Fatal Shot

Chapter 19: Underground rebels


A large number of rebels appeared, and they also included the players.щww{][lā}

Feng Luo suddenly understood the purpose of the rebel scout. It was very likely that after discovering the player, he followed him and reported the player's location to the rebel commander in real time, and then set up an ambush in the direction of the player's advance.

This can also explain why, on average, the rebel fighters who often wandered in the Forest of Exile only encountered one or two today, because the rebels within a certain range were concentrated here to ambush.

In the woods, there is at least one large group of rebel soldiers surrounding the player's team, with a total number of more than 150 rebel fighters. The professional combinations are even more complete, including machine gunners, controllers, warriors... and even doctors, snipers and other professions, which are very similar to the composition of players.

As for strength, although the average level 40 of the rebel soldiers is somewhat worse than this group of players.

But firstly, they have a numerical advantage, and secondly, the captain-level monsters in the rebel army are elite monsters, which are much stronger than ordinary players, and there are more than ten such elite monsters!

In addition, the ambush gave them an advantage, and the player's situation naturally fell into crisis.

Fortunately, the players did not completely lose their position. Instead, they quickly deployed a line of defense under the commander's anxious shouting. Depending on the situation, it is likely that there have been drills for this situation.

A dozen heavily armored warriors of over 40 levels hurriedly held up their shields and rushed forward to stop the oncoming rebel beast warriors. The machine gunner opened fire with full firepower regardless of the consumption of bullets and the heat of the barrel, while the doctor carrying a field medical kit braved the hail of bullets and threw medical kits to treat the wounded...

The battle suddenly became fierce!

Feng Luo hid behind a tree behind the player. After careful observation, he confirmed that the rebel scout had disappeared. He took out the M110 from the anti-gravity backpack and quickly set it up. After adjusting the parameters, he immediately pointed the gun in the direction of the rebels.

In this kind of team battle with hundreds of people, the sniper's position is to kill the person who poses the greatest threat to the enemy. Taking heads among thousands of troops is what the sniper is best at.

And the opportunity to complete the "Thunder Eye Barrel" mission is undoubtedly just around the corner.

It is relatively easy to distinguish the elite captains among the rebels, because their costumes are different from ordinary rebels, and their combat effectiveness is obviously much stronger.

A rebel squadron leader with a heavy armor warrior profession, held up a giant alloy shield and charged with a roar. Four or five players of over 40 levels could not stop him. This kind of strength is worthy of a humanoid elite monster above level 45.


The D-class double armor-piercing bullet was directly loaded into the chamber, and Feng Luo's muzzle was already aimed at the first selected target.

Naturally, he was not targeting the heavily armored warrior holding a shield, but a fire master who was in the center of the rebel team and was releasing his skills.

It was a rebel squadron leader wearing a robe. With a wave of the red-yellow staff in his hand, a fireball with a diameter of more than one meter flew into the group of players and exploded into a large circle of flames, causing several Players with remaining health directly turn into white light.

As the branch with the strongest attack among the controllers, the fire controller has terrifying output damage. A well-protected fire controller may even achieve dozens of kills in a battle.

The rebel master has a red energy shield on his body, which blocks players' skills and bullets from attacking him. However, the color fades after being hit by players' skills and bullets again and again.

The fire master has the strongest attack, but the shield defense value is also the lowest among the four series. It is relatively easy to break the shield.

Feng Luo's index finger pressed on the trigger, and his eyes stared at the color of the rebel control division's shield through the scope without blinking, with a very focused expression.

For monsters above the elite level, after killing them, the system will calculate the contribution of the players who participated in the killing, and then distribute the contribution points.

Special actions such as shield breaking, first damage, maximum damage, and final damage will all have a certain bonus to the contribution. If Feng Luo wants to complete the mission, the contribution must reach more than 50% for such an elite monster.

Fifty percent are elite monsters, 30% are leader monsters, 15% are quasi-BOSS, and 5% are BOSS... These are the hidden secrets calculated by players that must be achieved to complete the task with the help of others. condition.

An elite humanoid monster does not have much health. If it is caused too much damage by other players before killing it, it may not be able to reach 50% contribution.

Therefore, Feng Luo must seize the best opportunity and strive to get the "shield breaking" and "first damage" bonuses at the same time!

Finally, several skills hit the shield of the rebel arms controller, and the original fiery red color dimmed to translucence and was about to disappear.


There was a dull sound from the barrel of the M110!


A well-timed double armor-piercing bullet passed over a hundred meters and hit the shield. It was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, directly breaking the shaky energy shield.

The alloy hard core of the double armor-piercing bullet accelerated during the explosion and hit the chest of the rebel commander. The second attack caused a white damage value of more than 700.

"Ha, good luck!"

Feng Luo breathed a sigh of relief, but his finger did not stop. He pulled the trigger as quickly as possible and fired the second bullet.

Because after the fire controller's shield was broken, several players had noticed that they immediately concentrated fire attacks on the controller's squadron leader, and several long-range skills hit him at the same time.





Within a second after the shield was broken, several damage numbers appeared one after another on the fire master's head. In just one second, his HP dropped by nearly 3,000.



At this time, Feng Luo's second shot arrived.

The high-speed rotating 7.62mm double armor-piercing projectile hit the rebel commander's nose with strong impact, knocking his head back high and causing his body to fall to the ground.

After his body fell to the ground, the red-yellow staff in his hand could no longer be held and flew out.


Feng Luo frowned, because the second shot was slightly misjudged due to the influence of various energy rays on the battlefield. He failed to hit the vital point of the rebel squadron leader and only fired a yellow shot. Weakness damage.

And the damage was just a little bit off, just putting the fire controller into a "seriously injured" state and falling to the ground!

Under the current circumstances, even if he wanted to fire a third shot, he had no chance. Because the skills of several players were already flying towards the rebel arms controller who was seriously injured and fell to the ground. With less than 5% of the opponent's health remaining, he was afraid that he would die if any of the skills touched him.

"The final blow was lost!"

Feng Luo sighed softly, but he didn't expect that a two-meter-high alloy shield suddenly appeared in his field of vision. A rebel heavy-armored warrior with thick arms and long gray hair blocked the control of the fire element in an instant. In front of the teacher.


"-179, -207, -251, -206, -67!"

The heavy armor warrior suddenly appeared, causing the player's subsequent attacks to fall on his shield. Any one of them was enough to absorb the last 5% of the fire master's HP skills. They all fell on him, but only A total of less than a thousand points of damage was caused.

The shield of a heavily armored warrior has a basic damage isolation of 50%. Coupled with skill damage reduction and its own defense, it can still last for a long time even if it faces attacks from four or five players at the same time.

Moreover, among the rebels, there was immediately a professional soldier who was a doctor, carrying a field medical bag and quickly ran over to treat the controller and replenish his health.

In this case, the blood lost by the rebel squadron leader will soon be made up. After waiting for a while, after the shield cools down, he will return to almost full status, and then jump out again to release his skills.

This coordinated tactic of controllers, doctors, and heavily armored warriors is most commonly used by players when fighting monsters, but this time it was used by the rebels, and it was used to deal with players.