Fatal Shot

Chapter 53: Gambling gun one


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"Oh, what are you betting on?"

Feng Luozheng was feeling a little bored, but he did not refuse this recreational provocation.

"Each person shoots ten ordinary bullets, and the target is the group of level 25 sea eagles in the sky. One point is awarded for injuring one, two points for killing one, and the total score is calculated at the end."

The Black Panther stretched out one hand to take out his sniper rifle, and opened the palm of his other hand, revealing a handful of yellow bullets.

"I see that you have spent a lot of time practicing the sky since you got on the ship. This gambling method is not taking advantage of you."

"What's the jackpot?"

Feng Luo looked up at the sky. About a hundred meters behind their cruise ship, there was a group of large seabirds that were dark blue with gray feathers, bald necks, and a wingspan of more than one meter.

This monster named "Sea Vulture" has the same eating habits as the birds with similar names on the earth's land and plateaus, and likes to eat carrion as food.

Of course, this kind of dead meat not only includes some fish that died on the sea, but also includes human corpses...

The gray sea area is extremely dangerous, but there are often players who go deep into it to complete tasks or hunt for treasures. Then many people will be killed by monsters, and then these sea eagles will have a chance to wait for a delicious meal.

Even if they encounter a lone boat or player, they will take the initiative to attack, using their sharp claws and sharp hooked beaks to cook their favorite ingredients.


A blue-black magazine was placed on the table by Black Panther.

"[Electromagnetic armor-piercing bullets (D-level ammunition)], increase the damage to mechanical monsters by 15%, and have a certain chance of causing electromagnetic interference effects when hitting."

This is a very restrictive special ammunition. It is mainly used to deal with mechanical monsters. Because of the special structure inside the bullet, the explosion after hitting will produce an interference effect similar to an electromagnetic field, thus causing a "short circuit" of mechanical monsters. .

Mechanical monsters are different from ordinary biological monsters. They do not have a health bar themselves, and their core components need to be destroyed before they can be "killed".

But generally speaking, the core components of mechanical creatures will be strictly protected and cannot be directly attacked.

And if you use electromagnetic armor-piercing projectiles and attack them when they cause interference, you can destroy their cores relatively easily.

Therefore, although the restrictions are relatively large, due to its special targeting, the market price of this electromagnetic armor-piercing bullet is almost 70 credit points per round. Although this 20-round magazine is not expensive, it is not easy to obtain.


So Feng Luo agreed, and then took out the M110 from his backpack, and at the same time threw a magazine full of bullets on the table.

Incendiary armor-piercing bullets are also D-level special ammunition. Although the cost is lower because he made them himself, if he were to sell them, they would definitely cost more than 50 credits per round.

"Yo. Bet, I like it!"

At this time, Big Pineapple, who was looking around idly, suddenly became interested when he saw the situation between Feng Luo and the two of them.

"Come on, come on, the odds are open, the odds are open. The ultimate showdown between the two snipers on our ship, who will win and who loses. Bet on the black panther, you will get 1.5 for 1, and you will get 2 for 1 on this handsome guy. , 1 pays 5 for a draw, don’t miss it if you pass by!”

Before Feng Luo and the other two had a betting fight, he quickly set up a place for betting with something on the table, and then loudly greeted the rest of the people around him.

The Black Panther had a cold face and frowned but did not have an attack. Instead, he lowered his head and quickly made final inspections and adjustments on the sniper rifle in his hand.

Feng Luo had a helpless smile on his face.

The look of the big pineapple reminded him of a guy he had among his companions when he was a mercenary. He was a black brother from Ethiopia. His favorite thing was gambling, but he lost almost every time.

He lost all the dollars and euros he earned from missions with his head above his crotch to others. Sometimes he even had to borrow money to buy cigarettes.

But loser still loses, the person is still very happy all day long, smiles often, that's why his teeth are white.

In fact, for mercenaries who may not necessarily survive tomorrow, gambling is indeed one of the best ways to vent their anger.

As for the other way, hey!

Big Pineapple's gambling game attracted Bing Liuli and the other three people on the deck. They probably felt too idle, so they placed bets with great interest.

But what surprised him was that several NPC crew members also gathered around and dropped some common federal banknotes and energy crystals equivalent to credit points on the table.

From this point, we can see that the NPC AI in "War Chronicles" is indeed very realistic.

"Okay, the betting money has been counted! Well, buddy, it seems that they don't think much of you? But I can accept players buying themselves. If you buy yourself, you can lose 2 for 1, and if you buy a draw, you can directly earn four times. ”

Big Pineapple winked at Feng Luo and said in an encouraging tone.

Feng Luo looked at the table in front of him and found that almost all the gambling money was on the side representing the Black Panther, and on his side, there were only two crumpled federal banknotes.

This also means that if Black Panther wins in the end, Big Pineapple will suffer a heavy loss, so he wants to encourage Feng Luo to bet on him.

Of course, if Feng Luo was "brainless" and chose "draw", Big Pineapple would definitely be even happier.

Don't forget that the odds are 5 to 1, but the chance of a draw between two snipers with ten bullets is really low.

Unless Feng Luo was far more powerful than Black Panther and deliberately tied the score, it was almost impossible to do this in this bumpy sea where shooting depended largely on luck.

Moreover, it can be seen from the odds and betting that Big Pineapple, other players, and even NPCs are more optimistic about the Black Panther.

Mainly because Black Panther looks much stronger than Feng Luo in terms of equipment and level.

"All right."

Feng Luo smiled, took out two translucent D-level energy crystals (Silver Crystal: worth 1,000 credits) that exuded a light silver luster from his backpack and placed them on his side.

If no one bets, just bet yourself.

"OK, the bet is placed, you can start."

Big Pineapple said with a wide smile on his face.

"Wait a moment!"

Black Panther made a cold sound, and then threw an energy crystal onto the table.

This is a completely transparent and rather colorless energy crystal. Its surface reflects colorful luster under the sunlight, giving it a gorgeous beauty like a diamond.

C-level energy crystals, also known as "diamond crystals", are worth 10,000 credits each.

"Damn it! Brother, what you are doing is wrong... Small bets make you happy, but big bets are harmful to your health. Why don't you take it back..."

Big Pineapple's face fell, and he looked very painful.

However, the Black Panther ignored him, instead raised the sniper rifle in his hand and asked Feng Luo in a cold voice.

"Are you ready?"


Feng Luo held up the M110 and looked at the group of sea eagles in the sky through the scope.

From his position, he could clearly see the wings of these sea vultures spread out to about 1.5-6 meters, with dark blue mixed with gray feathers, black claws with sharp hooks, and beaks with dead flesh remaining. .

In addition, in the field of vision, a row of data was clearly brushed across.

"Sea vulture, a level 25 ordinary creature, predicted HP 1500. Muzzle distance: 105.42M; moving speed: 15M/S..."

The first few lines of words have not changed, but data such as distance and movement speed are constantly changing.

This is the "automatic recognition and calculation" function in the attributes of the "Thunder Eye" scope. Compared with the original M110 scope, the data display is undoubtedly more accurate and intuitive.

The most important thing is its HP prediction function. Although this prediction is not accurate, it is only an approximate HP estimate based on the database and the opponent's equipment, but it has a good reference value.

Especially in single-player PK, it is extremely useful.

"Okay, I'll go first. One shot per person, aim for ten seconds at most!"

Black Panther said solemnly, the sniper rifle in his hand had been raised diagonally towards the sky, aiming at the group of sea eagles in the sky.

Five seconds later…


A bullet came out of the chamber and hit the wing of a larger sea vulture a few tenths of a second later.


The sea vulture let out a shrill scream, and its body was first carried diagonally by the force of the bullet for several meters before falling downwards. However, after falling for more than ten meters, it flew diagonally with its wings that were bleeding continuously. got up.

"Hit, but no kill. Score one!"

Big Pineapple held up a military telescope in his hand as a judge, and when he saw the situation, he raised a finger and said.

The sea eagle's level is only 25, and its HP is only 1,500 on average. With the effect of the sniper rifle, if it hits the vital point, it will definitely be killed with one shot.

The Black Panther's shot only hit the edge of one of its wings, so the damage caused was not fatal.

However, the AI of these sea eagles didn't seem to be very high. After their companions were hit, they not only showed no intention of escaping, but instead flew down towards the cruise ship, shouting "croak" and flapping their wings crazily.

But when it flew to about a hundred meters, it was afraid of the large number of players below, and obviously did not dare to rush down. It only dared to circle around the top of the cruise ship and scream.

"now you!"

Black Panther put down his gun and said to Feng Luo calmly.

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