Fatal Shot

Chapter 64: Pirates Six


The speed of the pirate ship modified from a warship was much faster than that of the Gray Wing, so after a few dozen seconds, it had already entered the range of 1,250 meters.

This was already the range of the m110, but Feng Luo was not in a hurry to take action.

Because he is not yet sure how high the AI of these pirates is. If they are like the rebels who will make correct tactical responses once they are attacked and evade them all immediately, they will not be able to eliminate many pirates even if they have sniper rifles. .

Therefore, it is best to wait until the pirate ship has entered the range of the Black Panther before shooting. In this case, two people can snipe at the same time and kill as many pirates as possible before the other party hides.

After waiting for another two minutes, these pirates finally entered a distance of one thousand meters.

"It's time to start fighting!"

Feng Luo squatted on the ground, raising his sniper rifle and aiming at the first target.


The m110 made a dull gunshot, and a D-class explosive armor-piercing bullet pierced the chamber and flew towards the pirate ship.

The primary target is the Pirate Master!


The captain of the level 44 pirate water control division was shot in the chest, and a white damage number appeared on his head.

The effect of increasing the limit shooting to 80% is immediate. This shot is so far away and has no weak point damage, but it still hits a value of more than 1,100 points!

Moreover, the ignition effect of the explosive armor-piercing projectile was triggered, immediately igniting the energy robe of the pirate water controller, and continuous "-50" burning words appeared on his head!

Following the first shot, the second burst of armor-piercing bullets also rushed out of the muzzle of the gun. The interval between the two bullets was only 1.5 seconds.

However, Feng Luo underestimated the pirate leader. After being shot, the pirate water master's reaction was not to slap the energy robe that caught fire on his body, but the staff in his hand flashed and immediately removed a light blue translucent protective shield. Put it on.


The second incendiary armor-piercing projectile was blocked by the water shield, and the captain of the pirate control division had quickly retreated behind a bunker.

"The AI is very high, it's a little difficult now!"

Feng Luo frowned slightly. He originally wanted to kill the pirate controller instantly. After all, although he was an elite monster of more than 40 levels, as a humanoid monster, his health volume was not high. Without opening his shield, he would probably be able to do it with just two shots. Chance to kill.

But looking at it now, these pirates are undoubtedly similar to the elite captains of the rebel army. They have a moderate level of AI and their combat awareness is not even lower than that of ordinary players.

Because after the water controller was shot, the light-armored warrior pirate captain immediately lowered himself to hide. Even the three pirate leaders "Scarface" quickly raised a shield from the deck and put himself and his officer's hat on The big pirate leaders blocked it together.

The plan to "capture the thief first, capture the king" was immediately ruined!

However, fortunately, not all humanoid monsters have such high AI. After all, the computing power of the game master brain is limited. Generally speaking, only leader-level humanoid monsters or advanced NPCs truly have intelligence similar to that of humans.

Like those ordinary pirates, their reactions were obviously a bit clumsy. Although they saw the actions of several leaders, they did not immediately follow them and evade them. Instead, many of them were still standing on the deck holding up their weapons and shouting.

After thinking about it, Feng Luo temporarily gave up his plan to kill the pirate leader, and instead focused on dealing with these ordinary pirates.

The level of these pirate minions is only over 30, and their equipment's defense and HP are not very high. The modified m110 has reached an attack coefficient of "d" and an attack power of over 600. Even without using double armor-piercing bullets, it can easily penetrate their defense and kill with one shot.



The m110 continuously fires, and on average every three shots can kill an ordinary pirate.

Three shots per shot may seem a bit slow, but you must know that this is a sniper kill at about a thousand meters, and both sides are on a rocking ship.

At this distance, it takes a second for the photon bullet to fly to its destination after it exits the chamber, so this efficiency is already extremely high.

And apart from him, Black Panther's attacks have never stopped. His sniper rifle has higher attack power when paired with special bullets. As long as the bullet hits, he will be absolutely killed.

The pirates on the deck fell one after another. In less than a minute, Feng Luo had killed nine pirates with snipers.

However, just when Feng Luo set his target on a new pirate henchman and was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly felt something swinging past his eyes, and then he felt a heavy impact on his left shoulder.



There was a burning pain on the shoulder, and the whole arm went numb for a while. The newly put on level 40 excellent quality combat uniform with good defense was penetrated by a bullet, leaving a black hole.


Feng Luo gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and his body immediately rolled to one side quickly.


An armor-piercing round hit his original position, leaving a bullet hole in the metal bulkhead.

It was obvious that the second leader of the pirates, whom Feng Luo had never found, was a sniper hiding in the dark, and he was a sniper with a strong attack power.

Now the distance between the two sides is still more than 800 meters, and one shot can deal more than 1540 points of damage. If it hits his vital point, it may even kill him instantly.

Of course, the chance of this is not very high. After all, after equipping the Glory Badge, his HP is a full 3,700 points.

"Lao Feng, what's wrong?"

Big Pineapple, who was standing with a shield on one side, didn't react for a while, but his reaction was not slow. He immediately raised the alloy shield and blocked both of them.

"There is a sniper among the pirates, and he is also an elite monster. He is estimated to be level 45 or above!"

Feng Luo felt the pain on his shoulder slowly disappear. Fortunately, he was not hit by the disability effect, otherwise he would not be able to shoot for a while.

"Damn, it's so troublesome!"

Big Pineapple's face was wrinkled, probably finding this situation really annoying.

"I have to replenish my blood first!"

Feng Luo was about to take out the blood tonic.

"Let me do it!"

The white crescent moon man had already reached the two of them, stretched out his hand and patted a blood replenishing bag on Feng Luo's body.

Feng Luo only felt a warm feeling, flowing from the position where the blood replenishing pack was close to his body to his whole body, and his blood volume, which had dropped by less than half, suddenly returned to full value.

Bai Yueya kept throwing two more medicine packages at Feng Luo's body.

Seeing that his attack power had increased a little due to the bonus of agility, and his blood volume had exceeded the 4,000 mark, Feng Luo sighed in his heart, having a doctor makes a difference.


At this time, there was another sound of bullets entering flesh, and a muffled groan from the Black Panther came from the team channel.

Apparently, he was also shot by a pirate sniper.
