrive one after another, and then fly away after getting off people, as busy as bees.

It was also the first time for many group employees to come to this well-known entertainment city to "corrupt". They all had excited faces and were well-dressed.

As an employee of the entertainment city, even if he has some grudges against the people in the head office, it is impossible not to welcome people with a smile at this time.

In particular, "Dark Night Star", who is the acting chairman, and a group of group directors and head office executives will also attend the celebration reception.

In the Evernight City, after all, it is impossible for everyone to have the same mind as Mu Wu, so the atmosphere is still happy.

The banquet hall on the third and fourth floors of the Evernight City was filled with people and excitement.

In the sports club on the fifth floor one level above, there is a closed all-round sports cabin the size of half a basketball court. [△网WwW.]

Feng Luo, however, was only wearing a pair of shorts. He took a few steps forward with his upper body bare, raised his hand and punched hard on the human simulation target made of memory material used to test strength in front of him.


With one punch, a deeply concave punch mark appeared on the chest of the simulated human body, and at the same time, the body flew away far behind.

At the same time, the counter on the floating virtual screen next to me jumped directly to the value of "1000"!

Of course, this "thousand" is not a kilogram, but a measurement unit in this world that is specially used to calculate impact force - "standard impact force"!

This unit is much smaller than the kilogram.

To be precise, it is smaller than a kilogram, roughly close to the "pound" on Earth.

Of course, kilograms and pounds themselves are not units of force, but most people on Earth are accustomed to using "kilograms" and "pounds" to express the size of punching force.

In comparison, the term "impact" is more accurate.

What is the concept of 1000 standard impact force

The top black boxing players in the Tianxing Federation can only punch with power above "1000" standard force. Most professional boxers can only punch in the range of 500 to 600.

Of course, this value is much greater than the strength of the professional boxing champions Feng Luo knows on Earth, and the masters of underground black boxing are even more than twice as powerful!

If such a force hits an ordinary person, just like this simulated human model, the sternum will be directly broken and the internal organs will be injured. It is very likely to be killed in one blow.

This is not surprising!

In addition to the advancement of science and continuous genetic optimization from generation to generation, the average physical fitness of people in the Sky Star Federation has greatly improved.

The black boxing players in this world will also forcibly improve their physical fitness by injecting some special organisms and genetic medicines. Some people can even far exceed the "1000 standard force" value.

Of course, in official federal fighting competitions, those who use or have used "banned drugs" are prohibited from participating in the competition.

But in the underground black boxing arena, these illegal drugs are very popular.

Because that kind of scene where one kick breaks off the concrete pile, one elbow smashes the floor, or one punch leaves a mark on the alloy steel plate, combined with the blood flying everywhere during the life and death fight, it is the most exciting to watch the players' eyes!

For the sake of money, some people rush to use even illegal drugs with serious side effects.

However, Feng Luo did not inject any medicine, and the current powerful strength was the result of "natural growth" in the past three years.

Three years ago, when Feng Luo traveled to Administrative Star No. 17, his own power was actually less than 300 standard impact.

But after a period of time, he found that his body's strength and speed had been slowly increasing.

From the initial punch of less than 300 standard force, one year later it became more than 400 standard force, and another year later it became close to 600 standard force... And half a month ago, when he last came for the test, it had changed. It became 850 standard power!

This situation once made him think that there was a big problem with his body. However, after using the latest top-level medical cabin equipped at the Entertainment City Fitness Club, which is said to be able to detect any disease, nothing wrong was found on his body. Appropriate.

On the contrary, what was detected was simply too good to be true!

Cell activity, nerve response speed, endurance... all indicators are in extremely excellent condition.

To put it in layman's terms, Feng Luo's current physical fitness has defeated 99.999...% of the users of this medical cabin in the Star Federation.

So he let this matter go for the time being.

Because if even this top-level medical cabin cannot detect it, then even going to the best hospital in the capital of the Star Federation is unlikely to detect other abnormalities.

And after all, I have even experienced time travel, so it doesn’t seem difficult to accept some body changes, right

But today, after dying for the golden beetle king, Feng Luo walked out of the game cabin for the first time in more than ten days because it would take twelve hours before he could log in.

Then he was surprised to find that his strength seemed to have increased a lot at once.

Even this time it wasn't just strength. He felt that his body had become stronger in many aspects, such as the sensitivity of vision and hearing, and his reaction speed was much faster than before.

Especially his thinking, it seemed to be several times more active than before.

He tried to calculate a two-digit multiplication in his mind, and as if he didn't think about it, he got the correct answer instantly!

Then he tried multiplication by three digits (half a second)... by four digits (one second)... and even by multiplying five four-digit numbers, and it didn't take more than five seconds to arrive at the answer.

Feng Luo's mathematics is relatively good. After all, as a sniper, in many cases it is necessary to calculate the advance of the muzzle based on the obtained data, but it is absolutely impossible to be as good as this.

This kind of active thinking is more like what can be achieved with the help of the game system in "War Chronicles".

You must know that the game "Legacy of War" directly stimulates various sensory nerves of the human body through the game cabin, so the brain's transmission and feedback of information is much faster than reality.

In theory, people's reaction in the game can be several times or even ten times higher than in reality.

This is also the reason why players can sometimes perform many incredible extreme actions in the game.

Just because of this ultra-high brain activity, the human body will exit the game and make incorrect judgments when returning to reality, affecting body coordination and may even have serious consequences.

Therefore, in the game, except when using some special skills, the player's brain waves and neural activity do not become too fast, but are controlled by the system within a reasonable range.

Before Feng Luo, I had always thought that after integrating the "Evolutionary Virus", his thinking reaction became faster and he could calculate the sniper data in one or two seconds. He could even judge some data more accurately by vision. This was because the system was appropriate. Increase your brain activity.

But now that he has left the game, he finds that this ultra-high reaction speed still exists. Although it seems to have become weaker, it is definitely much faster than before.

There are even various increases in physical strength, hearing, and vision...

"Do games affect the real body?"

Feng Luo took a deep breath with shock in his eyes.

Is this why the game "War Chronicles" has been vigorously promoted by the Tianxing Federal Government

(To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit m.read for a better reading experience.