Fatal Shot

Chapter 66: Pirates VIII


"Pirate leader!"

Black Panther said in the team channel, the meaning is very clear.

"That heavy-armored warrior is also an elite monster. His shield is probably not easy to break!" Feng Luo replied.

"I have C-level 'energy armor-piercing bullets' that can 100% destroy defenses below C-level. Even if his shield is thick enough, two or three bullets should be enough!" Black Panther said solemnly.


Feng Luo had to admit that if you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

As an expert ammunition expert, he certainly knows that this [energy armor-piercing bullet], in addition to its extremely powerful destructive power, also has a 20% increase in attack power and an additional 100 points of non-attribute energy damage. It can be said that this kind of bullet is one of the top types among C-level ammunition.

Moreover, this thing cannot be purchased in the store at all, and I have not heard of any real-life players who can make it. It can only be obtained from some ruins before the great destruction or through missions.

At an auction not long ago, a total of 300 rounds of "energy armor-piercing bullets" were auctioned for as high as 150,000 credit points, with an average price of 500 credit points per round.

Black Panther used such expensive bullets to deal with monsters before. This was no longer an ordinary luxury. No wonder he had shattered the bulletproof glass of the assault boat with two shots before.


Feng Luo agreed decisively, since it was not his bullets and money that were wasted anyway.

"Then I attack!"

The Black Panther said something, and the sniper rifle in his hand pointed at "Scarface"'s shield and fired with a bang.

The next moment, Feng Luo clearly saw through the sniper scope that a blue light flashed on the black alloy shield that blocked the muzzle of their guns, and a dent the size of a washbasin appeared. At the same time, the entire shield shook heavily.



Due to the impact of the bullet on the shield, a damage value of more than 400 appeared on Scarface's head. (Note: The shield does not completely prevent damage, it just greatly reduces the damage!)

Before the Scarface pirate could react, Black Panther's next bullet had already been fired, with less than a second between them.

Obviously, he has activated skills such as "rapid shooting", which greatly increases the shooting speed of the sniper rifle.

The second bullet hit the left half of the shield, which was slightly different from the first bullet, but the effect was equally significant. The two bullets significantly deformed the originally seemingly indestructible alloy shield.



There was a flash of blue light, and Black Panther's third bullet hit the center of the shield again.

This time, a hole the size of a fist was blasted directly into the center of the sunken shield. The bullet penetrated the shield and knocked out more than a thousand points of blood from the three pirate leaders.


Feng Luo also fired. The situation required that he also activated the "rapid shooting" skill. The m110 in his hand fired double armor-piercing rounds at a rate of less than one shot per second.


The alloy shield, which had been severely damaged by energy armor-piercing bullets, had obviously lost a lot of defense. Feng Luo's bullet successfully penetrated the shield and caused secondary damage to the three pirate leaders.

Both of them activated the "Rapid Fire" skill, and both used special bullets. Even Scarface, a level 45 elite heavy armor warrior, couldn't resist, so he hurriedly raised his shield to cover the pirate leader. Rear cabin retreat.

However, under Feng Lu and Black Panther's rapid fire regardless of cost, even a heavily armored warrior with more than 9,000 HP could resist for up to five or six seconds when his shield was broken.

Five or six seconds was only enough to retreat to the door of the cabin. Under the attack of Black Panther's new "energy armor-piercing bullet", all the health of the second pirate leader was wiped out.

["Kill the three pirate leaders 'Scarface' (level 45 elite), contribution 27%. Experience gained: 270.]

The system prompts that there are only experience rewards, and no credit points or merit points. Obviously because Scarface was hit by the Black Panther for the final blow, the system determined that the wanted mission should be completed by him.

However, although "Scarface", a heavily armored warrior, has fallen, the pirate leader "One-Eyed Dragon" is only a few steps away from the cabin.

At this distance, the two of them only have a chance to fire one shot at most.

With one shot per person, the chances of killing the pirate leader, whose HP is estimated to be about 5,000, are really slim.

“After all, there were some mistakes!”

Feng Luo sighed in his heart, mainly because the two of them had missed a bullet before, so Scarface delayed him for more than a second.

There are only two shots left. If you want to turn into an elite monster and have a 5000hp "One-Eyed Dragon" in seconds, the chance is really slim.

However, even if there is little hope, give it a try!


When he pulled the trigger of the m110 again, Feng Luo suddenly felt the barrel of the m110 in his hand shake slightly. The newly shot bullet seemed a little different from the previous one.

If you look at it from a God's perspective, you can see that the double armor-piercing bullet fired at the pirate leader is covered with a layer of blue-white energy that is constantly flashing, like thunder.




The pirate leader who was about to rush into the cabin suddenly froze when he was hit by this bullet. His body that was running staggered and fell to the ground as if he had lost control.

["Your attack triggers the 'electricity' effect, causing 1,000 points of electrical energy damage and the 'electric shock' special effect to the pirate leader (level 49 elite)."]

A reminder suddenly flashed through the system, making Feng Luo slightly startled.

It has to be said that Feng Luo himself almost forgot that the m110, which has two Thunder Eye parts, has obtained an incomplete rare attribute "2% chance of having electric current effect".

Just because the one-in-fifty chance was really low, Feng Luo fired so many shots today, but none of them were triggered, so even he selectively ignored this special attribute.

Unexpectedly, at this most critical moment, it would be triggered on the most suitable person!

The pirate leader was in an "electrocuted" state, his body was numb and numb, and he was unable to move for a while.

And the consequences of such a state are undoubtedly fatal!



There was a flash of blue light, and the Black Panther's attack had arrived. The powerful destructive power of the C-class energy armor-piercing bullet directly penetrated the pirate leader's combat uniform, causing a yellow weak point damage.

However, it is worthy of being a level 49 elite monster. As a humanoid monster, it has not died even after losing more than 4,500 points of blood. There is even a pirate with a healing box in his hand who hastily delivered a health pack to the big pirate on the ground. The leader threw it.

But it was a step too late.

When "rapid shooting" is turned on, the interval between Feng Luo's next attack is less than one second.



A white damage of less than 500 is enough to take away the last HP of the pirate leader.

["Kill the pirate leader 'One-Eyed Dragon' (level 49 elite), contribution 55%. Gain experience: 1100. Kill the federal D-class wanted criminal, reward 10,000 credit points, 4 merit points, please go to the Hunter Guild to receive the credit points. ”]

At this point, all three pirate leaders have been wiped out!

However, the distance between the pirate ship and the cruise ship has also crossed the range of 600 meters, which means that it has entered the shooting range of the electromagnetic machine gun.

The pirate minions who had been huddled behind the cabin and bunker were actually ready to move at this time, sneaking their heads out from everywhere, and one even sneakily climbed onto the 40mm three-tube mechanism placed above the cabin. gun.