Fatal Shot

Chapter 76: fish


In the S-53 military base.


The cold electronic synthesized sound of the mechanical octopus echoed in the hall.

A group of players in the hall below looked at each other.


The Red Queen said decisively in the team channel.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

As expected, the NPC crew did not hesitate at all to the Red Queen's order. They immediately raised their submachine guns and fired at the mechanical octopus with all their strength.

However, the effect was somewhat unsatisfactory. The bullets from the submachine gun hit the mechanical octopus and only scattered sparks, almost nothing at all. There were only some marks on the octopus's mechanical body full of metallic luster.

This is mainly because the attack coefficients of submachine guns and assault rifles in "War Chronicles" are lower than those of sniper rifles and machine guns. It is very difficult to face such mechanical monsters with extremely high physical defense.

Moreover, although these NPCs are over level 40, their equipment is average and their attack power is not high, so they cause very little damage to the mechanical octopus.


In comparison, the Black Panther's attack is much more obvious.

With one shot, a large piece of the mechanical octopus's alloy body collapsed, and because a member of the team attacked the mechanical octopus, everyone got some information about the octopus.

"ZY-55 Octopus Mechanical Guard: Level 55 (Elite)!"

A level 55 elite monster, and a mechanical creature that is very difficult to destroy. This is not an easy guy to deal with.


The mechanical octopus, which was originally counting down, immediately stopped counting after being attacked.

Then a layer of electromagnetic energy flashed across the body of the mechanical octopus, and the front ends of the eight mechanical tentacles shrank and deformed, revealing a high-speed rotating attack weapon similar to a drill.

"The intruder attacks the guard. According to Article 25 of the Guard Regulations, the procedure is to be 'eliminated'!"

When the two cold electronic synthesized sounds of "annihilate" came out, the two eyes of the mechanical octopus suddenly changed color, and two white laser beams came out from it and shot at everyone!



The Black Panther and the NPC crew member who first attacked were hit by the laser, and hundreds of damage values appeared above their heads at a rate of one jump every half second.

Fortunately, this kind of laser beam is a continuous damage, so they immediately ran to attack, using the support pillars in the hall as a cover as they ran.

Mechanical monsters feel no pain and cannot be angered by "shield blows", so the way to fight them is different from ordinary monsters.

Most mechanical lamp monsters will regard the person with the highest damage as the primary target, because the program will determine that the target is the most threatening, so after a player has caused high damage to it, he can run to attract its " Hate".

Of course, this is for general mechanical monsters.

In fact, many mechanical monsters above the elite level have multiple criteria for judgment. To deal with them, you need to choose tactics based on the actual situation.

Of course, the core method is to destroy the power core and computing chip. This is the way to "kill" the mechanical monster.


The staff in the Red Queen's hand glowed, and a fireball that gathered energy for five seconds hit the mechanical octopus and exploded on its head.

However, because the mechanical monster has no health and cannot bear burning damage, the Red Queen's high damage cannot be used in this case, and the attack effect is not great.


The body of the mechanical octopus jumped off the wall. Four of the eight mechanical tentacles supported the body and moved quickly. The lasers emitted from its two eyes were still chasing the Black Panther and the NPC crew member.

Its other four tentacles swung the drill weapon that was already rotating at high speed, and swung it at the other three NPC crew members who were running and firing, and the neutron star that was rushing over.

Obviously, its logical judgment is that long-range attacks deal with the most threatening enemies, while short-range attacks deal with the nearest enemies.


Feng Luo fired, and a double armor-piercing bullet hit the tentacle used by the mechanical octopus to attack the neutron star, knocking off a layer of the mechanical alloy on it, revealing the wires entwined inside.

Neutron Star's movements were very agile, and he directly bypassed the high-speed rotating drill at the tip of the tentacle. With a move of "Breakthrough Slash", a warrior's level 35 skill with extremely strong destructive ability, it hit the mechanical octopus's tentacle where it was hit by the wind-falling bullet.


A small part of the mechanical octopus's tentacles was cut off by Neutron Star's heavy sword, and after twisting on the ground a few times, it stopped moving.

"Threat assessment... promotion... elimination!"

The two red electronic eyes on the top of the mechanical octopus's head flickered with light. As soon as the direction of its head turned, the laser beam that was originally chasing the Black Panther and the first NPC crew member was directed at him and the Neutron Star.

"Depend on!"

Neutron Star cursed and quickly retreated to avoid the laser. Although he had more than 6,000 HP, he did not dare to face this kind of high-speed laser that dealt hundreds of damage twice a second.

The only person who dared to challenge was Big Pineapple, but he had to protect the two mission NPCs and did not dare to rush forward to join the battle.


After Feng Luo fired another shot, he quickly threw his body and hid behind a pillar that he had been watching for a long time.


The laser beam passed by, leaving a black mark on the silver floor.


An NPC crew member suddenly screamed.

While running, he tripped over something on the ground and fell to the ground. Then, the high-speed rotating drill at the front of the octopus's tentacles mercilessly drilled into his back and out of his chest!

The splattered blood and minced meat dyed the ground red, and combined with his screams before his death, Bai Yueyue and Bing Liuli turned pale. Even though they turned off their bloody vision, they knew from their imagination that this scene was ugly. .


Another NPC crew member yelled while running and shooting, because after killing a crew member, the mechanical octopus moved eight tentacles to chase him from behind and attack.


A bullet hit the chest of the mechanical octopus, knocking off a small piece of the alloy carapace. At the same time, after the hit, a blue light representing electromagnetism flashed on the bullet.

The tentacles of the mechanical octopus that had reached less than ten centimeters behind the NPC suddenly stopped!

Electromagnetic armor-piercing projectile.

The person who used this kind of bullet was the Black Panther who changed the bullet behind the pillar. This shot hit the outside of the core chip of the mechanical octopus and interfered with its operation.

"Disrupt for five seconds and focus your fire on its head!"

Black Panther roared in the team channel, turned on "rapid fire", and fired a series of electromagnetic armor-piercing bullets from the sniper rifle in his hand.


Feng Luo, Neutron Xing, Bing Liuli and Red Queen, as well as the remaining three NPC crew members, all smashed their output skills and bullets into the lower part of the mechanical octopus's head!

Even though the metal body of the mechanical monster is very hard, it cannot withstand many such intensive blows.

[Kill ZY-55 octopus-shaped mechanical guard (level 55 elite), contribution 4.5%, gain 225 experience!]

When Feng Luo and the others killed the elite mechanical octopus, Silver Moon Island and Feng Luo were on the same cruise ship, but they couldn't see each other because of the terrain.

A large assault boat rushed to the front of the beach in the wind and waves, with six players, five men and one woman sitting on it.

"Wait, don't go up yet!"

Just as he was preparing to land, he had a silver Deathbringer submachine gun hanging on his chest, and bullet marks from the "Blood Fang" spurs in his high-top combat boots. He stared at the reconnaissance instrument in his hand and shouted.

"There's a monster under the beach!"

"Little grass!"


Xiaocao, who was wearing a white doctor's uniform, took out a sprayer from the battlefield medical kit and sprayed a large amount of green poisonous mist on the beach.

Soon, a palm-sized sand scorpion crawling out of the pit on the beach was twisting and turning, and the words "-200" poisoning continued to appear above each one's head.

In just ten seconds, the beach was covered with the bodies of dead sand scorpions.

If Feng Luo saw this scene, he would understand why Xiaocao went to the Exile Town because of the red name last time.

It's unbelievable that such a powerful poison was administered by such a shy and weak little girl.

"Okay, let's go ashore!"

After confirming that all the scorpions on the beach had been dealt with, Bullet Trace said.

"According to the internal situation, the Dragon Song Mercenary Group has been preparing for this task for nearly a month. Once they complete it, we will be in an absolutely passive situation in Silver Moon City."

All six people went ashore, took out their equipment and prepared them, and glanced at several teammates with a solemn expression.

"On the other hand, if their mission can be destroyed, their hard work for so long will be in vain, which will be enough to relieve the current pressure on our guild to a great extent."

"They did a good job of keeping it secret this time. Insiders never knew the exact location of the mission. Only the ambush location we assigned was closest to here, so the guild asked us to try to delay them first. For up to two hours, the guild's People can get there, so please work harder!”


Standing over 1.9 meters tall, wearing the ultimate heavy armor of tall black alloy armor, Frozen Setting Sun holding a white sword in his hand, and Ion Lieyan wearing a flame energy robe.

As well as Tianyan, who looked a little careless as a sniper, and Xiaocao, who was carrying a medical kit, all five people nodded.