Fatal Shot

Chapter 118: Usefulness of beetles


"That's Diamond Crystal!"

The scout player's eyes widened when he saw the crystal that was transparent and refracted sunlight like a diamond.

This kind of monster can actually get crystal stones from the corpses of other monsters

"Let me go, there is such a monster in its mouth!"

My grandfather's eyes were fixed on the diamond crystal clamped in the hands of the monster called the gathering beetle. This thing is worth 10,000 credits!

You know, in order to show off in the game, he has spent all his savings on the equipment and this energy off-road vehicle, and even overdrawn his credit account at the Commonwealth Bank. This month, he is worried about how to make up for it. .

"Damn, you said it wrong, it's not bad luck, it's luck!"

After checking the reconnaissance instrument again and making sure that there were no other dangerous monsters, I asked my grandfather to immediately drive the energy off-road vehicle, maximize the energy output, and rush toward the location of the three brown beetles with a burst of engine roar.

The speed of the energy off-road vehicle was undoubtedly astonishingly fast, and it was already close to the target in less than ten seconds.

Seeing a "monster" approaching, the three brown beetles seemed to sense the danger. Two of them immediately jumped off the carcass and ran towards the grass behind them.

It's just that their speed seemed slow, and even the brown beetle with the diamond crystal on its pincers seemed to be in a hurry and didn't choose its way. It actually ran towards him for a while, and then turned back. Withdrew into the grass.

"Run there!"

The eyes of the player who called me grandpa were already shining. How could he let the credits he was about to get escape? He stopped the energy off-road vehicle directly, stretched out a submachine gun from the window, pulled down the safety, and wanted to shoot.

However, the three brown beetles had already taken a step forward and escaped into the grass.

"Depend on!"

He cursed and told my grandfather to get out of the car immediately, pursued him with a submachine gun, and ran into the grass after him.



Just when my grandpa ran to the grass on the side of the road and reached out to pull away the grass that was as tall as a person blocking his field of vision, he suddenly felt like his head was hit hard by something, and then he heard a delayed sound. Gunfire.


The moment he was shot, my grandfather reacted and immediately rolled his body to the side, shrinking into the tall grass.

"Damn it! It must be a hunter, this is a trap!"

In the grass, my grandfather yelled and cursed.

If it weren't for the fact that his helmet was an excellent little piece of jewelry with a defense coefficient of D+ and a good thickness, he would have been instantly knocked off by this shot.

Even so, his helmet had been damaged by more than 90% from the opponent's shot just now, and it was almost completely penetrated.

The only thing he couldn't figure out was, if this was a trap, what were these gathering beetles

"Huh? Why didn't this guy keep shooting?"

It feels a little strange to call me grandpa. Logically speaking, since the other party ambushed him, in this case, they should shoot continuously until he is killed.

After all, although he hid in the grass, the sniper should have expected it and would not have chosen a sniping position that would be blocked by the grass.

"Unless, that guy is a rookie?"

This thought came to my mind, and after more than ten seconds passed, the other party still didn't fire, so something called "hope" began to appear in my grandfather's heart.

"Damn, it looks like he is really a rookie!"

With this thought in his mind, he stretched out a hand and secretly reached into the pocket of his combat uniform to take out a blood tonic.

However, just when my grandpa took out the blood tonic.


A hot armor-piercing bullet rotated at high speed and accurately passed through the cover of grass and trees, hitting his helmet where the previous shot had been.


"My day!"

Seeing that the blood replenishing agent that was just one step away from being photographed fell to the ground, my grandfather only had these two words flashing through his mind, and at the same time he cursed the sniper who was playing tricks on him!

"Damn it, if you let me know your ID..."

It's a pity that it's impossible for him to know, and he doesn't even know how heavy a loss his death was.

Explosion, big explosion, special explosion!

A faint shimmer of equipment, materials, and supplies were scattered on the grass.

Blood replenishers, MP supplements, energy crystals... reconnaissance instruments, boots... even the combat uniforms all exploded. I would probably cry to death after resurrecting my grandfather.

But he probably has to consider repaying his bank credit account first.

Two minutes later, Feng Luo walked over slowly carrying the m110.

Feng Luo took over the crystals, materials and equipment that the three gathering beetles lined up one by one, picked up with pliers and brought to him, with a very satisfied smile on his face.

One piece of level 45 outstanding equipment, three pieces of exquisite equipment, plus energy crystals and supplies worth at least a thousand, this order is really worth it.

But what made him even more happy was that this idea of using beetles as a trap actually worked, and not even a single scout player noticed that there was a problem!

In fact, after hatching the first gathering beetle, he discovered that except for the golden king beetle, the hatched beetles would not be prompted as "pets" by the system when the player used the reconnaissance device.

Almost instantly, Feng Luo realized the value.

A gathering beetle that would be regarded as a monster can do many things, such as pretending to be a monster to set up an ambush, or pretending to be a monster to lure the enemy to explore the road.

More importantly, of course, in the chaotic situation where some loot is not owned, this beetle that can dig tunnels can also do things that many players dream of.

Steal... no, grab equipment!

For a sniper who needs to shoot from a sniper position far away from the battlefield and can hardly pick up the opponent's explosive equipment in a group PK situation, is there anything more satisfying than this

What's more, these three gathering beetles are not the only ones he has hatched so far.

In fact, what makes Feng Luo even more excited is that the king insect finally reached level 20 today. He collected 250 psionic points and hatched the first reconnaissance beetle.

Fortunately, because it was hatched from an elite monster, it reached the elite level as soon as it was born, and the level directly reached level 20 or above.

In addition to the basic reconnaissance camouflage ability, this reconnaissance beetle also has the ability to shield reconnaissance to a certain extent.

This is why he deliberately kept the scout alive for a while, because he used the observation of the scout beetle to shoot the latter shot from another perspective.

The results are undoubtedly equally satisfying.

(Ps, I have something to do today. I have been typing up these two chapters in a hurry since I came back, and I will update them very late. I will make it up to you all in the third update tomorrow.) (To be continued.)