Fatal Shot

Chapter 68: Silver Leaf Island


"Is this Silver Leaf Island?"

Because they deviated from some planned routes while being chased by pirates, Feng Luo and the others arrived at Silver Moon Island at one o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun was blazing almost in the middle, making the sea breeze blowing across the deck feel hot.

Feng Luo looked at the island that was named because it looked like a leaf on the map from a distance, and found that it was covered with various tropical trees, and some birds flew from it from time to time. In the middle of the island, There is a large jungle.

The map shows that the island is quite large, with a length of at least ten kilometers and a width of about five kilometers. The former S-53 military base is in the central area that is now surrounded by tropical jungle.

"Ah, we're finally here!"

The NPC white scientist Eke, who had been locked in the cabin for more than a day, and his seventeen-year-old girl assistant named Lin finally revealed their mysterious faces.

Two people, each holding a silver box in their hands, stood on the deck, looking at the island not far away with excited expressions on their faces.

"Change the ship!"

After walking around the island for a while, we found that there was no suitable place for the cruise ship to dock, so the Red Queen decided to land directly in a small boat.

A total of seven players and two NPC scientists, plus five hired NPC crew members carrying submachine guns, got off the cruise ship and took turns taking three hovercrafts to sail to Silver Leaf Island.

As for the remaining five NPC crew members who were still capable of fighting, they stayed on the cruise ship to guard the ship.

Fourteen people were divided into three hovercrafts. When they were about to dock, Feng Luo suddenly discovered that something was wrong with the situation on the beach in front of them.

On the beach that should have been flat and smooth due to the impact of the rising and falling tides of the sea all year round, there are fist-sized depressions in many places. Although they don't look very eye-catching, they are very strange.

"Don't go up yet. Why are there so many pits on the beach? There might be monsters hiding there?" Feng Luo reminded.

"Well, attack!"

The Red Queen reacted quickly and immediately said to the NPC crew member on the first hovercraft.

The reason for calling NPC crew members instead of players is naturally to consider that if there is real danger, it will not cause a loss of players, because monsters will usually fight back against those who attack them.


The NPC scout was very obedient and immediately raised the submachine gun in his hand and fired a series of bullets on the beach!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The submachine gun bullets fell on the beach, making small craters and causing the sand to fly up to a height of more than one meter.


Sure enough, after the bullet passed, a sudden change occurred.

From those pits, palm-sized monsters that were almost the same color as the sand but had a pair of small black eyes and a brown tail quickly crawled out.

"Mutated sand scorpion (species number: chV-20765), level 40 monster, hp 1500. Skills: Burrowing, neurotoxin!"

An NPC crew member used the reconnaissance skill and reported the results quickly. The data obtained by the scout's probing skills and instruments was much more detailed than the Thunder Eye sniper scope.

"Fortunately I didn't walk up there rashly!"

The level of ordinary monsters at level 40 is not very high, but it should be noted that these scorpions only have 1500 HP points. A monster with such little HP is actually as high as level 40, which is 100% special.

According to the detected data, it is likely that its skill "neurotoxin" is very dangerous.

It is not difficult to make this judgment, so the staff in the Red Queen's hand has begun to glow.

The flames in the sky are burning, and it is still a move "Meteor Fire Rain"!

Looking at the dozens of red and black fireballs rolling down in the sky, Feng Luo had to admit that using his ultimate move whenever a situation arises is really the best way to increase his skill proficiency.

It is estimated that the expensive MP recovery potions and the energy crystals consumed by using skills are just inconspicuous credit points in the eyes of others.

No wonder people can master their level 40 skills to expert level so quickly.

The scope of the meteor shower covered most of the beach, and as the fireballs from the sky continued to fall, the burning flames "barbecued" the entire beach.

Although these sand scorpions can hide underground, they have nowhere to hide in a situation where even the sand is baked and discolored.

The mutated sand scorpions twisted and rolled in the flames one by one, with "-150" burning damage values on their heads. Before the skills were all finished, many of the sand scorpions in the center of the skills had even been roasted.

"Roasted scorpion, it tastes good, but I don't know if the meat is poisonous!"

Smelling the smell emanating from the beach, Big Pineapple actually showed a bit of greed on his face.

The meat of many monsters in "War Chronicles" is edible. You only need to use specific collection actions to let the system determine that you want to collect ingredients, and the cut ingredients can be stored for a long time.

Even life players with a chef profession can use these ingredients to prepare food that increases attributes within a certain period of time.

However, when it comes to scorpion meat, at least most players don't have the guts to try it.

Obviously disgusted by the thought of eating scorpion meat, White Crescent Moon frowned and shouted to Big Pineapple.

"You're so disgusting!"

"Hey! What's so disgusting? Let me tell you, scorpion meat is actually very delicious. In fact, the uglier the appearance and the more poisonous things are, the more delicious they are, such as snake meat, spiders, centipedes, bees... There is also a fish called pufferfish in this game.”

Big Pineapple was not ashamed, but proudly listed more rare ingredients.

Bing Liuli and Bai Yueya turned pale after what he said, and Neutron Star and Red Queen were obviously uncomfortable with it. Only Black Panther and Feng Luo's expressions did not change.

Feng Luo had tried all these weird ingredients before, and even swallowed raw scorpion meat. He just imagined it in the game and found it unbearable.

The Black Panther has always had a sullen face with no visible expression. As a federal soldier, he would not miss this experience.

Finally, Big Pineapple finally shut up when the neutron star threatened to throw him directly from the ship into the water.

When the skill effect of Meteor Fire Rain completely disappeared, the mutant sand scorpions were all scorched and scattered on the beach. Beside them, there was a floor of shining crystals and some materials and items, and even a small shield used by lightly armored warriors.

The flames also made the beach extremely hot. The temperature was at least 80 or 90 degrees, making it impossible to land directly.

In the game, though, this isn't much of an inconvenience.

The staff in Bing Liuli's hand quickly condensed a stream of water energy, and then the water energy rose to the top of the beach, turning into a sheet of cold rain and falling down.

The water master’s level 25 range skill—extreme cold rain!

Rainwater with a temperature close to zero fell down, and it fell on the food that had been roasted to the point of losing its moisture. It was so hot that a large white mist appeared, and then it quickly cooled down.

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