Fatal Shot

Chapter 47: Biochip


The pet system in "War Chronicles" has not yet been opened, and the official has not disclosed any method of obtaining pets, but only mentioned the existence of pets.

Given the sci-fi setting of this game, it will definitely not use the so-called summoning or blood contract, which are very unconventional magic methods like in other games.

So how can players get pets

Feng Luo has seen a lot of conjectures on the forum, some of which are unreliable, and some of which are truly imaginative, such as cloning, information implantation, and even gene fusion and memory modification.

But I didn't expect that the result would be the "biochip" method!

Biochip is a relatively commonly used technological product in "Legacy of War".

Through a special syringe, the nanoscale liquefied chip material with super memory function is injected into the body, and then it will form a "biochip" with special functions as the blood circulates.

A biochip is equivalent to adding a small biological terminal to the human body. It works with the body's own bioelectric energy to help regulate the body's metabolism and strengthen some of the body's functions and qualities.

The reason why it is called "human body" is because things like biochips are not unfamiliar to players at all.

Because in "Legacy of War", when players first choose a profession, they obtain different professional specializations and different attribute bonuses by injecting federal-standard biochips with different attributes.

In the words of the federal government, when players gain skills, experience, increase attributes, etc. in the game, it is actually the body's improvement in quality through the assistance of various functions of the biochip. This can also be regarded as a scientific basis for upgrading and learning skills.

"Wait a minute, you said biochips can control mutated organisms!" Feng Luo suddenly thought of a question, "Wouldn't it also be able to control humans?"

Feng Luo was frightened by his wild conjecture. Intelligent life, Skynet, the Red Queen, and the game master conspired to control all mankind... plots described in many novels all appeared in his mind.

"Little brother, you are thinking too much. The standard biochip manufactured by the Federation only has the basic function of stimulating the development of the human body's potential."

Master Roland seemed to have guessed what he was thinking. He put down the silver chip in his hand, shook his head and smiled.

"The thinking structure of the human brain is extremely complex. Even the highest-level third-generation biochip can only control low-intelligent creatures such as mutated tigers and leopards. Moreover, it can only simply guide their consciousness, and it cannot be precise. control."

"It is too technically difficult to control the human brain. Moreover, there are far more mysteries about the human body than you think. Well, with the speed of today's technological renaissance, these mysteries should soon be available was rediscovered."

There was some sigh in Master Roland's tone, and the amount of information contained in the second half of his sentence was very large, which obviously related to the content of future game version updates.

It's a pity that Feng Luo didn't think carefully about his words at this time, but felt a little funny about his previous reaction.

You must know that "War Chronicles" is operated by Tianxing Game Company, and the publisher is the Tianxing Federal Government. With the shrewdness of these high-level people selected from hundreds of billions of federal citizens, how could such a bloody thing be allowed? plot happens.

"By the way, Master Roland, you just said that this chip is the highest-grade third-generation chip. Are there levels of biochips?"

So Feng Luo's mind turned to the chip, and he asked curiously.

"Of course there are levels! The biochip was the greatest invention before the era of the Galaxy Empire. It is the key to human beings being able to truly enter the cosmic civilization. Because only by relying on the adjustment and strengthening functions of biochips, can humans adapt to the complexities in the universe. Changeable environments and various viruses, bacteria and deadly organisms on different planets that humans have never encountered before.”

Master Roland obviously did not object to this kind of question that could demonstrate his professional knowledge at all, and he immediately opened his mouth to "lecture" non-stop.

"Humanity's greatest biologist, one of the seven founders of the Galaxy Empire, Sir Wood created the first biochip PG-1 in the -23rd year of the Imperial Calendar."

"This first-generation chip uses ZH-I architecture technology and can connect to 30 billion human cells, which can improve the quality of the human body by more than three times. Because of his great invention, the parliament decided to award him a The highest medal of honor that no one has received in more than a hundred years. You know, this kind of medal was in the history of the Federation at that time... "

What Master Roland told involves the background story of the game "War Chronicles".

As mentioned before, the time point of "War Chronicles" is located after a great destruction of mankind. Civilization and technology slowly recovered within a hundred years, but the pace was still trapped on this small planet.

However, before the great destruction, human civilization had already entered the cosmic age.

At that time, the Galaxy Empire established by humans already had thousands of administrative planets, and this number was still growing rapidly at a rate of more than a hundred every year.

The Galaxy Empire is not a real empire because there is no royal family in this empire.

In essence, it is not much different from the human federation on this planet today. The military and governing power are controlled by a large group of high-level parliamentarians, and there is no autocratic leader or symbolic monarch.

It is called the Galaxy Empire because on the eve of mankind's entry into the universe, the 10.3 billion citizens of the Federation decided to change the federal constitution in a referendum and use the new name of the Galaxy Empire to express mankind's determination to conquer the universe.

And that day was also called the "First Year of the Empire"!

At the same time, that vote also decided to restore an ancient system, using titles that symbolize honor to reward those members who have made important contributions in the process of human civilization entering the universe.

This information is available on the official website and any player can check it.

So when Feng Luo heard Master Roland's words, he was already giving a lecture on the history of the game, so he hurriedly interrupted and turned the conversation to the chip itself.

"Um... Master Roland, I have the liberty to interrupt you. I just want to know the market price of this third-generation chip after repair. I think I should at least find out first whether it is worth repairing."

Feng Luo was also helpless. He couldn't just sit here and listen to an NPC talk to him about the virtual history in the game.

Fortunately, Master Roland didn't mind, and still had a smile on his face. He probably knew that when adventurers like Feng Luo appraise things, the most important thing is actually the value of the thing, so he thought about it and said.

"I don't know the specific price. But at least after your chip is repaired, its value will not be worse than that of a ZC-7 bulletproof tank."

"The ZC-7 bulletproof combat vehicle, nicknamed the 'Mobile Battle Fortress', is currently the most expensive mass-produced land vehicle. The price of the lowest-assembled version exceeds three million credits!"

A series of data quickly flashed through Feng Luo's mind, especially the last "three million", and then a very "cruel" smile appeared on his face, and his tone was very firm.

"Master Roland, don't worry, no matter how difficult it is, I will definitely help you get what you need!"