Fatal Shot

Chapter 28: BOSS battle three


Kill the BOSS!

What is a common thing in other games, is a very difficult thing in "Legacy of War".

Not only is the strength of any BOSS very terrifying, the result of killing the BOSS is often the end of the team being wiped out.

Also because the AI of the BOSS in "Legacy" is extremely high, they will not stupidly fight the players to the end like the monsters in ordinary games. Instead, once they realize that their lives are in danger, most of them will forcefully break through and escape. .

You can imagine how difficult it is to stop a BOSS that is trying to escape.

Therefore, in many cases, even if you can defeat the BOSS, you still cannot kill it. In the six months since the server was launched, the number of BOSSs killed by players has been pitifully small.

But today, all the players present saw a glimmer of hope!

This beetle BOSS moves so slowly that escaping is definitely impossible.

Moreover, this Beetle BOSS is just a bare-bones commander, and it is impossible for some BOSSs to use their mobs' fearless suicide attacks to block the player's pursuit when they are escaping.

You must know that another reason why BOSS-level creatures are difficult to deal with is because they have many subordinates. In "War Chronicles", each BOSS's subordinates are protected by a large group of ordinary, elite, and even commander-level monsters.

But this beetle BOSS was an exception. The rebels were able to control it, but they obviously failed to control its little brother as well.

Therefore, the player encountered such a rare polished commander BOSS. Otherwise, even with the help of NPC guards, it would be difficult to defeat a level 45 BOSS with countless mobs.

In the blink of an eye, the battle to encircle and suppress the BOSS lasted for nearly twenty minutes.

In the process, at least fifty players and more than a dozen NPC guard soldiers turned into white light under its attack.

However, the beetle BOSS's body also became scarred, a lot of green mucus flowed from the ground below, one eye was blinded, and three of the eight sharp jointed limbs were broken.

"Kill it and get rare equipment!"

Seeing that the BOSS's blood volume was getting less and less, many players' eyes were shining and they were shouting in their hearts.

However, the Black Beetle BOSS, which already seemed to be on the verge of collapse, seemed to be deliberately against the players. When the players were extremely excited, they actually revealed a new attack method. www.pbtxt.cOm

A white energy ball brewed in its sharp and ferocious mouth for a moment, and then it spat it out and flew slowly towards a guard military vehicle that was driving and shooting on the side of the square!


The energy ball hit the military vehicle and exploded into a blinding white light, blinding everyone's eyes!

After the white light passed, the guard military vehicle had disappeared.

On the ground where the military vehicle was originally located, a large pit with a diameter of nearly ten feet appeared. The area within a few meters was scorched black, with molten metal and black tire ash flowing from the melted car. There was even dirt on the inner wall of the pit. Crystals fired at high temperatures.

This power is so terrifying!

Many players had shocked expressions on their faces. This BOSS, even in this situation, still has the power to resist



However, the BOSS just opened his mouth and wanted to spit out another energy bomb.

On its head, a damage value suddenly appeared, which was a yellow weakness damage of up to 4,000!


Feng Luo, who seized the opportunity and fired a shot into the BOSS's open mouth, was stunned. The damage of this shot was really high beyond his expectation. It seems that although the BOSS has a hard shell, its internal defense is not. Very weak!


However, after Leng Wan came to his senses, Feng Luo's pupils suddenly shrank, he picked up the m110 and ran backwards in a hurry.


A laser beam opened a black crack on the wall of the high-rise building like a cutting machine, extending all the way to the top floor. The glass melted, the cement, the wall burst, and gravel flew.

And two seconds later, a white energy bomb flew over, landed on the outer wall of the building behind Feng Luo, and exploded.


A large piece of the ceiling on the top floor was lifted open, and the surging shock wave even knocked Feng Luo, who had run a certain distance, to the ground.

Fortunately, Feng Luo reacted quickly enough. You should know that he was just hit by the shock wave after the energy explosion and lost 1,500 blood points. If he was hit by an energy bomb head-on, he couldn't even imagine it.

It is estimated that not only did he directly turn into white light, but more likely, all the equipment in his body was destroyed. When he was resurrected, he was left with only a pair of underwear to perform naked.

"This BOSS really holds a grudge!"

Feng Luo was still frightened, but when he just stood up and looked back, his face immediately became even more ugly.

The beetle BOSS in the square downstairs had a white light of concentrated energy flashing from his mouth, and a new energy bomb was taking shape, still aimed at him.

"Depend on!"

Feng Luo cursed and was about to turn around and run away, but at this moment an electromagnetic artillery shell suddenly fell from the sky and hit the beetle BOSS's open mouthparts.



The plasma ball exploded by the electromagnetic bomb exploded in the BOSS's mouth, causing the energy bomb in the BOSS's mouth to explode. Half of the BOSS's mouth was blown away, and his head was also blown away. It even caused the highest damage since the war began!

With a value of more than 50,000, even the level 45 BOSS was seriously injured by the explosion!


The BOSS, already covered in wounds, became furious and attacked all targets around him indiscriminately.

The terrifying sonic attack raged, scraping off a layer of the already damaged square. The laser beam in the only remaining eye scans all surrounding buildings, players, living and non-living things like a cutting machine.

Moreover, the shot just now did not destroy its energy emission structure. Instead, it made it furious and its head shook wildly. White energy balls flew in all directions and bombarded it.

Caught off guard, many players were hit, and white lights flashed around the square, like a gorgeous death feast!

However, the faces of the remaining players were not only not afraid at this time, but also full of excitement.

Because based on their experience, they can definitely tell that this is actually a crazy sign that the BOSS's blood volume has dropped to a certain level!

The opportunity to kill the BOSS is right in front of you!

"Attack, attack!"

The guard sergeant commander's voice had become hoarse.

On the roof of the building, excitement flashed in Feng Luo's eyes after escaping. He quickly found a new location to set up the m110. Without reservation, he loaded the D-level special ammunition "double armor-piercing bullets" directly.

Now the BOSS was constantly turning his body, and his head was not facing his direction. In this position, he could not attack the weak point of the BOSS's mouth, but through the sniper scope, Feng Luo found another better target.

It was an area that had been hit many times by artillery shells and various attacks, causing the carapace to be deeply dented. In the center was a fist-sized hole, with green mucus flowing out. The location happened to be Behind the BOSS's head.

Distance: 102.4 meters

Wind speed: 5m/S

Amount in advanceā€¦

Within two seconds, Feng Luo had analyzed all the data in his mind and drawn the necessary conclusions.

The next moment, the m110's muzzle erupted with a burst of fire, and a double armor-piercing bullet pierced the air!



After passing through a distance of a full hundred meters, this double armor-piercing bullet luckily shot through the hole only the size of a fist. Then, a terrifying value of tens of thousands appeared on the head of the beetle BOSS, and the color was brilliant gold!

Golden value!

Critical hit!

The slight chance was almost negligible, and Feng Luo was able to hit him with this lucky shot. This was also the highest damage he had dealt since entering "War Discipline".

I didn't expect that a level 45 BOSS would inflict such high damage!

"This is really lucky!"

Feng Luo's hand holding the m110 couldn't help but tremble!

Of course, it is probably also because the shell defense of this beetle BOSS is extremely powerful. Like ordinary beetles, it is soft meat full of protein, and the position of its head is even more critical.

Only then did Feng Luo use his "fatal" talent to shoot such an astonishing shot!


Feng Luo originally wanted to get up and move immediately after taking this shot, because the BOSS's vengeful character would probably attack him again with the energy cannon.

But he didn't expect to find in the field of view of the m110's sniper scope that the giant black beetle boss let out a sharp and pitiful scream after being hit by his double armor-piercing bullet.

The ear-piercing screams penetrated the night sky, causing a series of double-digit damage values to appear above Feng Luo's head. At the same time, the black carapace on the beetle's body changed color rapidly, and the aura that usually made people feel that their heartbeats was oppressive came from its body.