Fatal Shot

Chapter 24: Temporary recruitment mission


Exile Town, Mission Center!

At this time, the mission center, which was originally relatively deserted, was already crowded with people. Many players were queuing up in long lines, waiting to receive "temporary recruitment vouchers", while more players were shouting loudly.

"Level 43 heavy armored warriors looking for a team, with excellent D+ quality shields and advanced 'heavy defense' skills!"

"The level 44 fire controller leads the team to recruit people. The requirements are level 40 or above and at least two exquisite pieces of equipment."

"Level 45 scout, expert in 'reconnaissance', please support my teammates..."

Extremely lively sounds and crowded scenes crowded the mission center and the road at the entrance. ,

In addition, because most of the players here have red names, with bright red IDs hanging above their heads, Feng Luo felt as if he were playing a 2D online game on earth.

Since the system announced the rule that "players are not allowed to cheat during the plot", Feng Luo could enter the Exile Town without any worries. I have to say that the plot this time really came in time.

["Complete the 'Cleaning the Red Name' mission, eliminate 5 PK points, gain 1200 experience points, obtain the Eye of Thunder barrel drawing (can be used 0/20 times), and return the mission deposit of 2000 credits."]

After taking the mission card handed over by Feng Luo and confirming on the computer that the mission was completed, a soldier wearing a federal guard uniform sat in the temporarily opened window and put the chip that recorded the detailed information of the "Thunder Eye Barrel" He handed one copy to Feng Luo.

It's called a blueprint, but it's actually what players are used to calling it.

In fact, what this chip contains is a complete set of manufacturing information including a series of technological processes for the "Thunder Eye" barrel.

In addition, there is a "usable number of times (0/20)" mark on this set of drawings. This is the logo that all blueprints in "War Chronicles" will have, representing the number of times the blueprint can be used.

Don't think that just by getting the blueprints, you can infinitely make rare equipment like "Thunder Eye" barrels.

With the stinginess of the system, how could it be possible for players to be so cheap

Every equipment drawing will be automatically deleted from the player terminal after the usage limit is reached. In other words, players can only make equipment for the number of times specified in the drawings at most, and the failed products must be subtracted.

Therefore, the value of an equipment blueprint is also closely related to the number of uses.

However, there is a very special situation!

That is, if the player can create a piece of equipment that is evaluated as perfect by the system within the limit of the drawing, then he can permanently obtain the permission to use the drawing of this piece of equipment.

However, making equipment with a "perfect" rating is far more difficult than imagined. Without dozens or hundreds of attempts, it is almost impossible to succeed.

Therefore, the sources of high-end equipment are still mainly missions and monster bosses. The only equipment that life players can mass-produce is slightly outdated equipment.

Of course, if the player is really lucky and skilled and can create perfect equipment within the limit of times, then his day of getting rich will undoubtedly come!

"I still want to take on the recruitment mission!"

After inserting the chip into the personal terminal and extracting the blueprint information inside, Feng Luo said to the soldier again.

"After deducting 500 credits from the deposit, this is your temporary recruitment voucher. With this, you can go to the material center and receive some combat material rations!"

The soldier handed him a new card and then said seriously.

"Please note that once you accept the mission, you will be regarded as an ordinary soldier. If you do not obey the command during the mission, any member of the guard has the right to kill you directly!"

Soldiers will say this to every player, but for players, most people will not take it to heart.

["Accepting the temporary recruitment task, the 1022 Exile Town merit point statistics function is enabled, the current merit points: 0."]

A system prompt flashed in the lower left corner of the field of vision, and then Feng Luo walked out of the mission hall filled with players. Following the prompts on the roadside sign, he ran to the material center to receive a "combat ration" belonging to the sniper.

"60 rounds of E-class armor-piercing bullets that increase attack power by 5%!"

"5 packs of C-level supplies. Within 20 seconds after use, 50 HP points will be restored per second."

"5 packs of E-level physical recovery agents. After use, the physical recovery speed will be accelerated by 70% and last for three minutes!"

The three materials received are relatively common items, with a total value of about 700 credits, but to be honest, this is a good income for ordinary players.

Of course, if the player wants to hide the supplies and not participate in the battle. That's not possible either. How can the system give you a loophole

For all those who have received supplies, if the temporary merit points cannot reach 100 at the end of the mission, 700 credit points will be deducted from the account as a penalty, and the 500 mission deposit will not be returned!

So, since you have accepted the mission, try your best to fight!

Outside the supply center, many players were also shouting loudly, hoping to find someone to form a team.

In this kind of war scenario mission, it is definitely safer to have some cooperating companions around you than to act alone.

At this time, the difficulty of forming a team of different professions becomes apparent.

The most popular one is the doctor. After all, the therapeutic profession is extremely important in any situation.

However, there are probably not many doctors in the entire Exile Town, because as a profession with extremely limited attack methods, it is difficult to say that a doctor who can only rely on some negative drugs to attack will kill people and get a red name.

Even if there are a few famous doctors, they probably belong to players like Huang Ya who have been stationed in Exile Town for a long time. Most of these people have their own fixed teams, and ordinary players really don't dare to join randomly.

Under doctors, the most popular professions such as machine gunners and energy masters, which have strong group attack and lethality, are naturally the most popular. After all, it is a city defense task, and these two professions definitely have a great advantage.

After that, there are professions with special needs such as heavy armored warriors and scouts. Many teams will generally consider deploying one or two of them.

As for snipers and light armored warriors, these two professions that are usually difficult to deal with have become brothers this time, and not many people are willing to team up!

Because although snipers have long-range single-kill capabilities, in such a battle, it is obviously impossible to earn merit points as quickly as a machine gunner can harvest dozens of lives with a box of bullets. As for the lightly armored warriors, there would be no chance to perform before the city's defenses were breached.

You must know that after players form a team, merit points are distributed according to a certain proportion, so these two "soy sauce" professions are naturally left out.

However, Feng Luo had never thought about forming a team.

As a sniper, I have long been accustomed to operating alone. For him, if he can't find enough teammates to hand over his back. So loneliness may be a sniper's best friend!

After coming out of the material center, Feng Luo quickly climbed to the top of a building.

However, when he got to the rooftop, he found that there were already two or three sniper players ambushing on the top floor of the building he had long been optimistic about, and they occupied the best geographical location.

Obviously, there are many people who have the same idea!

Because he didn't like being around people when sniping, Feng Luo gave up this position. After changing three buildings, he finally found a sniping point on the top of an old abandoned building with a height of more than ten stories.

Although the location is not the most ideal, it is close to the edge of the town and has a good view. After putting the M110 together and setting it up, you can directly observe the Tiger CV mecha outside the town.

The rebels had actually surrounded the Exile Town an hour ago, but they had not attacked. It seems that the system deliberately set aside time to allow players to prepare for a combat mission that may last for a long time.

After all, in reality, players still have a lot of locks to deal with in advance.

The sun gradually tilted, and after half an hour passed again, the sky was only the glow of sunset.


A small missile flew out from the launcher of a Tiger mecha, flew over a kilometer with orange flames, crashed into the defenses outside the Exile Town, and exploded into a cloud of rubble and smoke. Soar into the sky!

The offensive and defensive battle has officially begun!