Fatal Shot

Chapter 67: Pirate nine




The pirate who had climbed onto the close-in defense gun had already touched the joystick with his hand, and just as a triumphant smile appeared on his face, an armor-piercing bullet with a light blue luster pierced his throat.

It has to be said that the system actually leaves a lot of room for players to deal with.

At least the heavy weapons on the pirate ship were not installed in bulletproof transparent glass or heavy armor. Instead, they were in places that could be attacked by long-range skills and bullets.

Feng Luo and Black Panther, keeping a close eye on the location of the heavy weapons, took the opportunity to kill several pirates who wanted to touch the heavy weapons. In addition, the total number of pirates eliminated in the previous waves was added to the number. It should have reached more than fifty.

But the remaining pirates seemed to have become smarter at this time.

Suddenly his head no longer showed up, leaving them without any gains in the next few minutes.

The pirate's "honesty" gave Feng Luo a bad feeling in his heart.

The distance between the two ships is constantly getting closer, gradually changing from 600 meters to 500 meters to 400 meters.

Sure enough, when the distance between the two sides narrowed to about 350 meters, a dozen or twenty pirates holding 47s suddenly rushed out of the cabin and bunker, picked up their weapons and started shooting in this direction.

"Ta, ta, ta"

Nearly twenty guns were aimed at this side and fired at the same time. The firepower of the pirates was definitely not inferior to that of three machine guns shooting at the same time. Even if the accuracy was very poor from 300 meters away, it could not block too many bullets.

"302, 317, 285"

Feng Luo's body was hit by many shots in an instant.

If the damage of the assault rifle was not limited like that of the machine gun, and the distance of more than 300 meters was in the damage attenuation zone of the assault rifle bullet, he would probably have been knocked out of half of his health.

There was obviously a scout profession among the pirates. The bullets fired by these dozen pirates were almost always aimed at him and the Black Panther!

Fortunately, Big Pineapple was right next to Feng Luo. He immediately moved his body to one side and blocked him completely with the alloy shield in his hand.

"47, 56, 69"

The 47 bullets that could knock out more than 300 Feng Luo's health could only do less than three-digit damage when Black Panther held up a shield, but there were so many bullets that even a big pineapple couldn't resist it.

"Hurry back and get in, we won't be able to stop you!"

The big pineapple was holding an alloy shield, and the damage numbers on his head were pouring out like rain. His body, which was not very tall at first, was beaten back continuously by the powerful impact.

If it weren't for the high defense coefficient of his shield and the generally low attack coefficients of submachine guns and assault rifles, his shield would definitely be damaged by so many bullets like the previous heavily armored pirate warrior!

Feng Luo could see through the team channel that the Black Panther's health quickly dropped to less than one-fifth in two seconds. Fortunately, the white crescent moon was right behind him, and he immediately gave him a pack of blood replenishing agent. A lot of blood was drawn back.

Then several people no longer dared to stay outside the ship, and immediately ran into the cabin.

"They counterattacked so suddenly! These guys."

Big Pineapple was breathing heavily, feeling a little distressed when he saw the alloy shield that had been shot with many craters.

His shield is an excellent piece of equipment with a perfect rating of level 46. Its attributes are even better than some rare shields. After being beaten like this, not only the defense power has dropped a lot, but the repair cost is estimated to be several thousand credits.

Before we reach the target location, we will have to bleed a lot. The commission of 200,000 yuan is really not easy to get.

Listening to the sound of bullets hitting the bulkheads and railings of the cruise ship outside like rain, Feng Luo felt a little embarrassed after slapping a pack of blood replenishing agent on his body.

"The plan can't keep up with the change, what should I do now?"

No one expected that the pirates would have such a trick, and a sudden large-scale counterattack completely seized the opportunity.

The pirates who now control the electromagnetic machine guns and close-in defense guns have completely controlled the situation. Anyone who goes out will definitely be killed by direct fire with bullets.

In the team channel, White Crescent Moon was still healing Black Panther, and Neutron Star was with them. He had blocked Black Panther before, and his health had dropped by nearly half.

Only the Red Queen and Bing Liuli remained silent, not knowing what they were doing.

"Hey, the ship seems to be turning?"

Big Pineapple suddenly said a little doubtfully.


Feng Luo was stunned and felt carefully. It was indeed that the ship was turning and seemed to have a tendency to turn around.

"What are you doing? Is that woman in red planning to send our ship towards the pirate ship?" Big Pineapple shouted.

The only one who can order the captain is the Red Queen, her employer. The current situation looks like the Red Queen decided to turn the cruise ship to face the pirate ship, and then directly engage the pirates.

This is obviously not the right decision.

"Oh, Red, what are you doing?" Big Pineapple shouted in the team channel.

But the Red Queen didn't answer at all, and Bing Liuli who was with her didn't speak either.

There was no response, the two looked at each other and simply ran along the cabin towards the bow of the ship.

"Hey, Lao Feng, look!"

Halfway through the run, Big Pineapple pointed in one direction in surprise.

"What are these two women doing?"

Feng Luo looked over and saw that the Red Queen and Bing Liuli were standing together. One red and one white robes were covered with translucent energy shields, and the tops of the staffs in their hands were shining with concentrated energy.

The two of them were located on the inside of a viewing platform on the left side of the ship. The bullets fired by the pirates were blocked by the bulkhead and could not hit them.

But because the ship is turning, their position will soon be exposed to the pirates' sight.

"I understand this is a very smart method, but it's a bit troublesome."

Feng Luo nodded, already understanding the Red Queen's intention.

The distance between the two ships is now within three hundred meters, which is already within the range that the controller can attack.

Snipers who attack single targets can be suppressed because they need time to output, but controllers with large-scale attacks only need one skill to cause huge damage.

It's just that the special large-scale skills of the master require a long time to be guided, and during this process, active movement is not possible, and visual observation is required to determine the release position.

But in the current situation, no one dares to go out and use skills directly, because the outside is completely full of bullets.

So the two of them came up with a very creative method.

It is true that people cannot move, but boats can move!

First, stand on the side of the cruise ship, guide the skills while controlling the steering of the cruise ship, and then release the skills when they have enough vision to turn their position to the direction of the pirate ship.

And because the initial shooting angle is blocked by the ship wall, there is no need to worry about being hit by the pirate ship's heavy weapons during the guidance period.

I have to say that this idea is very interesting. Using a cruise ship to unleash a big move is similar to Feng Luo's usual style of playing games that likes to take advantage of the environment.

However, once they have vision, the pirates will also notice them, and there will definitely be pirates shooting at them. How to solve this problem

Obviously, the Red Queen would not fail to consider this issue.

As the ship gradually turned sideways, Bing Liuli's skill guidance had been completed first. A waterfall-like water flow rose from the sea below them, lying between them and the pirate ship.

Water Control Master’s level 30 skill, Water Curtain!

Unlike most skills, the skill attribute of Water Curtain is very special.

It has no attack ability at all, but its long-range flying attack will greatly reduce the damage caused by bullets and skills. And the higher the skill level, the wider the water curtain will become. Face it haha

At the same time, the water curtain has the effect of seriously interfering with reconnaissance skills and reconnaissance instruments, and because the effect of sea water skills is nearly doubled, the water curtain guided by the ice glass is almost five meters high.

The pirates on the opposite side naturally noticed the sudden appearance of the "water curtain", but with their eyesight, they could only shoot indiscriminately without being able to see behind the water curtain.

Such shooting naturally poses no great threat to Red Queen and Bing Liuli. Even if they are hit by sporadic bullets, the damage will be absorbed by the energy shield.

Five seconds later, the pirates who were shooting randomly looked at the sky with panicked expressions.

Because, the ultimate move that the Red Queen is guiding is an area-of-effect skill with terrifying attack power, the fire master's level 40 ultimate move "Meteor Fire Rain!"

The expert-level meteor shower has a cooling time of less than ten minutes.

And its power has been verified by the pirates on the speedboat before!

The pirates discovered in panic that the sky above their heads suddenly darkened, and then more than a dozen fireballs with black smoke and countless floating sparks fell one after another. Almost half of the pirate ship was enveloped in the meteor shower. Inside.

And compared to the previous assault boats, the distance between the two ships was even closer at this time, less than two hundred meters.

Any fireball with black smoke in the sky falls down, and the number "1500" appears on the head of the pirate hit by it, and the accompanying 100 burning effect makes the pirate continue to lose blood. .

Even the deck made of special materials with fireproof capabilities was roasted to the point where puffs of smoke emitted.

The pirates on the deck no longer cared about shooting. They all looked frightened and shouted to avoid the rain of death fire from the sky.

Throwing this skill of the Red Queen, at least the lives of no less than twenty pirate minions were harvested, which was no less than the result of Feng Luo and Black Panther's previous sniping for so long.

I have to admit that only machine gunners and fire masters are qualified for the honor of being the truly violent professions in War Chronicles.

The pirate ship, which had approached about 150 meters, suddenly sounded a siren, then quickly adjusted its hull and steered away from the side of the cruise ship.

"Have you reached 75%?" Big Pineapple asked.

"We killed three elite leaders, so the ratio should be less than 75%. Alas, never mind, the pirates have been dealt with, I have to rest for a while." Feng Luo replied.

To be honest, he felt that this battle was indeed quite tiring.

Don't think that sniping is an easy task. On such a bumpy ship, every shot requires calculation of data such as wind speed and distance, and you also need to concentrate on finding the "feel". After this continuous battle with the pirates, Feng Luo felt even more tired than taking on the wanted mission to hunt down famous players.

Finally, these pirates have retreated, which means that a major hurdle in this mission has been passed.

You should be able to reach Silver Leaf Island directly.
